3 # This script installs the sort of things you expect on an Ubuntu
10 # Source the common functions
12 if [ -e /usr/lib/xen-tools/common.sh ]; then
13 . /usr/lib/xen-tools/common.sh
18 logMessage Script $0 starting
20 installDebianPackage ${prefix} ubuntu-minimal
21 installDebianPackage ${prefix} ubuntu-standard
23 # For Debian, there is no metapackage, but we can pull in the
24 # equivalent based on package priority
26 # (On Ubuntu Hardy, this will additionally pull in libdns32, libisc32,
27 # and nfs-common, which seems fairly benign
28 installDebianPackage ${prefix} aptitude
29 chroot ${prefix} aptitude -y install '~prequired|~pimportant|~pstandard'
34 logMessage Script $0 finished