# For a package which only configures another, "parent" package.
-# Global variable PARENTPACKAGE names parent; may be array
-# for zero or many parents.
+# Usage:
+# PACKAGE=short-name
+# GEN_FILES=(files to generate)
+# PARENTPACKAGE=(parent-package another-parent-package)
+# . /lib/init/config-init.sh
+# config_init "$1"
-# Global variable PACKAGE names this package, for log message.
+# PACKAGE - name to appear in log message
+# GEN_FILES - files to be generated with gen-files.sh
+# PARENTPACKAGE - packages to receive start, etc, commands passed through
-# Requires bash.
+# Global variables GEN_FILES, PARENTPACKAGE may be unset for zero
+# values, or scalars for one. If run under sh, they cannot be arrays.
. /lib/init/vars.sh
. /lib/lsb/init-functions
. /lib/init/gen-files.sh
+if [ $BASH_VERSION ]; then
+ handle_parents () {
+ for p in "${PARENTPACKAGE[@]}"; do
+ invoke-rc.d "$p" "$1"
+ done
+ }
+ handle_parents () {
+ if [ -n "$PARENTPACKAGE" ]; then
+ invoke-rc.d "$PARENTPACKAGE" "$1"
+ fi
+ }
config_init () {
case "$1" in
log_begin_msg "Reloading config for $PACKAGE"
log_end_msg $?
- for p in "${PARENTPACKAGE[@]}"; do
- /etc/init.d/"$p" "$1"
- done
+ handle_parents "$1"
- for p in "${PARENTPACKAGE[@]}"; do
- /etc/init.d/"$p" "$1"
- done
+ handle_parents "$1"
log_success_msg "Usage: /etc/init.d/$PACKAGE {start|reload|force-reload|restart|stop}"