Add code to invirt-reload to de-duplicate multiple invocations. (LP: #439426)
[invirt/packages/invirt-base.git] / files / etc / apt / sources.list.d /
2009-12-17  Greg BrockmanReverted r2613 and started a new hvirt branch on the...
2009-12-17  Greg BrockmanRemoved debathena from sources.list.d; deleted the...
2009-12-16  Evan BroderStop installing a sources.list.d file for XVM's apt... 0.0.27
2009-04-26  Evan BroderIn invirt-base: 0.0.25
2009-01-30  Greg Pricefix whitespace in debathena.list
2008-11-15  Evan BroderUpdate apt sources list for prod 0.0.12
2008-10-26  Greg Pricelook in /invirt as apt repo URI rather than /sipb-xen 0.0.1
2008-10-26  Greg Pricesipb-xen-base -> invirt-base
2008-10-02  Evan BroderUse Hardy's Debathena sipb-xen-base/8.22
2008-10-02  Greg Priceupdate sources.list.d file for prod and hardy sipb-xen-base/8.21
2008-08-22  Sam HartmanInclude openafs component
2008-07-20  Greg Priceleave out debathena-system so we get only the packages... sipb-xen-base/8.2
2008-07-20  Greg Pricesipb-xen-base: include debathena to make stuff like... sipb-xen-base/8.1
2008-05-05  Greg Pricechangelog sipb-xen-base/8
2008-05-01  Greg Priceinclude sipb-xen-base/7
2008-04-27  Greg Priceactually use sources.list.d correctly sipb-xen-base/6
2008-04-27  Greg Priceuse sources.list.d, and match black-mesa's sources...