For now, revert r2093-2095, which were committed by accident; I'm not
[invirt/packages/invirt-base.git] / python /
2009-02-05  Evan BroderFor now, revert r2093-2095, which were committed by...
2009-02-05  Evan BroderGet rid of confusing err=True option to invirt.remctl...
2008-12-29  Greg Priceinvirt.common: handle yaml's None with empty struct... 0.0.18
2008-12-29  Greg Priceinvirt.common: give clearer error message on missing...
2008-12-29  Greg Priceinvirt.config: fix an error on empty config files
2008-12-28  Greg Priceinvirt.config.run_parts_list: fix unclear docstring
2008-11-12  Evan BroderFix another typo - this one in invirt.common 0.0.11
2008-11-12  Evan BroderFix a missing import in the invirt.remctl code 0.0.10
2008-11-11  Evan BroderActually generalize the invirt.remctl module 0.0.9
2008-11-11  Evan BroderMove the remctl code into invirt.remctl
2008-11-11  Evan BroderMove CodeError and InvalidInput into invirt.common
2008-11-10  Evan BroderMove invirt.remote Python module to invirt-remote-server 0.0.7
2008-10-29  Greg Priceuse run-parts semantics in conf.d directory
2008-10-29  Greg Priceuse /etc/invirt/conf.d/ too in invirt.config
2008-10-29  Greg Pricefactor a bit of code out of the mondo invirt.config...
2008-10-29  Greg Priceeliminate choice of source and cache files in invirt...
2008-10-24  Evan BroderSwitch sipb-xen-base to build using a script