- def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
- Fuse.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
- print 'Init complete.'
+ def getMachines(self, **kw):
+ """Get the list of VMs in the database, clearing the cache if it's
+ older than 15 seconds"""
+ if time() - self.lasttime > 15:
+ self.lasttime = time()
+ database.clear_cache()
+ return [machine.name for machine in database.Machine.query()]
+ def getMirror(self, machine, path='', **kw):
+ """Translate the path into its realpath equivalent, and return that
+ """
+ real = realpath + path
+ if os.path.isdir(real):
+ # The list is converted to a set so that we can handle the case
+ # where there is already a .k5login in the realpath gracefully
+ return routefs.Directory(set(os.listdir(real) + ['.k5login']))
+ elif os.path.islink(real):
+ return routefs.Symlink(os.readlink(real))
+ elif os.path.isfile(real):
+ return open(real).read()
+ else:
+ return -errno.EINVAL
+ def getK5login(self, machine, **kw):
+ """Build the ACL for a machine and turn it into a .k5login file
+ """
+ machine = database.Machine.query().filter_by(name=machine).one()
+ users = [acl.user for acl in machine.acl]
+ return "\n".join(map(self.userToPrinc, users) + [''])