Fix some uncaught bugs with invirt-console-server's libnss-pgsql
[invirt/packages/invirt-console.git] / debian / changelog
2008-11-07  Evan BroderFix some uncaught bugs with invirt-console-server's... invirt-console-server/0.0.10
2008-11-07  Evan BroderDepend on invirt-mail-config on all servers invirt-console-server/0.0.9
2008-11-06  Evan BroderCorrect the remctl config in invirt-remctl-server invirt-console-server/0.0.8
2008-11-02  Evan BroderApparently remctl scripts run without a PATH
2008-10-31  Evan BroderUse invoke-rc.d instead of calling init scripts directly in invirt-console-server/0.0.6
2008-10-28  Evan Brodersipb-xen-base -> invirt-base in dependency lists invirt-console-server/0.0.5
2008-10-26  Evan Brodersipb-xen-database-common -> invirt-database in invirt... invirt-console-server/0.0.4
2008-10-25  Evan BroderRemove dependency on sipb-xen-chrony-config in invirt... invirt-console-server/0.0.3
2008-10-24  Evan BroderStandardize on "Invirt project" in invirt-console-server invirt-console-server/0.0.2
2008-10-24  Greg Pricesipb-xen-console -> invirt-console-server invirt-console-server/0.0.1
2008-10-14  Evan BroderAdd a dummy console for the console server's conserver... sipb-xen-console/8.4
2008-10-06  Evan BroderUpdate nss-pgsql.conf.mako to reflect new (more sane... sipb-xen-console/8.3
2008-10-06  Evan Brodernscd.conf was getting generated wrong. Fix it sipb-xen-console/8.2
2008-10-05  Evan BroderMake ConsoleFS RouteFS-based sipb-xen-console/8.1
2008-10-05  Evan BroderUpdate config files to work with Hardy sipb-xen-console/8.0
2008-08-14  Yang Zhanggenerate config files using mako sipb-xen-console/7.8
2008-08-03  Yang Zhanggenerate from debian init script
2008-08-03  Yang Zhang * added decomposition of DB URI
2008-07-31  Greg Priceuse invirt-getconf to generate config in sipb-xen-console sipb-xen-console/7.6
2008-07-21  Greg Pricegenerate console config from /etc/invirt/* at start...
2008-07-21  Greg Pricechangelog sipb-xen-console/7.4
2008-07-20  Greg Priceupdate sipb-xen-console for current config-package-dev sipb-xen-console/7.3
2008-07-20  Greg Pricemove console-server config to a config package
2008-07-13  Greg Pricemultiplex conserver across hosts
2008-04-02  Evan BroderYeah...I'm still an idiot sipb-xen-console/7.1
2008-04-02  Evan BroderChange to using conserver instead of ssh sipb-xen-console/7
2008-04-02  Evan BroderFixing a typo sipb-xen-console/6.2
2008-04-02  Evan BroderDon't add "d_" to the server name here - do it later sipb-xen-console/6.1
2008-04-02  Evan BroderAdded configuration changes for Kerberos and passwordle... sipb-xen-console/6
2008-03-30  Evan BroderThe consolefs directory should be created when the... sipb-xen-console/5.1
2008-03-30  Evan BroderForgot to change the version number - sorry sipb-xen-console/5
2008-03-30  Evan BroderIt should not be trivial for us to hack users' machines sipb-xen-console/4.1
2008-03-30  Evan BroderAdded comments and changed to using the syslog module... sipb-xen-console/4
2008-03-30  Evan BroderOne more bug - principles in the .k5login files weren... sipb-xen-console/3.2
2008-03-30  Evan Brodersipb-xen-chrony-config applies the chrony.conf file... sipb-xen-console/3.1
2008-03-30  Evan BroderFixing the motd instead of turning it off sipb-xen-console/3
2008-03-30  Evan BroderNew sipb-xen-console. Now with more magic - and more...
2008-03-30  Evan BroderFirst stab at a package to create the console server