# for details, see http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ or
# the debian-policy package
+# dh_installdeb will replace this with shell code automatically
+# generated by other debhelper scripts.
+# Note that by moving this above our generated code we could run into significant problems
+# if we happened to start a daemon, and use debconf
+# We move this up here because we need the diversion of postgresql.conf to happen before we create tables
case "$1" in
- # Don't fail if the user/database already exists
- su postgres -c 'createuser sipb-xen -S -d -R' || true
- su postgres -c 'createdb sipb_xen -O sipb-xen' || true
- adduser --system sipb-xen
+ #Don't create users on upgrade
+ if [ -z "$2" ]; then
+ # Don't fail if the user/database already exists
+ su postgres -c 'createuser sipb-xen -S -d -R' || true
+ su postgres -c 'createdb sipb_xen -O sipb-xen' || true
+ adduser --system sipb-xen
+ fi
+ mako-render /etc/postgresql/8.1/main/pg_hba.conf.mako >/etc/postgresql/8.1/main/pg_hba.conf
+ /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.1 restart
su sipb-xen -s /bin/sh -c 'sipb-xen-database-tables create'
-# dh_installdeb will replace this with shell code automatically
-# generated by other debhelper scripts.
exit 0