-eval `perl '-F:\s+' -lane 'print $F[0]."=".$F[1] if /^Version|^Source|^Distribution/' \
- <(dpkg-parsechangelog)`
-dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot -S
-cd ..
-sbuild -A -d hardy-amd64 "${Source}_${Version}.dsc"
-if ! svn ls $svnuri/package_tags/$Source >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- svn mkdir $svnuri/package_tags/$Source \
- -m "Create package tags directory"
-if ! svn ls $svnuri/package_tags/$Source/$Version >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- svn cp $svnuri/trunk/packages/$package $svnuri/package_tags/$Source/$Version \
- -m "Tag $Version of $Source"
- echo "$(basename $0): tag already exists, not making again"
-[ $Distribution = 'unstable' ] \
- || echo "$(basename $0): warning: Distribution is ${Distribution}, script expects unstable"
-for i in $changesfile; do
- reprepro-env include unstable $i
- reprepro-env copy stable unstable \
- $(perl '-F:\s+' -lane 'print $F[1]." " if /^Binary/' <$i)
+ if ! svn ls $svnuri/package_tags/$Source >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ svn mkdir $svnuri/package_tags/$Source \
+ -m "Create package tags directory"
+ fi
+ if ! svn ls $svnuri/package_tags/$Source/$Version >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ svn cp $svnuri/trunk/packages/$package $svnuri/package_tags/$Source/$Version \
+ -m "Tag $Version of $Source"
+ else
+ echo "$(basename $0): tag already exists, not making again"
+ fi
+ [ $Distribution = 'unstable' ] \
+ || echo "$(basename $0): warning: Distribution is $Distribution, script expects unstable"
+ changesfile=`pwd`/${Source}_*${Version}*.changes
+ for i in $changesfile; do
+ reprepro-env include unstable $i
+ reprepro-env copy stable unstable $(sed -ne 's/^Binary: //p' $i)
+ done
+ reprepro-env copy stable unstable $Source
+ cd ..
+ rm -rf build-release/$package