- # Python could really use a file-like object that gets written to
- # a temporary path and moved to its final resting place on
- # .close(). Oh well.
- conf_fd, conf_name = tempfile.mkstemp()
- conf = os.fdopen(conf_fd, 'r+')
- build_handler = '/usr/sbin/invirt-submit-build'
- for pocket in config.git.pockets:
- acl = authz.expandAdmin(getattr(config.git.pockets, pocket).acl, None)
- acl_fd, acl_name = tempfile.mkstemp()
- acl_fd = os.fdopen(acl_fd, 'r+')
- print >>acl_fd, '\n'.join(userToPrinc(a) for a in acl)
- all_devs.update(set(userToPrinc(a) for a in acl))
+ for pocket in config.build.pockets:
+ acl = authz.expandAdmin(getattr(config.build.pockets, pocket).acl)
+ with atomic_write(acl_path(pocket)) as f:
+ princs = [userToPrinc(a) for a in acl]
+ print >>f, '\n'.join(princs)
+ all_devs.update(set(princs))