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developers not trusted to build into any package pockets
+invirt-dev (0.1.19) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Add a repo_access configuration hook to grant VCS access to
+ developers not trusted to build into any package pockets
+ -- Mitchell Berger <> Tue, 20 Dec 2011 13:40:00 -0500
invirt-dev (0.1.18) unstable; urgency=low
* Remove the source package when the binary package name is not the same
invirt-dev (0.1.18) unstable; urgency=low
* Remove the source package when the binary package name is not the same
print >>f, 'create repo /usr/bin/invirt-add-repo /etc/remctl/acl/repo_admin'
with atomic_write(os.path.join(builder._REPO_DIR, '.k5login')) as f:
print >>f, 'create repo /usr/bin/invirt-add-repo /etc/remctl/acl/repo_admin'
with atomic_write(os.path.join(builder._REPO_DIR, '.k5login')) as f:
+ if 'repo_access' in
+ acl = authz.expandAdmin(
+ princs = [userToPrinc(a) for a in acl]
+ all_devs.update(set(princs))
print >>f, '\n'.join(all_devs)
print >>f, '\n'.join(all_devs)