#!/usr/bin/python import sys import pydhcplib import pydhcplib.dhcp_network from pydhcplib.dhcp_packet import * from pydhcplib.type_hw_addr import hwmac from pydhcplib.type_ipv4 import ipv4 from pydhcplib.type_strlist import strlist import socket import IN from Queue import Queue from threading import Thread from subprocess import PIPE, Popen import netifaces as ni import syslog as s import time from invirt import database from invirt.config import structs as config dhcp_options = {'domain_name_server': ','.join(config.dhcp.dns), 'ip_address_lease_time': config.dhcp.get('leasetime', 60*60*24)} class DhcpBackend: def __init__(self, queue): database.connect() self.queue = queue def findNIC(self, mac): database.clear_cache() return database.NIC.query.filter_by(mac_addr=mac).first() def find_interface(self, packet): chaddr = hwmac(packet.GetHardwareAddress()) nic = self.findNIC(str(chaddr)) return self.find_interface_by_nic(nic) def find_interface_by_nic(self, nic): if nic is None or nic.ip is None: return None ipstr = ''.join(reversed(['%02X' % i for i in ipv4(nic.ip.encode("utf-8")).list()])) for line in open('/proc/net/route'): parts = line.split() if parts[1] == ipstr: s.syslog(s.LOG_DEBUG, "find_interface found "+str(nic.ip)+" on "+parts[0]) return parts[0] return None def getParameters(self, **extra): all_options=dict(dhcp_options) all_options.update(extra) options = {} for parameter, value in all_options.iteritems(): if value is None: continue option_type = DhcpOptionsTypes[DhcpOptions[parameter]] if option_type == "ipv4" : # this is a single ip address options[parameter] = map(int,value.split(".")) elif option_type == "ipv4+" : # this is multiple ip address iplist = value.split(",") opt = [] for single in iplist : opt.extend(ipv4(single).list()) options[parameter] = opt elif option_type == "32-bits" : # This is probably a number... digit = int(value) options[parameter] = [digit>>24&0xFF,(digit>>16)&0xFF,(digit>>8)&0xFF,digit&0xFF] elif option_type == "16-bits" : digit = int(value) options[parameter] = [(digit>>8)&0xFF,digit&0xFF] elif option_type == "char" : digit = int(value) options[parameter] = [digit&0xFF] elif option_type == "bool" : if value=="False" or value=="false" or value==0 : options[parameter] = [0] else : options[parameter] = [1] elif option_type == "string" : options[parameter] = strlist(value).list() elif option_type == "RFC3397" : parsed_value = "" for item in value: components = item.split('.') item_fmt = "".join(chr(len(elt)) + elt for elt in components) + "\x00" parsed_value += item_fmt options[parameter] = strlist(parsed_value).list() else : options[parameter] = strlist(value).list() return options def Discover(self, packet): s.syslog(s.LOG_DEBUG, "dhcp_backend : Discover ") chaddr = hwmac(packet.GetHardwareAddress()) nic = self.findNIC(str(chaddr)) if nic is None or nic.machine is None: return False ip = nic.ip.encode("utf-8") if ip is None: #Deactivated? return False options = {} options['subnet_mask'] = nic.netmask.encode("utf-8") options['router'] = nic.gateway.encode("utf-8") if nic.hostname and '.' in nic.hostname: options['host_name'], options['domain_name'] = nic.hostname.encode('utf-8').split('.', 1) elif nic.machine.name: options['host_name'] = nic.machine.name.encode('utf-8') options['domain_name'] = config.dns.domains[0] else: hostname = None if DhcpOptions['domain_search'] in packet.GetOption('parameter_request_list'): options['host_name'] += '.' + options['domain_name'] del options['domain_name'] options['domain_search'] = [config.dhcp.search_domain] ip = ipv4(ip) s.syslog(s.LOG_DEBUG,"dhcp_backend : Discover result = "+str(ip)) packet_parameters = self.getParameters(**options) # FIXME: Other offer parameters go here packet_parameters["yiaddr"] = ip.list() packet.SetMultipleOptions(packet_parameters) return True def Request(self, packet): s.syslog(s.LOG_DEBUG, "dhcp_backend : Request") discover = self.Discover(packet) chaddr = hwmac(packet.GetHardwareAddress()) request = packet.GetOption("request_ip_address") if not request: request = packet.GetOption("ciaddr") yiaddr = packet.GetOption("yiaddr") if not discover: s.syslog(s.LOG_INFO,"Unknown MAC address: "+str(chaddr)) return False if yiaddr!="" and yiaddr == request : s.syslog(s.LOG_INFO,"Ack ip "+str(yiaddr)+" for "+str(chaddr)) n = self.findNIC(str(chaddr)) intf = self.find_interface_by_nic(n) main_ip = ni.ifaddresses(config.xen.iface)[ni.AF_INET][0]['addr'] s.syslog(s.LOG_ERR, "Interface is %s" % (intf)) # Don't perform "other" actions if the machine isn't running other_action = n.other_action if n.other_action and intf else '' if other_action in ('renumber', 'renumber_dhcp'): (n.ip, n.netmask, n.gateway, n.other_ip, n.other_netmask, n.other_gateway) = ( n.other_ip, n.other_netmask, n.other_gateway, n.ip, n.netmask, n.gateway) other_action = n.other_action = 'dnat' database.session.add(n) database.session.flush() if other_action == 'dnat': # If the machine was booted in 'dnat' mode, then both # routes were already added by the invirt-database script. # If the machine was already on and has just been set to # 'dnat' mode, we need to add the route for the 'other' IP. # If the machine has just been 'renumbered' by us above, # the IPs will be swapped and only the route for the main # IP needs to be added. Just try adding both of them, and # arp for whichever of them turns out to be new. for parms in [(n.ip, n.gateway), (n.other_ip, n.other_gateway)]: try: p = Popen(['ip', 'route', 'add', parms[0], 'dev', intf, 'src', main_ip, 'metric', '2' if intf.startswith('vif') else '1'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (out, err) = p.communicate() if p.returncode == 0: s.syslog(s.LOG_INFO, "Added route for IP %s to interface %s" % (parms[0], intf)) self.queue.put(parms) sys.stderr.write(err) sys.stdout.write(out) except Exception as e: s.syslog(s.LOG_ERR, "Could not add route for IP %s: %s" % (parms[0], e)) try: # iptables will let you add the same rule again and again; # let's not do that. p = Popen(['iptables', '-t', 'nat', '-C', 'PREROUTING', '-d', n.other_ip, '-j', 'DNAT', '--to-destination', n.ip], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (out, err) = p.communicate() sys.stderr.write(err) sys.stdout.write(out) if p.returncode != 0: p2 = Popen(['iptables', '-t', 'nat', '-A', 'PREROUTING', '-d', n.other_ip, '-j', 'DNAT', '--to-destination', n.ip], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (out, err) = p2.communicate() sys.stderr.write(err) sys.stdout.write(out) if p2.returncode == 0: s.syslog(s.LOG_INFO, "Added DNAT for IP %s to %s" % (n.other_ip, n.ip)) else: s.syslog(s.LOG_ERR, "Could not add DNAT for IP %s to %s" % (n.other_ip, n.ip)) except Exception as e: s.syslog(s.LOG_ERR, "Could not check and/or add DNAT for IP %s to %s: %s" % (n.other_ip, n.ip, e)) if other_action == 'remove': try: p = Popen(['ip', 'route', 'del', n.other_ip, 'dev', intf, 'src', main_ip], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (out, err) = p.communicate() sys.stderr.write(err) sys.stderr.write(out) if p.returncode == 0: s.syslog(s.LOG_INFO, "Removed route for IP %s" % (n.other_ip)) else: s.syslog(s.LOG_ERR, "Could not remove route for IP %s" % (n.other_ip)) except Exception as e: s.syslog(s.LOG_ERR, "Could not run ip to remove route for IP %s: %s" % (n.other_ip, e)) try: p = Popen(['iptables', '-t', 'nat', '-D', 'PREROUTING', '-d', n.other_ip, '-j', 'DNAT', '--to-destination', n.ip], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (out, err) = p.communicate() sys.stderr.write(err) sys.stdout.write(out) if p.returncode == 0: s.syslog(s.LOG_INFO, "Removed DNAT for IP %s" % (n.other_ip)) else: s.syslog(s.LOG_ERR, "Could not remove DNAT for IP %s" % (n.other_ip)) except Exception as e: s.syslog(s.LOG_ERR, "Could not run iptables to remove DNAT for IP %s: %s" % (n.other_ip, e)) n.other_ip = n.other_netmask = n.other_gateway = n.other_action = None database.session.add(n) database.session.flush() # We went through the DISCOVER codepath already to populate some # of the packet's parameters. If we renumbered the VM just above, # the packet is set to offer them what they asked for - the old # address. So, we'll send then a DHCPNACK and they'll come right # back and be offered the new address. The code above won't be # able to add duplicate routes, won't insert a duplicate DNAT, # and won't ARP again because the routes will exist, so this won't # incur much extra work. if request != map(int, n.ip.split('.')): return False return True else: s.syslog(s.LOG_INFO,"Requested ip "+str(request)+" not available for "+str(chaddr)) return False def Decline(self, packet): pass def Release(self, packet): pass class DhcpServer(pydhcplib.dhcp_network.DhcpServer): def __init__(self, backend, options = {'client_listenport':68,'server_listenport':67}): pydhcplib.dhcp_network.DhcpServer.__init__(self,"",options["client_listen_port"],options["server_listen_port"],) self.backend = backend s.syslog(s.LOG_DEBUG, "__init__ DhcpServer") def SendDhcpPacketTo(self, To, packet): intf = self.backend.find_interface(packet) if intf: self.dhcp_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, IN.SO_BINDTODEVICE, intf) ret = self.dhcp_socket.sendto(packet.EncodePacket(), (To,self.emit_port)) self.dhcp_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, IN.SO_BINDTODEVICE, '') return ret else: return self.dhcp_socket.sendto(packet.EncodePacket(),(To,self.emit_port)) def SendPacket(self, packet): """Encode and send the packet.""" giaddr = packet.GetOption('giaddr') # in all case, if giaddr is set, send packet to relay_agent # network address defines by giaddr if giaddr!=[0,0,0,0] : agent_ip = ".".join(map(str,giaddr)) self.SendDhcpPacketTo(agent_ip,packet) s.syslog(s.LOG_DEBUG, "SendPacket to agent : "+agent_ip) # FIXME: This shouldn't broadcast if it has an IP address to send # it to instead. See RFC2131 part 4.1 for full details else : s.syslog(s.LOG_DEBUG, "No agent, broadcast packet.") self.SendDhcpPacketTo("",packet) def HandleDhcpDiscover(self, packet): """Build and send DHCPOFFER packet in response to DHCPDISCOVER packet.""" logmsg = "Get DHCPDISCOVER packet from " + hwmac(packet.GetHardwareAddress()).str() s.syslog(s.LOG_INFO, logmsg) offer = DhcpPacket() offer.CreateDhcpOfferPacketFrom(packet) if self.backend.Discover(offer): self.SendPacket(offer) # FIXME : what if false ? def HandleDhcpRequest(self, packet): """Build and send DHCPACK or DHCPNACK packet in response to DHCPREQUEST packet. 4 types of DHCPREQUEST exists.""" ip = packet.GetOption("request_ip_address") sid = packet.GetOption("server_identifier") ciaddr = packet.GetOption("ciaddr") #packet.PrintHeaders() #packet.PrintOptions() if sid != [0,0,0,0] and ciaddr == [0,0,0,0] : s.syslog(s.LOG_INFO, "Get DHCPREQUEST_SELECTING_STATE packet") elif sid == [0,0,0,0] and ciaddr == [0,0,0,0] and ip : s.syslog(s.LOG_INFO, "Get DHCPREQUEST_INITREBOOT_STATE packet") elif sid == [0,0,0,0] and ciaddr != [0,0,0,0] and not ip : s.syslog(s.LOG_INFO,"Get DHCPREQUEST_INITREBOOT_STATE packet") else : s.syslog(s.LOG_INFO,"Get DHCPREQUEST_UNKNOWN_STATE packet : not implemented") if self.backend.Request(packet): packet.TransformToDhcpAckPacket() self.SendPacket(packet) elif self.backend.Discover(packet): packet.TransformToDhcpNackPacket() self.SendPacket(packet) else: pass # We aren't authoritative, so don't reply if we don't know them. # FIXME: These are not yet implemented. def HandleDhcpDecline(self, packet): s.syslog(s.LOG_INFO, "Get DHCPDECLINE packet") self.backend.Decline(packet) def HandleDhcpRelease(self, packet): s.syslog(s.LOG_INFO,"Get DHCPRELEASE packet") self.backend.Release(packet) def HandleDhcpInform(self, packet): s.syslog(s.LOG_INFO, "Get DHCPINFORM packet") if self.backend.Request(packet) : packet.TransformToDhcpAckPacket() # FIXME : Remove lease_time from options self.SendPacket(packet) # FIXME : what if false ? class ArpspoofWorker(Thread): def __init__(self, queue): Thread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue self.iface = config.xen.iface def run(self): while True: (ip, gw) = self.queue.get() try: p = Popen(['timeout', '5', 'arpspoof', '-i', self.iface, '-t', gw, ip], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (out, err) = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 124: s.syslog(s.LOG_ERR, "arpspoof returned %s for IP %s gateway %s" % (p.returncode, ip, gw)) else: s.syslog(s.LOG_INFO, "aprspoof'd for IP %s gateway %s" % (ip, gw)) sys.stderr.write(err) sys.stdout.write(out) except Exception as e: s.syslog(s.LOG_ERR, "Could not run arpspoof for IP %s gateway %s: %s" % (ip, gw, e)) self.queue.task_done() if '__main__' == __name__: options = { "server_listen_port":67, "client_listen_port":68, "listen_address":""} myip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) if not myip: print "invirt-dhcpserver: cannot determine local IP address by looking up %s" % socket.gethostname() sys.exit(1) dhcp_options['server_identifier'] = ipv4(myip).int() queue = Queue() backend = DhcpBackend(queue) server = DhcpServer(backend, options) for x in range(2): worker = ArpspoofWorker(queue) worker.daemon = True worker.start() while True : server.GetNextDhcpPacket()