- if cls == dns.IN:
- if name.endswith(".in-addr.arpa"):
- if type in (dns.PTR, dns.ALL_RECORDS):
- ip = '.'.join(reversed(name.split('.')[:-2]))
- value = invirt.database.NIC.query.filter_by(ip=ip).first()
- if value and value.hostname:
- hostname = value.hostname
- if '.' not in hostname:
- hostname = hostname + "." + config.dns.domains[0]
- record = dns.Record_PTR(hostname, ttl)
- results.append(dns.RRHeader(name, dns.PTR, dns.IN,
- ttl, record, auth=True))
- else: # IP address doesn't point to an active host
- return defer.fail(failure.Failure(dns.AuthoritativeDomainError(name)))
- elif type == dns.SOA:
- results.append(dns.RRHeader(domain, dns.SOA, dns.IN,
- ttl, self.soa, auth=True))
- # FIXME: Should only return success with no records if the name actually exists
- elif name == domain or name == '.'+domain:
- if type in (dns.A, dns.ALL_RECORDS):
- record = dns.Record_A(config.dns.nameservers[0].ip, ttl)
- results.append(dns.RRHeader(name, dns.A, dns.IN,
- ttl, record, auth=True))
- elif type == dns.NS:
- results.append(dns.RRHeader(domain, dns.NS, dns.IN,
- ttl, self.ns, auth=True))
- authority = []
- elif type == dns.SOA:
- results.append(dns.RRHeader(domain, dns.SOA, dns.IN,
- ttl, self.soa, auth=True))
- else:
- host = name[:-len(domain)-1]
- value = invirt.database.NIC.query.filter_by(hostname=host).first()
- if value:
- ip = value.ip
- else:
- value = invirt.database.Machine.query().filter_by(name=host).first()
- if value:
- ip = value.nics[0].ip
- else:
- return defer.fail(failure.Failure(dns.AuthoritativeDomainError(name)))