#!/usr/bin/python """ Help on using the Invirt remctl functions. """ import sys help = [ ('list', 'show your VM\'s state (with xm list)'), ('list-long', 'show your VM\'s state as an sexp (with xm list --long)'), ('vcpu-list', 'show your VM\'s state (with xm vcpu-list)'), ('uptime', 'show your VM\'s state (with xm uptime)'), ('destroy', 'shut down your VM, hard (with xm destroy)'), ('shutdown', 'shut down your VM, softly if paravm (with xm shutdown)'), ('create', 'start up your VM (with xm create)'), ('reboot', 'reboot your VM (with xm destroy and xm create)'), #also install #also CD images on create/reboot ] helpdict = dict(help) def print_help(name, text): print ' %-9s : %s' % (name, text) def main(args): args = [n for n in args if n in helpdict] print 'remctl remote control ' if args: for name in args: print_help(name, helpdict[name]) else: for name, text in help: print_help(name, text) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:])) # vim:et:sw=4:ts=4