6 ##################################################
11 from os.path import getmtime, exists
15 from Cheetah.Version import MinCompatibleVersion as RequiredCheetahVersion
16 from Cheetah.Version import MinCompatibleVersionTuple as RequiredCheetahVersionTuple
17 from Cheetah.Template import Template
18 from Cheetah.DummyTransaction import DummyTransaction
19 from Cheetah.NameMapper import NotFound, valueForName, valueFromSearchList, valueFromFrameOrSearchList
20 from Cheetah.CacheRegion import CacheRegion
21 import Cheetah.Filters as Filters
22 import Cheetah.ErrorCatchers as ErrorCatchers
24 ##################################################
29 True, False = (1==1), (1==0)
30 VFFSL=valueFromFrameOrSearchList
31 VFSL=valueFromSearchList
34 __CHEETAH_version__ = '2.0rc8'
35 __CHEETAH_versionTuple__ = (2, 0, 0, 'candidate', 8)
36 __CHEETAH_genTime__ = 1192025116.0694621
37 __CHEETAH_genTimestamp__ = 'Wed Oct 10 10:05:16 2007'
38 __CHEETAH_src__ = 'skeleton.tmpl'
39 __CHEETAH_srcLastModified__ = 'Wed Oct 10 10:04:55 2007'
40 __CHEETAH_docstring__ = 'Autogenerated by CHEETAH: The Python-Powered Template Engine'
42 if __CHEETAH_versionTuple__ < RequiredCheetahVersionTuple:
44 'This template was compiled with Cheetah version'
45 ' %s. Templates compiled before version %s must be recompiled.'%(
46 __CHEETAH_version__, RequiredCheetahVersion))
48 ##################################################
51 class skeleton(Template):
53 ##################################################
57 def __init__(self, *args, **KWs):
59 Template.__init__(self, *args, **KWs)
60 if not self._CHEETAH__instanceInitialized:
62 allowedKWs = 'searchList namespaces filter filtersLib errorCatcher'.split()
63 for k,v in KWs.items():
64 if k in allowedKWs: cheetahKWArgs[k] = v
65 self._initCheetahInstance(**cheetahKWArgs)
68 def respond(self, trans=None):
72 ## CHEETAH: main method generated for this template
73 if (not trans and not self._CHEETAH__isBuffering and not callable(self.transaction)):
74 trans = self.transaction # is None unless self.awake() was called
76 trans = DummyTransaction()
78 else: _dummyTrans = False
79 write = trans.response().write
80 SL = self._CHEETAH__searchList
81 _filter = self._CHEETAH__currentFilter
83 ########################################
84 ## START - generated method body
88 _v = VFFSL(SL,"title",True) # '$title' on line 2, col 14
89 if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$title')) # from line 2, col 14.
91 <link href="static/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" rel="shortcut icon">
92 <link rel="stylesheet" href="static/style.css" type="text/css" />
93 <link rel="stylesheet" href="static/layout.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
94 <script type="text/javascript">
97 \tif (helpWin != null){
98 \t\tif(!helpWin.closed)
99 \t\t\thelpWin.close();
103 function helppopup(name){
105 helpWin = window.open("help?simple=true&subject="+encodeURIComponent(name), "Help",
106 "status, height = 300, width = 400");
107 if (window.focus){helpWin.focus();}
114 if not VFFSL(SL,"varExists",False)('simple') or not VFFSL(SL,"simple",True): # generated from line 25, col 1
115 write('''<p>[You are logged in as ''')
116 _v = VFFSL(SL,"user.username",True) # '$user.username' on line 26, col 26
117 if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$user.username')) # from line 26, col 26.
120 _v = VFFSL(SL,"body",True) # '$body' on line 28, col 1
121 if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$body')) # from line 28, col 1.
124 if not VFFSL(SL,"varExists",False)('simple') or not VFFSL(SL,"simple",True): # generated from line 29, col 1
126 Questions? Contact <a href="mailto:sipb-xen-dev@mit.edu">sipb-xen-dev@mit.edu</a>.
132 ########################################
133 ## END - generated method body
135 return _dummyTrans and trans.response().getvalue() or ""
137 ##################################################
141 _CHEETAH__instanceInitialized = False
143 _CHEETAH_version = __CHEETAH_version__
145 _CHEETAH_versionTuple = __CHEETAH_versionTuple__
147 _CHEETAH_genTime = __CHEETAH_genTime__
149 _CHEETAH_genTimestamp = __CHEETAH_genTimestamp__
151 _CHEETAH_src = __CHEETAH_src__
153 _CHEETAH_srcLastModified = __CHEETAH_srcLastModified__
155 _mainCheetahMethod_for_skeleton= 'respond'
159 if not hasattr(skeleton, '_initCheetahAttributes'):
160 templateAPIClass = getattr(skeleton, '_CHEETAH_templateClass', Template)
161 templateAPIClass._addCheetahPlumbingCodeToClass(skeleton)
164 # CHEETAH was developed by Tavis Rudd and Mike Orr
165 # with code, advice and input from many other volunteers.
166 # For more information visit http://www.CheetahTemplate.org/
168 ##################################################
169 ## if run from command line:
170 if __name__ == '__main__':
171 from Cheetah.TemplateCmdLineIface import CmdLineIface
172 CmdLineIface(templateObj=skeleton()).run()