#from skeleton import skeleton #extends skeleton #def title Intro #end def #def body

XVM — Virtual Servers for MIT

xvm.mit.edu is a virtualization service for the MIT community. We offer virtual machines—your own complete system on which you can start from our two-minute Debian Linux auto-install or install the operating system of your choice. The service is free to any Athena account holder.

If you're a member of the MIT community, go try out the service now. You'll need an MIT personal certificate.

The XVM code base is also forthcoming as a free software project. We've been too lazy to put in a COPYING file yet, but you can look at our source in our Subversion repo. If you're interested in using XVM outside MIT, we'd be happy to help you make it work in your environment; mail us at xvm@mit.edu.

xvm.mit.edu is provided by SIPB, the student computing group at MIT, with generous funding from IS&T. Like all SIPB projects, we are independently run by our own team of volunteers, and we welcome new contributors.

Questions and feedback welcome at xvm@mit.edu.

#end def