#from skeleton import skeleton #extends skeleton #def title VM List #end def #def createForm() #if $cant_add_vm



Create a new VM

#if $err

We had a problem with your request:

#else if $varExists('new_machine')

Congratulations! You successfully created a new VM called $new_machine.

#end if
$errorRow('create', $err) $errorRow('name', $err) $errorRow('memory', $err) $errorRow('disk', $err) $errorRow('vmtype', $err) $errorRow('cdrom', $err) $errorRow('cdrom', $err) $errorRow('owner', $err)
Memory MiB ($max_memory max)
Disk GiB (${"%0.1f" % ($max_disk-0.05)} max)
HVM/ParaVM$helppopup('hvm_paravm') $vmTypeList($defaults.type)
Boot CD $cdromList($cdroms, $defaults.cdrom)
Clone image? (experimental; 1-2 minutes, and you have an etch machine; root pw is 'password'.)
#end if #end def #def machineRow($machine) $machine.name ${machine.memory}M $machine.owner $machine.administrator #if $machine.nics #set $nic = $machine.nics[0] $nic.ip #else #end if #slurp #if $machine.uptime $machine.uptime#slurp #end if #slurp #if $has_vnc[$machine] == True Console#slurp #else if $has_vnc[$machine] != 'Off' $has_vnc[$machine] #end if
#end def #def machineList($machines) #for $machine in $machines: $machineRow($machine) #end for
Name Memory Owner$helppopup('owner') Administrator$helppopup('administrator') IP Uptime VNC
#end def #def body

SIPB Virtual Servers is an alpha service. What does this mean?

#if not $machines

You don't currently control any VMs.

#end if


$createForm() #end def