%page expression_filter="h"/>
<%inherit file="skeleton.mako" />
<%def name="title()">
Info on ${machine.name}
<%def name="infoTable()">
% for key, value in fields:
${key}: | ${value} |
% endfor
% if on:
% if 'monitoring' in config and len(config.monitoring) and 'baseuri' in config.monitoring[0]:
CPU history: |  |
% endif
% endif
<%def name="commands()">
% if on:
% if not machine.type.hvm:
Console access: type
ssh ${machine.name}@${config.console.hostname}
on Athena. (more info)
% elif has_vnc:
Get Console
% else:
VNC console not enabled; still booting?
% endif
% endif
<%def name="command_button(title, value, cdrom=False, extra='')">
% if on:
${command_button("Power off", "destroy")}
${command_button("Shutdown", "shutdown")}
${command_button("Reboot", "reboot", cdrom=True)}
% else:
${command_button("Power on", "create", cdrom=True)}
% endif
${command_button("Delete VM", "delete", extra='''onclick="return confirm('Are you sure that you want to delete this VM (\\\'%s\\\')?');"''' % (machine.name))}
<%def name="modifyForm()">
% if err:
We had a problem with your request:
% elif new_machine:
Successfully modified.
% endif
% if on:
(To edit ram, disk size, or machine name, turn off the machine first.)
% endif