simple = fields.getfirst('simple')
subjects = fields.getlist('subject')
- help_mapping = {'ParaVM Console': """
+ help_mapping = {
+ 'Autoinstalls': """
+The autoinstaller builds a minimal Debian or Ubuntu system to run as a
+ParaVM. You can access the resulting system by logging into the <a
+href="help?simple=true&subject=ParaVM+Console">serial console server</a>
+with your Kerberos tickets; there is no root password so sshd will
+refuse login.</p>
+<p>Under the covers, the autoinstaller uses our own patched version of
+xen-create-image, which is a tool based on debootstrap. If you log
+into the serial console while the install is running, you can watch
+ 'ParaVM Console': """
ParaVM machines do not support local console access over VNC. To
access the serial console of these machines, you can SSH with Kerberos
to %s, using the name of the machine as your