"""Move stderr to stdout, and return the contents of the old stderr."""
errio = sys.stderr
if not isinstance(errio, StringIO):
- return None
+ return ''
sys.stderr = sys.stdout
return errio.read()
def error(op, username, fields, err, emsg):
"""Print an error page when a CodeError occurs"""
+ send_error_mail('xvm error on %s for %s: %s' % (op, username, err),
+ 'error on %s for %s: %s\n\n%s\n'
+ % (op, username, err, emsg))
d = dict(op=op, user=username, errorMessage=str(err),
return templates.error(searchList=[d])
def throwError(_, __, ___):
"""Throw an error, to test the error-tracing mechanisms."""
- raise RuntimeError("This is a test of the emergency broadcast system.")
+ raise CodeError("test of the emergency broadcast system")
mapping = dict(list=listVms,