+ @cherrypy.expose
+ @cherrypy.tools.mako(filename="/unauth.mako")
+ def index(self):
+ return dict(simple=True)
+class InvirtWeb(View):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(self.__class__,self).__init__()
+ connect()
+ self._cp_config['tools.require_login.on'] = True
+ self._cp_config['tools.catch_stderr.on'] = True
+ self._cp_config['tools.mako.imports'] = ['from invirt.config import structs as config',
+ 'from invirt import database']
+ self._cp_config['request.error_response'] = self.handle_error
+ static = InvirtStatic
+ @cherrypy.expose
+ @cherrypy.tools.mako(filename="/invalid.mako")
+ def invalidInput(self):
+ """Print an error page when an InvalidInput exception occurs"""
+ err = cherrypy.request.prev.params["err"]
+ emsg = cherrypy.request.prev.params["emsg"]
+ d = dict(err_field=err.err_field,
+ err_value=str(err.err_value), stderr=emsg,
+ errorMessage=str(err))
+ return d
+ @cherrypy.expose
+ @cherrypy.tools.mako(filename="/error.mako")
+ def error(self):
+ """Print an error page when an exception occurs"""
+ op = cherrypy.request.prev.path_info
+ username = cherrypy.request.login
+ err = cherrypy.request.prev.params["err"]
+ emsg = cherrypy.request.prev.params["emsg"]
+ traceback = cherrypy.request.prev.params["traceback"]
+ d = dict(op=op, user=username, fields=cherrypy.request.prev.params,
+ errorMessage=str(err), stderr=emsg, traceback=traceback)
+ error_raw = cherrypy.request.lookup.get_template("/error_raw.mako")
+ details = error_raw.render(**d)
+ exclude = config.web.errormail_exclude
+ if username not in exclude and '*' not in exclude:
+ send_error_mail('xvm error on %s for %s: %s' % (op, cherrypy.request.login, err),
+ details)
+ d['details'] = details
+ return d
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ # At the point __getattr__ is called, tools haven't been run. Make sure the user is logged in.
+ cherrypy.tools.remote_user_login.callable()
+ if name in ("admin", "overlord"):
+ if not cherrypy.request.login in getAfsGroupMembers(config.adminacl, config.authz.afs.cells[0].cell):
+ raise InvalidInput('username', cherrypy.request.login,
+ 'Not in admin group %s.' % config.adminacl)
+ cherrypy.request.state = State(cherrypy.request.login, isadmin=True)
+ return self
+ else:
+ return super(InvirtWeb, self).__getattr__(name)
+ def handle_error(self):
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ if isinstance(err, InvalidInput):
+ cherrypy.request.params['err'] = err
+ cherrypy.request.params['emsg'] = revertStandardError()
+ raise cherrypy.InternalRedirect('/invalidInput')
+ if not cherrypy.request.prev or 'err' not in cherrypy.request.prev.params:
+ cherrypy.request.params['err'] = err
+ cherrypy.request.params['emsg'] = revertStandardError()
+ cherrypy.request.params['traceback'] = _cperror.format_exc()
+ raise cherrypy.InternalRedirect('/error')
+ # fall back to cherrypy default error page
+ cherrypy.HTTPError(500).set_response()
+ @cherrypy.expose
+ @cherrypy.tools.mako(filename="/list.mako")
+ def list(self, result=None):
+ """Handler for list requests."""
+ d = getListDict(cherrypy.request.login, cherrypy.request.state)
+ if result is not None:
+ d['result'] = result
+ return d
+ index=list
+ @cherrypy.expose
+ @cherrypy.tools.mako(filename="/help.mako")
+ def help(self, subject=None, simple=False):
+ """Handler for help messages."""
+ help_mapping = {
+ 'Autoinstalls': """
+The autoinstaller builds a minimal Debian or Ubuntu system to run as a
+ParaVM. You can access the resulting system by logging into the <a
+href="help?simple=true&subject=ParaVM+Console">serial console server</a>
+with your Kerberos tickets; there is no root password so sshd will
+refuse login.</p>
+<p>Under the covers, the autoinstaller uses our own patched version of
+xen-create-image, which is a tool based on debootstrap. If you log
+into the serial console while the install is running, you can watch
+ 'ParaVM Console': """
+ParaVM machines do not support local console access over VNC. To
+access the serial console of these machines, you can SSH with Kerberos
+to %s, using the name of the machine as your
+username.""" % config.console.hostname,
+ 'HVM/ParaVM': """
+HVM machines use the virtualization features of the processor, while
+ParaVM machines rely on a modified kernel to communicate directly with
+the hypervisor. HVMs support boot CDs of any operating system, and
+the VNC console applet. The three-minute autoinstaller produces
+ParaVMs. ParaVMs typically are more efficient, and always support the
+<a href="help?subject=ParaVM+Console">console server</a>.</p>
+<p>More details are <a
+href="https://xvm.scripts.mit.edu/wiki/Paravirtualization">on the
+wiki</a>, including steps to prepare an HVM guest to boot as a ParaVM
+(which you can skip by using the autoinstaller to begin with.)</p>
+<p>We recommend using a ParaVM when possible and an HVM when necessary.
+ 'Owner': """
+The owner field is used to determine <a
+href="help?subject=Quotas">quotas</a>. It must be the name of a
+locker that you are an AFS administrator of. In particular, you or an
+AFS group you are a member of must have AFS rlidwka bits on the
+locker. You can check who administers the LOCKER locker using the
+commands 'attach LOCKER; fs la /mit/LOCKER' on Athena.) See also <a
+ 'Administrator': """
+The administrator field determines who can access the console and
+power on and off the machine. This can be either a user or a moira
+ 'Quotas': """
+Quotas are determined on a per-locker basis. Each locker may have a
+maximum of 512 mebibytes of active ram, 50 gibibytes of disk, and 4
+active machines.""",
+ 'Console': """
+<strong>Framebuffer:</strong> At a Linux boot prompt in your VM, try
+setting <tt>fb=false</tt> to disable the framebuffer. If you don't,
+your machine will run just fine, but the applet's display of the
+console will suffer artifacts.
+ 'Windows': """
+<strong>Windows 7:</strong> The Windows 7 image is licensed for all MIT students and will automatically activate off the network. The installer requires 512 MiB RAM and at least 15 GiB disk space (20 GiB or more recommended).<br>
+<strong>Windows Vista:</strong> The Vista image is licensed for all MIT students and will automatically activate off the network; see <a href="/static/msca-email.txt">the licensing confirmation e-mail</a> for details. The installer requires 512 MiB RAM and at least 7.5 GiB disk space (15 GiB or more recommended).<br>
+<strong>Windows XP:</strong> This is the volume license CD image. You will need your own volume license key to complete the install. We do not have these available for the general MIT community; ask your department if they have one, or visit <a href="http://msca.mit.edu/">http://msca.mit.edu/</a> if you are staff/faculty to request one.
+ }
+ if not subject:
+ subject = sorted(help_mapping.keys())
+ if not isinstance(subject, list):
+ subject = [subject]
+ return dict(simple=simple,
+ subjects=subject,
+ mapping=help_mapping)
+ help._cp_config['tools.require_login.on'] = False
+ def parseCreate(self, fields):
+ kws = dict([(kw, fields[kw]) for kw in
+ 'name description owner memory disksize vmtype cdrom autoinstall'.split()
+ if fields[kw]])
+ validate = validation.Validate(cherrypy.request.login,
+ cherrypy.request.state,
+ strict=True, **kws)
+ return dict(contact=cherrypy.request.login, name=validate.name,
+ description=validate.description, memory=validate.memory,
+ disksize=validate.disksize, owner=validate.owner,
+ machine_type=getattr(validate, 'vmtype', Defaults.type),
+ cdrom=getattr(validate, 'cdrom', None),
+ autoinstall=getattr(validate, 'autoinstall', None))
+ @cherrypy.expose
+ @cherrypy.tools.mako(filename="/list.mako")
+ @cherrypy.tools.require_POST()
+ def create(self, **fields):
+ """Handler for create requests."""
+ try:
+ parsed_fields = self.parseCreate(fields)
+ machine = controls.createVm(cherrypy.request.login,
+ cherrypy.request.state, **parsed_fields)
+ except InvalidInput, err:
+ pass
+ else:
+ err = None
+ cherrypy.request.state.clear() #Changed global state
+ d = getListDict(cherrypy.request.login, cherrypy.request.state)
+ d['err'] = err
+ if err:
+ for field, value in fields.items():
+ setattr(d['defaults'], field, value)
+ else:
+ d['new_machine'] = parsed_fields['name']
+ return d
+ @cherrypy.expose
+ @cherrypy.tools.mako(filename="/helloworld.mako")
+ def helloworld(self, **kwargs):
+ return {'request': cherrypy.request, 'kwargs': kwargs}
+ helloworld._cp_config['tools.require_login.on'] = False
+ @cherrypy.expose
+ def errortest(self):
+ """Throw an error, to test the error-tracing mechanisms."""
+ print >>sys.stderr, "look ma, it's a stderr"
+ raise RuntimeError("test of the emergency broadcast system")
+ class MachineView(View):
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ """Synthesize attributes to allow RESTful URLs like
+ /machine/13/info. This is hairy. CherryPy 3.2 adds a
+ method called _cp_dispatch that allows you to explicitly
+ handle URLs that can't be mapped, and it allows you to
+ rewrite the path components and continue processing.
+ This function gets the next path component being resolved
+ as a string. _cp_dispatch will get an array of strings
+ representing any subsequent path components as well."""
+ try:
+ cherrypy.request.params['machine_id'] = int(name)
+ return self
+ except ValueError:
+ return None
+ @cherrypy.expose
+ @cherrypy.tools.mako(filename="/info.mako")
+ def info(self, machine_id):
+ """Handler for info on a single VM."""
+ machine = validation.Validate(cherrypy.request.login,
+ cherrypy.request.state,
+ machine_id=machine_id).machine
+ d = infoDict(cherrypy.request.login, cherrypy.request.state, machine)
+ return d
+ index = info
+ @cherrypy.expose
+ @cherrypy.tools.mako(filename="/info.mako")
+ @cherrypy.tools.require_POST()
+ def modify(self, machine_id, **fields):
+ """Handler for modifying attributes of a machine."""
+ try:
+ modify_dict = modifyDict(cherrypy.request.login,
+ cherrypy.request.state,
+ machine_id, fields)
+ except InvalidInput, err:
+ result = None
+ machine = validation.Validate(cherrypy.request.login,
+ cherrypy.request.state,
+ machine_id=machine_id).machine
+ else:
+ machine = modify_dict['machine']
+ result = 'Success!'
+ err = None
+ info_dict = infoDict(cherrypy.request.login,
+ cherrypy.request.state, machine)
+ info_dict['err'] = err
+ if err:
+ for field, value in fields.items():
+ setattr(info_dict['defaults'], field, value)
+ info_dict['result'] = result
+ return info_dict
+ @cherrypy.expose
+ @cherrypy.tools.mako(filename="/vnc.mako")
+ def vnc(self, machine_id):
+ """VNC applet page.
+ Note that due to same-domain restrictions, the applet connects to
+ the webserver, which needs to forward those requests to the xen
+ server. The Xen server runs another proxy that (1) authenticates
+ and (2) finds the correct port for the VM.
+ You might want iptables like:
+ -t nat -A PREROUTING -s ! -i eth1 -p tcp -m tcp \
+ --dport 10003 -j DNAT --to-destination
+ -t nat -A POSTROUTING -d -o eth1 -p tcp -m tcp \
+ --dport 10003 -j SNAT --to-source
+ -A FORWARD -d -i eth1 -o eth1 -p tcp -m tcp \
+ --dport 10003 -j ACCEPT
+ Remember to enable iptables!
+ echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
+ """
+ machine = validation.Validate(cherrypy.request.login,
+ cherrypy.request.state,
+ machine_id=machine_id).machine
+ token = controls.vnctoken(machine)
+ host = controls.listHost(machine)
+ if host:
+ port = 10003 + [h.hostname for h in config.hosts].index(host)
+ else:
+ port = 5900 # dummy
+ status = controls.statusInfo(machine)
+ has_vnc = hasVnc(status)
+ d = dict(on=status,
+ has_vnc=has_vnc,
+ machine=machine,
+ hostname=cherrypy.request.local.name,
+ port=port,
+ authtoken=token)
+ return d
+ @cherrypy.expose
+ @cherrypy.tools.mako(filename="/command.mako")
+ @cherrypy.tools.require_POST()
+ def command(self, command_name, machine_id, **kwargs):
+ """Handler for running commands like boot and delete on a VM."""
+ back = kwargs.get('back')
+ if command_name == 'delete':
+ back = 'list'
+ try:
+ d = controls.commandResult(cherrypy.request.login,
+ cherrypy.request.state,
+ command_name, machine_id, kwargs)
+ except InvalidInput, err:
+ if not back:
+ raise
+ print >> sys.stderr, err
+ result = str(err)
+ else:
+ result = 'Success!'
+ if not back:
+ return d
+ if back == 'list':
+ cherrypy.request.state.clear() #Changed global state
+ raise cherrypy.InternalRedirect('/list?result=%s'
+ % urllib.quote(result))
+ elif back == 'info':
+ raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(cherrypy.request.base
+ + '/machine/%d/' % machine_id,
+ status=303)
+ else:
+ raise InvalidInput('back', back, 'Not a known back page.')