+"""Main CGI script for web interface"""
-import sys
+import base64
+import cPickle
import cgi
+import datetime
+import hmac
import os
-import string
-import subprocess
-import re
-import time
-import cPickle
-import base64
import sha
-import hmac
-import datetime
-print 'Content-Type: text/html\n'
-sys.stderr = sys.stdout
-from Cheetah.Template import Template
-from sipb_xen_database import *
-import random
-class MyException(Exception):
- pass
-# ... and stolen from xend/uuid.py
-def randomUUID():
- """Generate a random UUID."""
- return [ random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(0, 16) ]
-def uuidToString(u):
- return "-".join(["%02x" * 4, "%02x" * 2, "%02x" * 2, "%02x" * 2,
- "%02x" * 6]) % tuple(u)
-def maxMemory(user, machine=None):
- return 256
-def maxDisk(user, machine=None):
- return 10.0
-def haveAccess(user, machine):
- if user.username == 'quentin':
- return True
- return machine.owner == user.username
-def error(op, user, fields, err):
- d = dict(op=op, user=user, errorMessage=str(err))
- print Template(file='error.tmpl', searchList=d);
+import simplejson
+import sys
+import time
+from StringIO import StringIO
-def validMachineName(name):
- """Check that name is valid for a machine name"""
- if not name:
- return False
- charset = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '-_'
- if name[0] in '-_' or len(name) > 22:
- return False
- return all(x in charset for x in name)
-def kinit(username = 'tabbott/extra', keytab = '/etc/tabbott.keytab'):
- """Kinit with a given username and keytab"""
+def revertStandardError():
+ """Move stderr to stdout, and return the contents of the old stderr."""
+ errio = sys.stderr
+ if not isinstance(errio, StringIO):
+ return None
+ sys.stderr = sys.stdout
+ errio.seek(0)
+ return errio.read()
- p = subprocess.Popen(['kinit', "-k", "-t", keytab, username],
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- e = p.wait()
- if e:
- raise MyException("Error %s in kinit: %s" % (e, p.stderr.read()))
+def printError():
+ """Revert stderr to stdout, and print the contents of stderr"""
+ if isinstance(sys.stderr, StringIO):
+ print revertStandardError()
-def checkKinit():
- """If we lack tickets, kinit."""
- p = subprocess.Popen(['klist', '-s'])
- if p.wait():
- kinit()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import atexit
+ atexit.register(printError)
+ sys.stderr = StringIO()
-def remctl(*args, **kws):
- """Perform a remctl and return the output.
- kinits if necessary, and outputs errors to stderr.
- """
- checkKinit()
- p = subprocess.Popen(['remctl', 'black-mesa.mit.edu']
- + list(args),
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- if kws.get('err'):
- return p.stdout.read(), p.stderr.read()
- if p.wait():
- print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR on remctl ', args
- print >> sys.stderr, p.stderr.read()
- return p.stdout.read()
-def makeDisks():
- """Update the lvm partitions to include all disks in the database."""
- remctl('web', 'lvcreate')
-def bootMachine(machine, cdtype):
- """Boot a machine with a given boot CD.
- If cdtype is None, give no boot cd. Otherwise, it is the string
- id of the CD (e.g. 'gutsy_i386')
- """
- if cdtype is not None:
- remctl('web', 'vmboot', machine.name,
- cdtype)
+from Cheetah.Template import Template
+from sipb_xen_database import Machine, CDROM, ctx, connect
+import validation
+from webcommon import InvalidInput, CodeError, g
+import controls
+def helppopup(subj):
+ """Return HTML code for a (?) link to a specified help topic"""
+ return ('<span class="helplink"><a href="help?subject=' + subj +
+ '&simple=true" target="_blank" ' +
+ 'onclick="return helppopup(\'' + subj + '\')">(?)</a></span>')
+def makeErrorPre(old, addition):
+ if addition is None:
+ return
+ if old:
+ return old[:-6] + '\n----\n' + str(addition) + '</pre>'
- remctl('web', 'vmboot', machine.name)
-def registerMachine(machine):
- """Register a machine to be controlled by the web interface"""
- remctl('web', 'register', machine.name)
-def unregisterMachine(machine):
- """Unregister a machine to not be controlled by the web interface"""
- remctl('web', 'unregister', machine.name)
-def parseStatus(s):
- """Parse a status string into nested tuples of strings.
- s = output of xm list --long <machine_name>
- """
- values = re.split('([()])', s)
- stack = [[]]
- for v in values[2:-2]: #remove initial and final '()'
- if not v:
- continue
- v = v.strip()
- if v == '(':
- stack.append([])
- elif v == ')':
- if len(stack[-1]) == 1:
- stack[-1].append('')
- stack[-2].append(stack[-1])
- stack.pop()
- else:
- if not v:
- continue
- stack[-1].extend(v.split())
- return stack[-1]
-def getUptimes(machines):
- """Return a dictionary mapping machine names to uptime strings"""
- value_string = remctl('web', 'listvms')
- lines = value_string.splitlines()
- d = {}
- for line in lines[1:]:
- lst = line.split()
- name, id = lst[:2]
- uptime = ' '.join(lst[2:])
- d[name] = uptime
- return d
-def statusInfo(machine):
- """Return the status list for a given machine.
- Gets and parses xm list --long
- """
- value_string, err_string = remctl('list-long', machine.name, err=True)
- if 'Unknown command' in err_string:
- raise MyException("ERROR in remctl list-long %s is not registered" % (machine.name,))
- elif 'does not exist' in err_string:
- return None
- elif err_string:
- raise MyException("ERROR in remctl list-long %s: %s" % (machine.name, err_string))
- status = parseStatus(value_string)
- return status
+ return '<p>STDERR:</p><pre>' + str(addition) + '</pre>'
+Template.helppopup = staticmethod(helppopup)
+Template.err = None
+class JsonDict:
+ """Class to store a dictionary that will be converted to JSON"""
+ def __init__(self, **kws):
+ self.data = kws
+ if 'err' in kws:
+ err = kws['err']
+ del kws['err']
+ self.addError(err)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return simplejson.dumps(self.data)
+ def addError(self, text):
+ """Add stderr text to be displayed on the website."""
+ self.data['err'] = \
+ makeErrorPre(self.data.get('err'), text)
+class Defaults:
+ """Class to store default values for fields."""
+ memory = 256
+ disk = 4.0
+ cdrom = ''
+ name = ''
+ vmtype = 'hvm'
+ def __init__(self, max_memory=None, max_disk=None, **kws):
+ if max_memory is not None:
+ self.memory = min(self.memory, max_memory)
+ if max_disk is not None:
+ self.max_disk = min(self.disk, max_disk)
+ for key in kws:
+ setattr(self, key, kws[key])
+DEFAULT_HEADERS = {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}
+def error(op, user, fields, err, emsg):
+ """Print an error page when a CodeError occurs"""
+ d = dict(op=op, user=user, errorMessage=str(err),
+ stderr=emsg)
+ return Template(file='error.tmpl', searchList=[d])
+def invalidInput(op, user, fields, err, emsg):
+ """Print an error page when an InvalidInput exception occurs"""
+ d = dict(op=op, user=user, err_field=err.err_field,
+ err_value=str(err.err_value), stderr=emsg,
+ errorMessage=str(err))
+ return Template(file='invalid.tmpl', searchList=[d])
def hasVnc(status):
"""Does the machine with a given status list support VNC?"""
return 'location' in d
return False
-def createVm(user, name, memory, disk, is_hvm, cdrom):
- """Create a VM and put it in the database"""
- # put stuff in the table
- transaction = ctx.current.create_transaction()
- try:
- res = meta.engine.execute('select nextval(\'"machines_machine_id_seq"\')')
- id = res.fetchone()[0]
- machine = Machine()
- machine.machine_id = id
- machine.name = name
- machine.memory = memory
- machine.owner = user.username
- machine.contact = user.email
- machine.uuid = uuidToString(randomUUID())
- machine.boot_off_cd = True
- machine_type = Type.get_by(hvm=is_hvm)
- machine.type_id = machine_type.type_id
- ctx.current.save(machine)
- disk = Disk(machine.machine_id,
- 'hda', disk)
- open = NIC.select_by(machine_id=None)
- if not open: #No IPs left!
- return "No IP addresses left! Contact sipb-xen-dev@mit.edu"
- nic = open[0]
- nic.machine_id = machine.machine_id
- nic.hostname = name
- ctx.current.save(nic)
- ctx.current.save(disk)
- transaction.commit()
- except:
- transaction.rollback()
- raise
- makeDisks()
- registerMachine(machine)
- # tell it to boot with cdrom
- bootMachine(machine, cdrom)
- return machine
-def validMemory(user, memory, machine=None):
- try:
- memory = int(memory)
- if memory <= 0:
- raise ValueError
- except ValueError:
- raise MyException("Invalid memory amount")
- if memory > maxMemory(user, machine):
- raise MyException("Too much memory requested")
- return memory
-def validDisk(user, disk, machine=None):
- try:
- disk = float(disk)
- if disk > maxDisk(user, machine):
- raise MyException("Too much disk requested")
- disk = int(disk * 1024)
- if disk <= 0:
- raise ValueError
- except ValueError:
- raise MyException("Invalid disk amount")
- return disk
-def create(user, fields):
+def parseCreate(user, fields):
name = fields.getfirst('name')
- if not validMachineName(name):
- raise MyException("Invalid name '%s'" % name)
- name = user.username + '_' + name.lower()
+ if not validation.validMachineName(name):
+ raise InvalidInput('name', name, 'You must provide a machine name.')
+ name = name.lower()
if Machine.get_by(name=name):
- raise MyException("A machine named '%s' already exists" % name)
+ raise InvalidInput('name', name,
+ "Name already exists.")
+ owner = validation.testOwner(user, fields.getfirst('owner'))
memory = fields.getfirst('memory')
- memory = validMemory(user, memory)
+ memory = validation.validMemory(user, memory, on=True)
disk = fields.getfirst('disk')
- disk = validDisk(user, disk)
+ disk = validation.validDisk(user, disk)
vm_type = fields.getfirst('vmtype')
if vm_type not in ('hvm', 'paravm'):
- raise MyException("Invalid vm type '%s'" % vm_type)
+ raise CodeError("Invalid vm type '%s'" % vm_type)
is_hvm = (vm_type == 'hvm')
cdrom = fields.getfirst('cdrom')
if cdrom is not None and not CDROM.get(cdrom):
- raise MyException("Invalid cdrom type '%s'" % cdrom)
- machine = createVm(user, name, memory, disk, is_hvm, cdrom)
- if isinstance(machine, basestring):
- raise MyException(machine)
- d = dict(user=user,
- machine=machine)
- print Template(file='create.tmpl',
- searchList=d);
+ raise CodeError("Invalid cdrom type '%s'" % cdrom)
+ return dict(contact=user, name=name, memory=memory, disk=disk,
+ owner=owner, is_hvm=is_hvm, cdrom=cdrom)
-def listVms(user, fields):
- machines = [m for m in Machine.select() if haveAccess(user, m)]
+def create(user, fields):
+ """Handler for create requests."""
+ try:
+ parsed_fields = parseCreate(user, fields)
+ machine = controls.createVm(**parsed_fields)
+ except InvalidInput, err:
+ pass
+ else:
+ err = None
+ g.clear() #Changed global state
+ d = getListDict(user)
+ d['err'] = err
+ if err:
+ for field in fields.keys():
+ setattr(d['defaults'], field, fields.getfirst(field))
+ else:
+ d['new_machine'] = parsed_fields['name']
+ return Template(file='list.tmpl', searchList=[d])
+def getListDict(user):
+ machines = [m for m in Machine.select()
+ if validation.haveAccess(user, m)]
on = {}
has_vnc = {}
- uptimes = getUptimes(machines)
- on = uptimes
+ on = g.uptimes
for m in machines:
- if on.get(m.name) and m.type.hvm:
- has_vnc[m.name] = True
+ m.uptime = g.uptimes.get(m)
+ if not on[m]:
+ has_vnc[m] = 'Off'
+ elif m.type.hvm:
+ has_vnc[m] = True
- has_vnc[m.name] = False
- # for m in machines:
- # status = statusInfo(m)
- # on[m.name] = status is not None
- # has_vnc[m.name] = hasVnc(status)
+ has_vnc[m] = "ParaVM"+helppopup("paravm_console")
+ max_memory = validation.maxMemory(user)
+ max_disk = validation.maxDisk(user)
+ defaults = Defaults(max_memory=max_memory,
+ max_disk=max_disk,
+ owner=user,
+ cdrom='gutsy-i386')
d = dict(user=user,
- maxmem=maxMemory(user),
- maxdisk=maxDisk(user),
+ cant_add_vm=validation.cantAddVm(user),
+ max_memory=max_memory,
+ max_disk=max_disk,
+ defaults=defaults,
- uptimes=uptimes,
+ uptimes=g.uptimes,
- print Template(file='list.tmpl', searchList=d)
-def testMachineId(user, machineId, exists=True):
- if machineId is None:
- raise MyException("No machine ID specified")
- try:
- machineId = int(machineId)
- except ValueError:
- raise MyException("Invalid machine ID '%s'" % machineId)
- machine = Machine.get(machineId)
- if exists and machine is None:
- raise MyException("No such machine ID '%s'" % machineId)
- if not haveAccess(user, machine):
- raise MyException("No access to machine ID '%s'" % machineId)
- return machine
+ return d
+def listVms(user, fields):
+ """Handler for list requests."""
+ d = getListDict(user)
+ return Template(file='list.tmpl', searchList=[d])
def vnc(user, fields):
"""VNC applet page.
You might want iptables like:
- -t nat -A PREROUTING -s ! -i eth1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 10003 -j DNAT --to-destination
- -t nat -A POSTROUTING -d -o eth1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 10003 -j SNAT --to-source
- -A FORWARD -d -i eth1 -o eth1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 10003 -j ACCEPT
+ -t nat -A PREROUTING -s ! -i eth1 -p tcp -m tcp \
+ --dport 10003 -j DNAT --to-destination
+ -t nat -A POSTROUTING -d -o eth1 -p tcp -m tcp \
+ --dport 10003 -j SNAT --to-source
+ -A FORWARD -d -i eth1 -o eth1 -p tcp -m tcp \
+ --dport 10003 -j ACCEPT
+ Remember to enable iptables!
+ echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
- machine = testMachineId(user, fields.getfirst('machine_id'))
- #XXX fix
+ machine = validation.testMachineId(user, fields.getfirst('machine_id'))
TOKEN_KEY = "0M6W0U1IXexThi5idy8mnkqPKEq1LtEnlK/pZSn0cDrN"
data = {}
- data["user"] = user.username
- data["machine"]=machine.name
- data["expires"]=time.time()+(5*60)
- pickledData = cPickle.dumps(data)
+ data["user"] = user
+ data["machine"] = machine.name
+ data["expires"] = time.time()+(5*60)
+ pickled_data = cPickle.dumps(data)
m = hmac.new(TOKEN_KEY, digestmod=sha)
- m.update(pickledData)
- token = {'data': pickledData, 'digest': m.digest()}
+ m.update(pickled_data)
+ token = {'data': pickled_data, 'digest': m.digest()}
token = cPickle.dumps(token)
token = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(token)
+ status = controls.statusInfo(machine)
+ has_vnc = hasVnc(status)
d = dict(user=user,
+ on=status,
+ has_vnc=has_vnc,
hostname=os.environ.get('SERVER_NAME', 'localhost'),
- print Template(file='vnc.tmpl',
- searchList=d)
+ return Template(file='vnc.tmpl', searchList=[d])
def getNicInfo(data_dict, machine):
+ """Helper function for info, get data on nics for a machine.
+ Modifies data_dict to include the relevant data, and returns a list
+ of (key, name) pairs to display "name: data_dict[key]" to the user.
+ """
data_dict['num_nics'] = len(machine.nics)
- nic_fields_template = [('nic%s_hostname', 'NIC %s hostname'),
+ nic_fields_template = [('nic%s_hostname', 'NIC %s Hostname'),
('nic%s_mac', 'NIC %s MAC Addr'),
('nic%s_ip', 'NIC %s IP'),
nic_fields = []
for i in range(len(machine.nics)):
nic_fields.extend([(x % i, y % i) for x, y in nic_fields_template])
- data_dict['nic%s_hostname' % i] = machine.nics[i].hostname + '.servers.csail.mit.edu'
+ if not i:
+ data_dict['nic%s_hostname' % i] = (machine.name +
+ '.servers.csail.mit.edu')
data_dict['nic%s_mac' % i] = machine.nics[i].mac_addr
data_dict['nic%s_ip' % i] = machine.nics[i].ip
if len(machine.nics) == 1:
return nic_fields
def getDiskInfo(data_dict, machine):
+ """Helper function for info, get data on disks for a machine.
+ Modifies data_dict to include the relevant data, and returns a list
+ of (key, name) pairs to display "name: data_dict[key]" to the user.
+ """
data_dict['num_disks'] = len(machine.disks)
disk_fields_template = [('%s_size', '%s size')]
disk_fields = []
for disk in machine.disks:
name = disk.guest_device_name
- disk_fields.extend([(x % name, y % name) for x, y in disk_fields_template])
- data_dict['%s_size' % name] = "%0.1f GB" % (disk.size / 1024.)
+ disk_fields.extend([(x % name, y % name) for x, y in
+ disk_fields_template])
+ data_dict['%s_size' % name] = "%0.1f GiB" % (disk.size / 1024.)
return disk_fields
-def deleteVM(machine):
+def command(user, fields):
+ """Handler for running commands like boot and delete on a VM."""
+ back = fields.getfirst('back')
+ try:
+ d = controls.commandResult(user, fields)
+ if d['command'] == 'Delete VM':
+ back = 'list'
+ except InvalidInput, err:
+ if not back:
+ raise
+ print >> sys.stderr, err
+ result = None
+ else:
+ result = 'Success!'
+ if not back:
+ return Template(file='command.tmpl', searchList=[d])
+ if back == 'list':
+ g.clear() #Changed global state
+ d = getListDict(user)
+ d['result'] = result
+ return Template(file='list.tmpl', searchList=[d])
+ elif back == 'info':
+ machine = validation.testMachineId(user, fields.getfirst('machine_id'))
+ d = infoDict(user, machine)
+ d['result'] = result
+ return Template(file='info.tmpl', searchList=[d])
+ else:
+ raise InvalidInput('back', back, 'Not a known back page.')
+def modifyDict(user, fields):
+ olddisk = {}
transaction = ctx.current.create_transaction()
- delete_disk_pairs = [(machine.name, d.guest_device_name) for d in machine.disks]
- for nic in machine.nics:
- nic.machine_id = None
- nic.hostname = None
- ctx.current.save(nic)
- for disk in machine.disks:
- ctx.current.delete(disk)
- ctx.current.delete(machine)
+ machine = validation.testMachineId(user, fields.getfirst('machine_id'))
+ owner = validation.testOwner(user, fields.getfirst('owner'), machine)
+ admin = validation.testAdmin(user, fields.getfirst('administrator'),
+ machine)
+ contact = validation.testContact(user, fields.getfirst('contact'),
+ machine)
+ name = validation.testName(user, fields.getfirst('name'), machine)
+ oldname = machine.name
+ command = "modify"
+ memory = fields.getfirst('memory')
+ if memory is not None:
+ memory = validation.validMemory(user, memory, machine, on=False)
+ machine.memory = memory
+ disksize = validation.testDisk(user, fields.getfirst('disk'))
+ if disksize is not None:
+ disksize = validation.validDisk(user, disksize, machine)
+ disk = machine.disks[0]
+ if disk.size != disksize:
+ olddisk[disk.guest_device_name] = disksize
+ disk.size = disksize
+ ctx.current.save(disk)
+ if owner is not None:
+ machine.owner = owner
+ if name is not None:
+ machine.name = name
+ if admin is not None:
+ machine.administrator = admin
+ if contact is not None:
+ machine.contact = contact
+ ctx.current.save(machine)
- for mname, dname in delete_disk_pairs:
- remctl('web', 'lvremove', mname, dname)
- unregisterMachine(machine)
-def command(user, fields):
- print time.time()-start_time
- machine = testMachineId(user, fields.getfirst('machine_id'))
- action = fields.getfirst('action')
- cdrom = fields.getfirst('cdrom')
- print time.time()-start_time
- if cdrom is not None and not CDROM.get(cdrom):
- raise MyException("Invalid cdrom type '%s'" % cdrom)
- if action not in ('Reboot', 'Power on', 'Power off', 'Shutdown', 'Delete VM'):
- raise MyException("Invalid action '%s'" % action)
- if action == 'Reboot':
- if cdrom is not None:
- remctl('reboot', machine.name, cdrom)
- else:
- remctl('reboot', machine.name)
- elif action == 'Power on':
- bootMachine(machine, cdrom)
- elif action == 'Power off':
- remctl('destroy', machine.name)
- elif action == 'Shutdown':
- remctl('shutdown', machine.name)
- elif action == 'Delete VM':
- deleteVM(machine)
- print time.time()-start_time
+ for diskname in olddisk:
+ controls.resizeDisk(oldname, diskname, str(olddisk[diskname]))
+ if name is not None:
+ controls.renameMachine(machine, oldname, name)
+ return dict(user=user,
+ command=command,
+ machine=machine)
+def modify(user, fields):
+ """Handler for modifying attributes of a machine."""
+ try:
+ modify_dict = modifyDict(user, fields)
+ except InvalidInput, err:
+ result = None
+ machine = validation.testMachineId(user, fields.getfirst('machine_id'))
+ else:
+ machine = modify_dict['machine']
+ result = 'Success!'
+ err = None
+ info_dict = infoDict(user, machine)
+ info_dict['err'] = err
+ if err:
+ for field in fields.keys():
+ setattr(info_dict['defaults'], field, fields.getfirst(field))
+ info_dict['result'] = result
+ return Template(file='info.tmpl', searchList=[info_dict])
- d = dict(user=user,
- command=action,
- machine=machine)
- print Template(file="command.tmpl", searchList=d)
+def helpHandler(user, fields):
+ """Handler for help messages."""
+ simple = fields.getfirst('simple')
+ subjects = fields.getlist('subject')
+ help_mapping = dict(paravm_console="""
+ParaVM machines do not support console access over VNC. To access
+these machines, you either need to boot with a liveCD and ssh in or
+hope that the sipb-xen maintainers add support for serial consoles.""",
+ hvm_paravm="""
+HVM machines use the virtualization features of the processor, while
+ParaVM machines use Xen's emulation of virtualization features. You
+want an HVM virtualized machine.""",
+ cpu_weight="""
+Don't ask us! We're as mystified as you are.""",
+ owner="""
+The owner field is used to determine <a
+href="help?subject=quotas">quotas</a>. It must be the name of a
+locker that you are an AFS administrator of. In particular, you or an
+AFS group you are a member of must have AFS rlidwka bits on the
+locker. You can check see who administers the LOCKER locker using the
+command 'fs la /mit/LOCKER' on Athena.) See also <a
+ administrator="""
+The administrator field determines who can access the console and
+power on and off the machine. This can be either a user or a moira
+ quotas="""
+Quotas are determined on a per-locker basis. Each quota may have a
+maximum of 512 megabytes of active ram, 50 gigabytes of disk, and 4
+active machines."""
+ )
+ if not subjects:
+ subjects = sorted(help_mapping.keys())
-def modify(user, fields):
- machine = testMachineId(user, fields.getfirst('machine_id'))
+ d = dict(user=user,
+ simple=simple,
+ subjects=subjects,
+ mapping=help_mapping)
+ return Template(file="help.tmpl", searchList=[d])
-def info(user, fields):
- machine = testMachineId(user, fields.getfirst('machine_id'))
- status = statusInfo(machine)
+def badOperation(u, e):
+ raise CodeError("Unknown operation")
+def infoDict(user, machine):
+ status = controls.statusInfo(machine)
has_vnc = hasVnc(status)
if status is None:
main_status = dict(name=machine.name,
+ uptime = None
+ cputime = None
main_status = dict(status[1:])
- start_time = float(main_status.get('start_time', 0))
- uptime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(time.time()-start_time))
- cpu_time_float = float(main_status.get('cpu_time', 0))
- cputime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(cpu_time_float))
+ start_time = float(main_status.get('start_time', 0))
+ uptime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(time.time()-start_time))
+ cpu_time_float = float(main_status.get('cpu_time', 0))
+ cputime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(cpu_time_float))
display_fields = """name uptime memory state cpu_weight on_reboot
on_poweroff on_crash on_xend_start on_xend_stop bootloader""".split()
display_fields = [('name', 'Name'),
('owner', 'Owner'),
+ ('administrator', 'Administrator'),
('contact', 'Contact'),
('type', 'Type'),
('memory', 'RAM'),
('state', 'state (xen format)'),
- ('cpu_weight', 'CPU weight'),
+ ('cpu_weight', 'CPU weight'+helppopup('cpu_weight')),
('on_reboot', 'Action on VM reboot'),
('on_poweroff', 'Action on VM poweroff'),
('on_crash', 'Action on VM crash'),
fields = []
machine_info = {}
+ machine_info['name'] = machine.name
machine_info['type'] = machine.type.hvm and 'HVM' or 'ParaVM'
machine_info['owner'] = machine.owner
+ machine_info['administrator'] = machine.administrator
machine_info['contact'] = machine.contact
nic_fields = getNicInfo(machine_info, machine)
nic_point = display_fields.index('NIC_INFO')
- display_fields = display_fields[:nic_point] + nic_fields + display_fields[nic_point+1:]
+ display_fields = (display_fields[:nic_point] + nic_fields +
+ display_fields[nic_point+1:])
disk_fields = getDiskInfo(machine_info, machine)
disk_point = display_fields.index('DISK_INFO')
- display_fields = display_fields[:disk_point] + disk_fields + display_fields[disk_point+1:]
+ display_fields = (display_fields[:disk_point] + disk_fields +
+ display_fields[disk_point+1:])
- main_status['memory'] += ' MB'
+ main_status['memory'] += ' MiB'
for field, disp in display_fields:
- if field in ('uptime', 'cputime'):
+ if field in ('uptime', 'cputime') and locals()[field] is not None:
fields.append((disp, locals()[field]))
- elif field in main_status:
- fields.append((disp, main_status[field]))
elif field in machine_info:
fields.append((disp, machine_info[field]))
+ elif field in main_status:
+ fields.append((disp, main_status[field]))
#fields.append((disp, None))
+ max_mem = validation.maxMemory(user, machine)
+ max_disk = validation.maxDisk(user, machine)
+ defaults = Defaults()
+ for name in 'machine_id name administrator owner memory contact'.split():
+ setattr(defaults, name, getattr(machine, name))
+ defaults.disk = "%0.2f" % (machine.disks[0].size/1024.)
d = dict(user=user,
on=status is not None,
+ defaults=defaults,
- maxmem=maxMemory(user, machine),
- maxdisk=maxDisk(user, machine),
+ max_mem=max_mem,
+ max_disk=max_disk,
+ owner_help=helppopup("owner"),
fields = fields)
- print Template(file='info.tmpl',
- searchList=d)
+ return d
+def info(user, fields):
+ """Handler for info on a single VM."""
+ machine = validation.testMachineId(user, fields.getfirst('machine_id'))
+ d = infoDict(user, machine)
+ return Template(file='info.tmpl', searchList=[d])
mapping = dict(list=listVms,
- create=create)
+ create=create,
+ help=helpHandler)
+def printHeaders(headers):
+ for key, value in headers.iteritems():
+ print '%s: %s' % (key, value)
+ print
+def getUser():
+ """Return the current user based on the SSL environment variables"""
+ if 'SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_Email' in os.environ:
+ username = os.environ['SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_Email'].split("@")[0]
+ return username
+ else:
+ return 'moo'
+def main(operation, user, fields):
+ fun = mapping.get(operation, badOperation)
+ if fun not in (helpHandler, ):
+ connect('postgres://sipb-xen@sipb-xen-dev.mit.edu/sipb_xen')
+ try:
+ output = fun(u, fields)
+ headers = dict(DEFAULT_HEADERS)
+ if isinstance(output, tuple):
+ new_headers, output = output
+ headers.update(new_headers)
+ e = revertStandardError()
+ if e:
+ output.addError(e)
+ printHeaders(headers)
+ print output
+ except Exception, err:
+ if not fields.has_key('js'):
+ if isinstance(err, CodeError):
+ print 'Content-Type: text/html\n'
+ e = revertStandardError()
+ print error(operation, u, fields, err, e)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if isinstance(err, InvalidInput):
+ print 'Content-Type: text/html\n'
+ e = revertStandardError()
+ print invalidInput(operation, u, fields, err, e)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ print 'Content-Type: text/plain\n'
+ print 'Uh-oh! We experienced an error.'
+ print 'Please email sipb-xen@mit.edu with the contents of this page.'
+ print '----'
+ e = revertStandardError()
+ print e
+ print '----'
+ raise
if __name__ == '__main__':
start_time = time.time()
fields = cgi.FieldStorage()
- class User:
- username = "moo"
- email = 'moo@cow.com'
- u = User()
- connect('postgres://sipb-xen@sipb-xen-dev/sipb_xen')
+ u = getUser()
+ g.user = u
operation = os.environ.get('PATH_INFO', '')
if not operation:
- pass
- #XXX do redirect
+ print "Status: 301 Moved Permanently"
+ print 'Location: ' + os.environ['SCRIPT_NAME']+'/\n'
+ sys.exit(0)
if operation.startswith('/'):
operation = operation[1:]
if not operation:
operation = 'list'
- fun = mapping.get(operation,
- lambda u, e:
- error(operation, u, e,
- "Invalid operation '%s'" % operation))
- try:
- fun(u, fields)
- except MyException, err:
- error(operation, u, fields, err)
+ main(operation, u, fields)