-<p>The XVM code base is also forthcoming as a <strong>free
-software</strong> project. We've been too lazy to put in a COPYING
-file yet, but you can look at our source in <a
-href="https://xvm.mit.edu:1111/">our Subversion repo</a>. If you're
-interested in using <strong>XVM outside MIT</strong>, we'd be happy to
-help you make it work in your environment; mail us at
+<h2>XVM features:</h2>
+<li>Online management of virtual machines</li>
+<li>A wide selection of bootable CD-ROM images and installers</li>
+<li>A two-minute Debian (Etch) image cloner</li>
+<li>Secure VNC console access via a Java applet</li>
+<li>Secure serial console access over SSH</li>
+<li>Ownership and access control through Athena lockers and groups</li>
+<p>The XVM code base is a <strong>free software</strong> project under
+development, licensed under GPLv2+. If you're interested in using it,
+we'd be happy to help you set it up in your environment. Our Subversion
+repository is</p> <blockquote><a