+ return Template(file="command.tmpl", searchList=[d, global_dict])
+def testOwner(user, owner, machine=None):
+ if not getafsgroups.checkLockerOwner(user.username, owner):
+ raise InvalidInput('owner', owner,
+ "Invalid")
+ return owner
+def testContact(user, contact, machine=None):
+ if contact != user.email:
+ raise InvalidInput('contact', contact,
+ "Invalid")
+ return contact
+def testDisk(user, disksize, machine=None):
+ return disksize
+def testName(user, name, machine=None):
+ if Machine.select_by(name=name) == []:
+ return name
+ if name == machine.name:
+ return name
+ raise InvalidInput('name', name,
+ "Already taken")
+def testHostname(user, hostname, machine):
+ for nic in machine.nics:
+ if hostname == nic.hostname:
+ return hostname
+ # check if doesn't already exist
+ if NIC.select_by(hostname=hostname) == []:
+ return hostname
+ raise InvalidInput('hostname', hostname,
+ "Different from before")
+def modify(user, fields):
+ """Handler for modifying attributes of a machine."""
+ #XXX not written yet
+ transaction = ctx.current.create_transaction()
+ try:
+ machine = testMachineId(user, fields.getfirst('machine_id'))
+ owner = testOwner(user, fields.getfirst('owner'), machine)
+ contact = testContact(user, fields.getfirst('contact'))
+ hostname = testHostname(owner, fields.getfirst('hostname'),
+ machine)
+ name = testName(user, fields.getfirst('name'), machine)
+ oldname = machine.name
+ command="modify"
+ olddisk = {}
+ memory = fields.getfirst('memory')
+ if memory is not None:
+ memory = validMemory(user, memory, machine)
+ else:
+ memory = machine.memory
+ if memory != machine.memory:
+ machine.memory = memory
+ disksize = testDisk(user, fields.getfirst('disk'))
+ if disksize is not None:
+ disksize = validDisk(user, disksize, machine)
+ else:
+ disksize = machine.disks[0].size
+ for disk in machine.disks:
+ olddisk[disk.guest_device_name] = disk.size
+ disk.size = disksize
+ ctx.current.save(disk)
+ # XXX all NICs get same hostname on change? Interface doesn't support more.
+ for nic in machine.nics:
+ nic.hostname = hostname
+ ctx.current.save(nic)
+ if owner != machine.owner:
+ machine.owner = owner
+ if name != machine.name:
+ machine.name = name
+ ctx.current.save(machine)
+ transaction.commit()
+ except:
+ transaction.rollback()
+ raise
+ remctl("web", "moveregister", oldname, name)
+ for disk in machine.disks:
+ # XXX all disks get the same size on change? Interface doesn't support more.
+ if disk.size != olddisk[disk.guest_device_name]:
+ remctl("web", "lvresize", oldname, disk.guest_device_name, str(disk.size))
+ if oldname != name:
+ remctl("web", "lvrename", oldname, disk.guest_device_name, name)
+ d = dict(user=user,
+ command=command,
+ machine=machine)
+ return Template(file="command.tmpl", searchList=[d, global_dict])
+def help(user, fields):
+ """Handler for help messages."""
+ simple = fields.getfirst('simple')
+ subjects = fields.getlist('subject')
+ mapping = dict(paravm_console="""
+ParaVM machines do not support console access over VNC. To access
+these machines, you either need to boot with a liveCD and ssh in or
+hope that the sipb-xen maintainers add support for serial consoles.""",
+ hvm_paravm="""
+HVM machines use the virtualization features of the processor, while
+ParaVM machines use Xen's emulation of virtualization features. You
+want an HVM virtualized machine.""",
+ cpu_weight="""Don't ask us! We're as mystified as you are.""",
+ owner="""The Owner must be the name of a locker that you are an AFS
+administrator of. In particular, you or an AFS group you are a member
+of must have AFS rlidwka bits on the locker. You can check see who
+administers the LOCKER locker using the command 'fs la /mit/LOCKER' on
+ d = dict(user=user,
+ simple=simple,
+ subjects=subjects,
+ mapping=mapping)
+ return Template(file="help.tmpl", searchList=[d, global_dict])
+def info(user, fields):
+ """Handler for info on a single VM."""
+ machine = testMachineId(user, fields.getfirst('machine_id'))
+ status = statusInfo(machine)
+ has_vnc = hasVnc(status)
+ if status is None:
+ main_status = dict(name=machine.name,
+ memory=str(machine.memory))
+ uptime=None
+ cputime=None
+ else:
+ main_status = dict(status[1:])
+ start_time = float(main_status.get('start_time', 0))
+ uptime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(time.time()-start_time))
+ cpu_time_float = float(main_status.get('cpu_time', 0))
+ cputime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(cpu_time_float))
+ display_fields = """name uptime memory state cpu_weight on_reboot
+ on_poweroff on_crash on_xend_start on_xend_stop bootloader""".split()
+ display_fields = [('name', 'Name'),
+ ('owner', 'Owner'),
+ ('contact', 'Contact'),
+ ('type', 'Type'),
+ ('uptime', 'uptime'),
+ ('cputime', 'CPU usage'),
+ ('memory', 'RAM'),
+ ('state', 'state (xen format)'),
+ ('cpu_weight', 'CPU weight'+helppopup('cpu_weight')),
+ ('on_reboot', 'Action on VM reboot'),
+ ('on_poweroff', 'Action on VM poweroff'),
+ ('on_crash', 'Action on VM crash'),
+ ('on_xend_start', 'Action on Xen start'),
+ ('on_xend_stop', 'Action on Xen stop'),
+ ('bootloader', 'Bootloader options'),
+ ]
+ fields = []
+ machine_info = {}
+ machine_info['name'] = machine.name
+ machine_info['type'] = machine.type.hvm and 'HVM' or 'ParaVM'
+ machine_info['owner'] = machine.owner
+ machine_info['contact'] = machine.contact
+ nic_fields = getNicInfo(machine_info, machine)
+ nic_point = display_fields.index('NIC_INFO')
+ display_fields = display_fields[:nic_point] + nic_fields + display_fields[nic_point+1:]
+ disk_fields = getDiskInfo(machine_info, machine)
+ disk_point = display_fields.index('DISK_INFO')
+ display_fields = display_fields[:disk_point] + disk_fields + display_fields[disk_point+1:]
+ main_status['memory'] += ' MB'
+ for field, disp in display_fields:
+ if field in ('uptime', 'cputime') and locals()[field] is not None:
+ fields.append((disp, locals()[field]))
+ elif field in machine_info:
+ fields.append((disp, machine_info[field]))
+ elif field in main_status:
+ fields.append((disp, main_status[field]))
+ else:
+ pass
+ #fields.append((disp, None))
+ max_mem = maxMemory(user, machine)
+ max_disk = maxDisk(user, machine)
+ d = dict(user=user,
+ cdroms=CDROM.select(),
+ on=status is not None,
+ machine=machine,
+ has_vnc=has_vnc,
+ uptime=str(uptime),
+ ram=machine.memory,
+ max_mem=max_mem,
+ max_disk=max_disk,
+ owner_help=helppopup("owner"),
+ fields = fields)
+ return Template(file='info.tmpl',
+ searchList=[d, global_dict])