X-Git-Url: http://xvm.mit.edu/gitweb/invirt/packages/invirt-web.git/blobdiff_plain/263010ff23d21486b8f5029cfd8c9bee9a04f3f8..f75a4254e84bc77ec2fe18aad852d940f27ab451:/code/templates/list.mako?ds=inline

diff --git a/code/templates/list.mako b/code/templates/list.mako
index 71a8943..777134f 100644
--- a/code/templates/list.mako
+++ b/code/templates/list.mako
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 <%page expression_filter="h"/>
 <%inherit file="skeleton.mako" />
-	from invirt.config import structs as config
 	import datetime
@@ -10,6 +9,12 @@
 VM List
+%if os.path.exists("/etc/invirt/motd.html"):
+<div class="result">
+<p class="error">${open('/etc/invirt/motd.html').read()|n}</p>
 <%def name="createForm()">
 % if cant_add_vm:
@@ -20,6 +25,7 @@ VM List
 % elif new_machine:
 <p>Congratulations! You successfully created a new VM called ${new_machine}.</p>
 % endif
     <form action="create" method="POST">
     <input type="hidden" name="back" value="list"/>
@@ -54,19 +60,18 @@ VM List
 	${self.fn.errorRow('autoinstall', err)}
-	  <td><input type="radio" name="cd_or_auto" id="cd_or_auto_auto"
-                 onchange="\$('cdromlist').value = ''; \$('vmtype-linux').checked = true">
+	  <td><label><input type="radio" name="cd_or_auto" id="cd_or_auto_auto"
+                 onchange="$('cdromlist').value = ''; $('vmtype-linux').checked = true" />
 ${self.fn.autoList(defaults.cdrom, "$('cd_or_auto_auto').checked = true;$('cdromlist').value = '';$('vmtype-linux').checked = true")}
 	      (experimental; 2-3 minutes, and you have a machine with empty root password.)
-	  </input>
 	  <td>Boot CD</td>
-	  <td><input type="radio" name="cd_or_auto" id="cd_or_auto_cd" checked="checked"
-                onchange="\$('autoinstalllist').value = ''; \$('vmtype-linux-hvm').checked = true">
+	  <td><label><input type="radio" name="cd_or_auto" id="cd_or_auto_cd" checked="checked"
+                onchange="$('autoinstalllist').value = ''; $('vmtype-linux-hvm').checked = true" />
 ${self.fn.cdromList(defaults.cdrom, "$('cd_or_auto_cd').checked = true;$('autoinstalllist').value = '';$('vmtype-linux-hvm').checked = true")}
-	  </input>
 	${self.fn.errorRow('cdrom', err)}
 	${self.fn.errorRow('cdrom', err)}
@@ -76,50 +81,73 @@ ${self.fn.cdromList(defaults.cdrom, "$('cd_or_auto_cd').checked = true;$('autoin
 	${self.fn.errorRow('owner', err)}
-      <input type="submit" class="button" value="Create it!"/><br />
+      <input type="submit" class="button" value="Create it!" \
+% if disable_creation:
+ disabled="disabled" \
+% endif
+/> \
+% if disable_creation:
+&nbsp;<span style="color:red;">VM creation is currently disabled due to lack of disk space.</span> \
+<br />
       Windows notes: ${self.fn.helppopup('Windows')}
 % endif
-<%def name="machineRow(machine)">
-      <tr> 
+<%def name="machineRow(machine, dark)">
+	on = (machine.uptime is not None)
+      <tr\
+% if dark:
+ class="stripedrow" \
+% endif
 	<td rowspan="2">
-	  <form action="command" method="post">
+	% if on and installing[machine]:
+	<img src="static/power_installing.png" alt="Installing..." />
+	% else:
+	  <form action="machine/${machine.machine_id}/command/${'shutdown' if on else 'create'}" method="post">
 	    <input type="hidden" name="back" value="list"/>
-	    <input type="hidden" name="machine_id"
-		   value="${machine.machine_id}"/>
-<input type="submit" class="power ${'on' if machine.uptime else 'off'}" name="action" value="${'Power off' if machine.uptime else 'Power on'}"\
-% if machine.uptime:
+<input type="submit" class="power ${'on' if on else 'off'}" name="action" value="${'Shutdown' if on else 'Power on'}"\
+% if on:
  onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to power off this VM?');"
 % endif
+	  % endif
-	<td><a href="info?machine_id=${machine.machine_id}">${machine.name}</a></td>
+	<td><a href="machine/${machine.machine_id}">${machine.name}</a></td>
 % if machine.nics:
-	<td>${', '.join(map(lambda x: x.ip, machine.nics))}</td>
+	<td>${', '.join(nic.ip for nic in machine.nics)}</td>
 % else:
 % endif
-% if machine.uptime:
+% if on:
 % endif
 % if has_vnc[machine] == True:
-<a href="vnc?machine_id=${machine.machine_id}">Console</a>\
+<a href="machine/${machine.machine_id}/vnc">Console</a>\
+% elif has_vnc[machine] == 'ParaVM':
+ParaVM${self.fn.helppopup("ParaVM Console")}
 % elif has_vnc[machine] != 'Off':
 % endif
-      <tr>
-        <td colspan="7" style="padding-left: 1em; color: #666">${machine.description}</td>
+      <tr\
+% if dark:
+ class="stripedrow" \
+% endif
+        <td colspan="7" style="padding-left: 1em; color: #666">${machine.description|self.fn.module.nl2br}</td>
@@ -135,17 +163,10 @@ ${has_vnc[machine]}
-% for machine in machines:
-	${machineRow(machine)}
+% for n, machine in enumerate(machines):
+	${machineRow(machine, (n%2)==0)}
 % endfor
-    <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/stripe.js"></script>
-    <script type="text/javascript">
-        document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
-            stripe(\$('machinelist').getElementsByTagName('table')[0],
-                   'stripedrow');
-        });
-    </script>
 <p style="font-size: 125%;"><a href="http://${config.web.hostname}">What is XVM?</a></p>