X-Git-Url: http://xvm.mit.edu/gitweb/invirt/packages/invirt-web.git/blobdiff_plain/e37dd15bbf8683bab8454ea0eec8e9968ce982b2..feb4074d2d01eeaec7710781482b28e30417d061:/code/validation.py

diff --git a/code/validation.py b/code/validation.py
index fd2b979..04b53ba 100644
--- a/code/validation.py
+++ b/code/validation.py
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
+import cache_acls
 import getafsgroups
 import re
 import string
-from sipb_xen_database import Machine, NIC
-from webcommon import InvalidInput, g
+from sipb_xen_database import Machine, NIC, Type, Disk, CDROM, Autoinstall
+from webcommon import InvalidInput
@@ -15,22 +16,73 @@ MIN_DISK_SINGLE = 0.1
-def getMachinesByOwner(user, machine=None):
+class Validate:
+    def __init__(self, username, state, machine_id=None, name=None, description=None, owner=None,
+                 admin=None, contact=None, memory=None, disksize=None,
+                 vmtype=None, cdrom=None, autoinstall=None, strict=False):
+        # XXX Successive quota checks aren't a good idea, since you
+        # can't necessarily change the locker and disk size at the
+        # same time.
+        created_new = (machine_id is None)
+        if strict:
+            if name is None:
+                raise InvalidInput('name', name, "You must provide a machine name.")
+            if description is None:
+                raise InvalidInput('description', description, "You must provide a description.")
+            if memory is None:
+                raise InvalidInput('memory', memory, "You must provide a memory size.")
+            if disksize is None:
+                raise InvalidInput('disk', disksize, "You must provide a disk size.")
+        if machine_id is not None:
+            self.machine = testMachineId(username, state, machine_id)
+        machine = getattr(self, 'machine', None)
+        owner = testOwner(username, owner, machine)
+        if owner is not None:
+            self.owner = owner
+        admin = testAdmin(username, admin, machine)
+        if admin is not None:
+            self.admin = admin
+        contact = testContact(username, contact, machine)
+        if contact is not None:
+            self.contact = contact
+        name = testName(username, name, machine)
+        if name is not None:
+            self.name = name
+        description = testDescription(username, description, machine)
+        if description is not None:
+            self.description = description
+        if memory is not None:
+            self.memory = validMemory(self.owner, state, memory, machine,
+                                      on=not created_new)
+        if disksize is not None:
+            self.disksize = validDisk(self.owner, state, disksize, machine)
+        if vmtype is not None:
+            self.vmtype = validVmType(vmtype)
+        if cdrom is not None:
+            if not CDROM.get(cdrom):
+                raise CodeError("Invalid cdrom type '%s'" % cdrom)
+            self.cdrom = cdrom
+        if autoinstall is not None:
+            self.autoinstall = Autoinstall.get(autoinstall)
+def getMachinesByOwner(owner, machine=None):
     """Return the machines owned by the same as a machine.
     If the machine is None, return the machines owned by the same
     if machine:
         owner = machine.owner
-    else:
-        owner = user
     return Machine.select_by(owner=owner)
-def maxMemory(user, machine=None, on=True):
+def maxMemory(owner, g, machine=None, on=True):
     """Return the maximum memory for a machine or a user.
-    If machine is None, return the memory available for a new 
+    If machine is None, return the memory available for a new
     machine.  Else, return the maximum that machine can have.
     on is whether the machine should be turned on.  If false, the max
@@ -42,20 +94,28 @@ def maxMemory(user, machine=None, on=True):
         return machine.memory
     if not on:
         return MAX_MEMORY_SINGLE
-    machines = getMachinesByOwner(user, machine)
-    active_machines = [x for x in machines if g.uptimes.get(x)]
+    machines = getMachinesByOwner(owner, machine)
+    active_machines = [m for m in machines if m.name in g.xmlist_raw]
     mem_usage = sum([x.memory for x in active_machines if x != machine])
     return min(MAX_MEMORY_SINGLE, MAX_MEMORY_TOTAL-mem_usage)
-def maxDisk(user, machine=None):
-    machines = getMachinesByOwner(user, machine)
-    disk_usage = sum([sum([y.size for y in x.disks])
-                      for x in machines if x != machine])
+def maxDisk(owner, machine=None):
+    """Return the maximum disk that a machine can reach.
+    If machine is None, the maximum disk for a new machine. Otherwise,
+    return the maximum that a given machine can be changed to.
+    """
+    if machine is not None:
+        machine_id = machine.machine_id
+    else:
+        machine_id = None
+    disk_usage = Disk.query().filter_by(Disk.c.machine_id != machine_id,
+                                        owner=owner).sum(Disk.c.size) or 0
     return min(MAX_DISK_SINGLE, MAX_DISK_TOTAL-disk_usage/1024.)
-def cantAddVm(user):
-    machines = getMachinesByOwner(user)
-    active_machines = [x for x in machines if g.uptimes.get(x)]
+def cantAddVm(owner, g):
+    machines = getMachinesByOwner(owner)
+    active_machines = [m for m in machines if m.name in g.xmlist_raw]
     if len(machines) >= MAX_VMS_TOTAL:
         return 'You have too many VMs to create a new one.'
     if len(active_machines) >= MAX_VMS_ACTIVE:
@@ -63,41 +123,28 @@ def cantAddVm(user):
                 'To create more, turn one off.')
     return False
-def validAddVm(user):
-    reason = cantAddVm(user)
-    if reason:
-        raise InvalidInput('create', True, reason)
-    return True
-def haveAccess(user, machine):
+def haveAccess(user, state, machine):
     """Return whether a user has administrative access to a machine"""
-    if user in (machine.administrator, machine.owner):
-        return True
-    if getafsgroups.checkAfsGroup(user, machine.administrator, 
-                                  'athena.mit.edu'): #XXX Cell?
-        return True
-    if not getafsgroups.notLockerOwner(user, machine.owner):
-        return True
-    return owns(user, machine)
+    return state.overlord or user in cache_acls.accessList(machine)
 def owns(user, machine):
     """Return whether a user owns a machine"""
-    return not getafsgroups.notLockerOwner(user, machine.owner)
+    return user in expandLocker(machine.owner)
 def validMachineName(name):
     """Check that name is valid for a machine name"""
     if not name:
         return False
-    charset = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '-_'
-    if name[0] in '-_' or len(name) > 22:
+    charset = string.lowercase + string.digits + '-'
+    if '-' in (name[0], name[-1]) or len(name) > 63:
         return False
     for x in name:
         if x not in charset:
             return False
     return True
-def validMemory(user, memory, machine=None, on=True):
-    """Parse and validate limits for memory for a given user and machine.
+def validMemory(owner, g, memory, machine=None, on=True):
+    """Parse and validate limits for memory for a given owner and machine.
     on is whether the memory must be valid after the machine is
     switched on.
@@ -107,21 +154,21 @@ def validMemory(user, memory, machine=None, on=True):
         if memory < MIN_MEMORY_SINGLE:
             raise ValueError
     except ValueError:
-        raise InvalidInput('memory', memory, 
+        raise InvalidInput('memory', memory,
                            "Minimum %s MiB" % MIN_MEMORY_SINGLE)
-    if memory > maxMemory(user, machine, on):
+    max_val = maxMemory(owner, g, machine, on)
+    if not g.overlord and memory > max_val:
         raise InvalidInput('memory', memory,
-                           'Maximum %s MiB for %s' % (maxMemory(user, machine),
-                                                      user))
+                           'Maximum %s MiB for %s' % (max_val, owner))
     return memory
-def validDisk(user, disk, machine=None):
-    """Parse and validate limits for disk for a given user and machine."""
+def validDisk(owner, g, disk, machine=None):
+    """Parse and validate limits for disk for a given owner and machine."""
         disk = float(disk)
-        if disk > maxDisk(user, machine):
+        if not g.overlord and disk > maxDisk(owner, machine):
             raise InvalidInput('disk', disk,
-                               "Maximum %s G" % maxDisk(user, machine))
+                               "Maximum %s G" % maxDisk(owner, machine))
         disk = int(disk * 1024)
         if disk < MIN_DISK_SINGLE * 1024:
             raise ValueError
@@ -129,14 +176,22 @@ def validDisk(user, disk, machine=None):
         raise InvalidInput('disk', disk,
                            "Minimum %s GiB" % MIN_DISK_SINGLE)
     return disk
-def testMachineId(user, machine_id, exists=True):
+def validVmType(vm_type):
+    if vm_type is None:
+        return None
+    t = Type.get(vm_type)
+    if t is None:
+        raise CodeError("Invalid vm type '%s'"  % vm_type)
+    return t
+def testMachineId(user, state, machine_id, exists=True):
     """Parse, validate and check authorization for a given user and machine.
     If exists is False, don't check that it exists.
     if machine_id is None:
-        raise InvalidInput('machine_id', machine_id, 
+        raise InvalidInput('machine_id', machine_id,
                            "Must specify a machine ID.")
         machine_id = int(machine_id)
@@ -145,35 +200,59 @@ def testMachineId(user, machine_id, exists=True):
     machine = Machine.get(machine_id)
     if exists and machine is None:
         raise InvalidInput('machine_id', machine_id, "Does not exist.")
-    if machine is not None and not haveAccess(user, machine):
+    if machine is not None and not haveAccess(user, state, machine):
         raise InvalidInput('machine_id', machine_id,
                            "You do not have access to this machine.")
     return machine
 def testAdmin(user, admin, machine):
-    if admin in (None, machine.administrator):
+    """Determine whether a user can set the admin of a machine to this value.
+    Return the value to set the admin field to (possibly 'system:' +
+    admin).  XXX is modifying this a good idea?
+    """
+    if admin is None:
+        return None
+    if machine is not None and admin == machine.administrator:
         return None
     if admin == user:
         return admin
-    if getafsgroups.checkAfsGroup(user, admin, 'athena.mit.edu'):
-        return admin
-    if getafsgroups.checkAfsGroup(user, 'system:'+admin,
-                                  'athena.mit.edu'):
-        return 'system:'+admin
+    if ':' not in admin:
+        if cache_acls.isUser(admin):
+            return admin
+        admin = 'system:' + admin
+    try:
+        if user in getafsgroups.getAfsGroupMembers(admin, 'athena.mit.edu'):
+            return admin
+    except getafsgroups.AfsProcessError, e:
+        errmsg = str(e)
+        if errmsg.startswith("pts: User or group doesn't exist"):
+            errmsg = 'The group "%s" does not exist.' % admin
+        raise InvalidInput('administrator', admin, errmsg)
+    #XXX Should we require that user is in the admin group?
     return admin
 def testOwner(user, owner, machine=None):
-    if owner == user or machine is not None and owner == machine.owner:
+    """Determine whether a user can set the owner of a machine to this value.
+    If machine is None, this is the owner of a new machine.
+    """
+    if owner == user:
         return owner
+    if machine is not None and owner in (machine.owner, None):
+        return machine.owner
     if owner is None:
         raise InvalidInput('owner', owner, "Owner must be specified")
-    value = getafsgroups.notLockerOwner(user, owner)
-    if not value:
-        return owner
-    raise InvalidInput('owner', owner, value)
+    try:
+        if user not in cache_acls.expandLocker(owner):
+            raise InvalidInput('owner', owner, 'You do not have access to the '
+                               + owner + ' locker')
+    except getafsgroups.AfsProcessError, e:
+        raise InvalidInput('owner', owner, str(e))
+    return owner
 def testContact(user, contact, machine=None):
-    if contact in (None, machine.contact):
+    if contact is None or (machine is not None and contact == machine.contact):
         return None
     if not re.match("^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$", contact, re.I):
         raise InvalidInput('contact', contact, "Not a valid email.")
@@ -183,12 +262,22 @@ def testDisk(user, disksize, machine=None):
     return disksize
 def testName(user, name, machine=None):
-    if name in (None, machine.name):
+    if name is None:
+        return None
+    name = name.lower()
+    if machine is not None and name == machine.name:
         return None
     if not Machine.select_by(name=name):
+        if not validMachineName(name):
+            raise InvalidInput('name', name, 'You must provide a machine name.  Max 63 chars, alnum plus \'-\', does not begin or end with \'-\'.')
         return name
     raise InvalidInput('name', name, "Name is already taken.")
+def testDescription(user, description, machine=None):
+    if description is None or description.strip() == '':
+        return None
+    return description.strip()
 def testHostname(user, hostname, machine):
     for nic in machine.nics:
         if hostname == nic.hostname: