invirt-svn-server and invirt-web both depend on AFS working
[invirt/packages/invirt-web.git] / code /
2008-11-01  Evan BroderSwitched to lowercase "reserved" in the zone file becau...
2008-11-01  Evan BroderDisplay a helpful error on the website if a name has...
2008-11-01  Evan BroderValidate hostnames by querying to see if the name exist...
2008-10-03  Evan BroderUpdate web code to for SQLAlchemy 0.4 sipb-xen-www/3.11
2008-10-02  Evan BroderUpdate (at least some of) the web code to work with...
2008-08-08  Yang Zhang * further integration of invirt.config
2008-08-06  Greg Priceadd and respect 'adminable' column to machines
2008-08-05  Greg Pricerename overlord -> admin mode
2008-08-05  Greg Pricefinish sipb_xen_database -> invirt.database in web
2008-06-24  Eric PriceMore accurate error message for new machine naming...
2008-06-24  Eric PriceMore accurate validMachineName (no _, 63 character...
2008-06-24  Eric PriceOnly allow lowercase machine names
2008-06-22  Anders KaseorgAdd overlord mode, accessible from by
2008-06-22  Eric PriceAutoinstalls
2008-06-18  Anders KaseorgAdd a description field.
2008-06-03  Evan BroderMore bugs
2008-06-03  Eric PriceFix more bugs
2008-06-03  Eric PriceFix a couple more bugs
2008-06-03  Eric PriceFix a couple bugs.
2008-06-03  Eric PriceFix stupid bug
2008-06-03  Eric PricePut validation behind more abstraction.
2008-05-17  Eric PriceFix jis's bug
2008-05-16  Eric PriceUse joins, new
2008-04-22  Eric PriceSupport setting paravm/hvm for off, but already created...
2008-04-21  Eric PriceCleaner HVM/paravm validation
2008-04-21  Eric PriceNicer error message on admin not being a group.
2008-04-14  Eric PriceResolve #69, by checking that administrators are either...
2008-04-14  Eric PriceFix the bug jbarnold reported, where the real-time...
2008-03-29  Evan BroderMoved sipb-xen-www into a package