X-Git-Url: http://xvm.mit.edu/gitweb/invirt/packages/invirt-xen-config.git/blobdiff_plain/f0eb3ae48da89a4970a0ed5836797e1a926d1d1c..00fc1ec722eafe57d1d8fc9816f2916e70ddc596:/invirt-database

diff --git a/invirt-database b/invirt-database
index e4eed03..adee177 100644
--- a/invirt-database
+++ b/invirt-database
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # -*- mode: python; -*-
-from invirt.database import models, connect
+from invirt.database import models, connect, session
 from invirt.config import structs as config
 import re
@@ -14,20 +14,24 @@ def check(b):
         import sys
-machine = models.Machine.query().filter_by(name=machine_name).one()
+machine = models.Machine.query.filter_by(name=machine_name).one()
 check(machine is not None)
 machine_type = machine.type
 cdrom = None
 if 'cdrom_image' in locals():
-    cdrom = models.CDROM.query().filter_by(cdrom_id=cdrom_image).one()
+    cdrom = models.CDROM.query.filter_by(cdrom_id=cdrom_image).one()
     check(cdrom is not None)
 memory = machine.memory
-maxmem = '2048'
+if machine_type.hvm:
+    # Disable populate-on-demand
+    maxmem = memory
+    maxmem = max(memory, 4096)
 check(re.match('^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9._-]*$', machine.name))
-name = prefix + machine.name
+name = prefix + machine_name
 check(re.match('^[0-9a-f-]+$', machine.uuid))
-uuid = machine.uuid
+uuid = str(machine.uuid)
 vcpus = machine.cpus
@@ -50,10 +54,30 @@ else:
 if 'installer_options' in locals(): #Installer
     import shlex
     install = dict(x.split("=",1) for x in shlex.split(installer_options))
-    if 'preseed' in install: # d-i based installer
-        baseurl = install['mirror']+"/dists/"+install['dist']+"/main/installer-"+install['arch']+"/current/images"
-        kernelurl = baseurl + "/netboot/xen/vmlinuz"
-        ramdiskurl = baseurl + "/netboot/xen/initrd.gz"
+    if 'ks' in install or 'preseed' in install:
+        if 'ks' in install: # anaconda based installer
+            baseurl = install['mirror']+"/releases/"+install['dist']+"/Everything/"+install['arch']+"/os"
+            kernelurl = baseurl + "/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz"
+            ramdiskurl = baseurl + "/images/pxeboot/initrd.img"
+            extras = ["inst.text",
+                      "inst.repo="+baseurl,
+                      "inst.ks="+install['ks'],
+                      "--", "console=hvc0",
+                      ]
+        elif 'preseed' in install: # d-i based installer
+            baseurl = install['mirror']+"/dists/"+install['dist']+"/main/installer-"+install['arch']+"/current/images"
+            kernelurl = baseurl + "/netboot/xen/vmlinuz"
+            ramdiskurl = baseurl + "/netboot/xen/initrd.gz"
+            # For debugging, add "DEBCONF_DEBUG=5" to the arguments.
+            extras = ["auto=true",
+                      "debconf/priority=critical",
+                      "debian-installer/locale=en_US.UTF-8",
+                      "debian-installer/exit/always_halt=true",
+                      "url="+install['preseed'],
+                      "--", "console=hvc0"]
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError('unknown new-style autoinstall')
         import urllib
         class MyUrlOpener(urllib.FancyURLopener):
@@ -69,14 +93,6 @@ if 'installer_options' in locals(): #Installer
         except IOError, _:
-        # For debugging, add "DEBCONF_DEBUG=5" to the arguments.
-        extras = ["auto=true",
-                  "debconf/priority=critical",
-                  "debian-installer/locale=en_US.UTF-8",
-                  "debian-installer/exit/always_halt=true",
-                  "url="+install['preseed'],
-                  "--", "console=hvc0"]
         extra = str.join(" ", extras)
     else: # Traditional debootstrap-based install
@@ -91,21 +107,23 @@ if 'installer_options' in locals(): #Installer
         n = machine.nics[0]
         extra = 'ro noresume'
         extra += (' ip=%s::%s:%s:%s:eth0:off'
-                  % (n.ip, config.dhcp.gateway, config.dhcp.netmask, machine.name))
+                  % (n.ip, n.gateway, n.netmask, machine.name))
         extra += ' %s' % installer_options
         root = '/dev/hdb1'
     codepath = None
-    memory = max(memory, 512)
+    memory = max(memory, 768)
+    maxmem = memory
 elif cdrom is not None:
     disk.append('phy:/dev/xenvg/image_' + cdrom.cdrom_id + ',hdc:cdrom,r')
     boot = 'd'
     codepath = 'hvm'
 if codepath == 'hvm':
+    xen_platform_pci = 1
     ioemu = "ioemu:"
-    viftype = "type=ioemu, "
-    kernel = '/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader'
+    viftype = "model=pcnet, "
+    kernel = '/usr/lib/xen-4.1/boot/hvmloader'
     builder = 'hvm'
     vnc = 1
     device_model = '/usr/sbin/qemu-dm-invirt'
@@ -115,9 +133,28 @@ elif codepath == 'paravm':
 for n in machine.nics:
+    other_netparams = ''
+    other_action = n.other_action if n.other_action else ''
+    if other_action == 'renumber':
+        (n.ip, n.netmask, n.gateway,
+         n.other_ip, n.other_netmask, n.other_gateway) = (
+         n.other_ip, n.other_netmask, n.other_gateway,
+         n.ip, n.netmask, n.gateway)
+        other_action = n.other_action = 'dnat'
+        session.add(n)
+        session.flush()
+    if other_action == 'dnat':
+        other_netparams = ('other_ip=%s other_gateway=%s'
+                           % (n.other_ip, n.other_gateway))
+    if other_action == 'remove':
+        n.other_ip = n.other_netmask = n.other_gateway = n.other_action = None
+        session.add(n)
+        session.flush()
     check(re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F:]+$', n.mac_addr) and re.match('^[0-9.]*$', n.ip))
-    d = ('%smac=%s, ip=%s, script=vif-invirtroute netdev=%s'
-         % (viftype, n.mac_addr, n.ip, config.xen.iface))
+    if n.nic_type:
+        viftype = viftype.replace("pcnet", n.nic_type)
+    d = ('%smac=%s, ip=%s, script=vif-invirtroute netdev=%s gateway=%s %s'
+         % (viftype, n.mac_addr, n.ip, config.xen.iface, n.gateway, other_netparams))
 for d in machine.disks: