+ def ListMax(self):
+ """
+ Return a tuple of the maximum user ID and the maximum group
+ ID currently assigned.
+ """
+ cdef afs_int32 code, uid, gid
+ code = ubik_PR_ListMax(self.client, 0, &uid, &gid)
+ pyafs_error(code)
+ return (uid, gid)
+ def SetMaxUserId(self, id):
+ """
+ Set the maximum currently assigned user ID (the next
+ automatically assigned UID will be id + 1)
+ """
+ cdef afs_int32 code
+ code = ubik_PR_SetMax(self.client, 0, id, 0)
+ pyafs_error(code)
+ def SetMaxGroupId(self, id):
+ """
+ Set the maximum currently assigned user ID (the next
+ automatically assigned UID will be id + 1)
+ """
+ cdef afs_int32 code
+ code = ubik_PR_SetMax(self.client, 0, id, PRGRP)
+ pyafs_error(code)
+ def ListEntries(self, users=None, groups=None):
+ """
+ Return a list of PTEntry instances representing all entries in
+ the PRDB.
+ Returns just users by default, but can return just users, just
+ groups, or both.
+ """
+ cdef afs_int32 code
+ cdef afs_int32 flag = 0, startindex = 0, nentries, nextstartindex
+ cdef prentries centries
+ cdef unsigned int i
+ cdef object entries = []
+ if groups is None or users is True:
+ flag |= PRUSERS
+ if groups:
+ flag |= PRGROUPS
+ while startindex != -1:
+ centries.prentries_val = NULL
+ centries.prentries_len = 0
+ nextstartindex = -1
+ code = ubik_PR_ListEntries(self.client, 0, flag, startindex, ¢ries, &nextstartindex)
+ if centries.prentries_val is not NULL:
+ for i in range(centries.prentries_len):
+ e = PTEntry()
+ _ptentry_from_c(e, <prcheckentry *>¢ries.prentries_val[i])
+ entries.append(e)
+ free(centries.prentries_val)
+ pyafs_error(code)
+ startindex = nextstartindex
+ return entries
+ def SetFields(self, ident, access=None, groups=None, users=None):
+ """
+ Update the fields for an entry.
+ Valid fields are the privacy flags (access), the group quota
+ (groups), or the "foreign user quota" (users), which doesn't
+ actually seem to do anything, but is included for
+ completeness.
+ """
+ cdef afs_int32 code
+ cdef afs_int32 mask = 0, flags = 0, nusers = 0, ngroups = 0
+ cdef afs_int32 id = self.NameOrId(ident)
+ if access is not None:
+ flags = access
+ mask |= PR_SF_ALLBITS
+ if groups is not None:
+ ngroups = groups
+ mask |= PR_SF_NGROUPS
+ if users is not None:
+ nusers = users
+ mask |= PR_SF_NGROUPS
+ code = ubik_PR_SetFieldsEntry(self.client, 0, id, mask, flags, ngroups, nusers, 0, 0)
+ pyafs_error(code)