+invirt-autoinstaller (0.0.11) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Require aptitude in the autoinstaller guest - and use it in
+ invirt-update-ai-guest.
+ -- Evan Broder <broder@mit.edu> Sat, 14 Feb 2009 22:32:32 -0500
invirt-autoinstaller (0.0.10) unstable; urgency=low
* Serial consoles are supposed to run at 115200 baud, not 115300.
Package: invirt-autoinstaller-guest
Architecture: all
Provides: ${diverted-files}
-Conflicts: ${diverted-files}, sysvinit, upstart, xen-hypervisor
+Conflicts: ${diverted-files}, aptitude, sysvinit, upstart, xen-hypervisor
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, patch, xen-tools, busybox-static, lvm2, kpartx
Description: SIPB Xen automatic guest-image installer system (guest)
This is our automatic guest-image installer system.
mount --bind $i "/mnt/install$i"
-chroot /mnt/install apt-get update
-chroot /mnt/install apt-get dist-upgrade
+chroot /mnt/install aptitude update
+chroot /mnt/install aptitude dist-upgrade