Architecture: all
Depends: ${python:Depends}, ${misc:Depends},
python-json (>= 3.4-2), python-yaml (>= 3.05), python-mako (>=
- 0.2.2), remctl-client, invirt-config
+ 0.2.2), remctl-client, invirt-config, python-afs
Provides: ${python:Provides}
XB-Python-Version: ${python:Versions}
Description: Base configuration required for all Invirt servers
--- /dev/null
+import errno
+from afs import acl
+from afs import fs
+from afs import pts
+from invirt.config import structs as config
+# expandOwner and expandAdmin form the API that needs to be exported
+# for all authz modules.
+# TODO: Make expandOwner and expandAdmin deal with acquiring tokens
+# and encrypting the connection to the prdb as necessary/requested by
+# the configuration.
+def expandOwner(name):
+ """Expand an owner to a list of authorized users.
+ For the locker authz module, an owner is an Athena locker. Those
+ users who have been given the administrator ('a') bit on the root
+ of a locker are given access to any VM owned by that locker,
+ unless they also have been given a negative administrator bit.
+ If a locker doesn't exist, or we can't access the permissions, we
+ assume the ACL is empty.
+ """
+ try:
+ path = _lockerPath(name)
+ cell = fs.whichcell(path)
+ a = acl.ACL.retrieve(path)
+ allowed = set()
+ for ent in a.pos:
+ if a.pos[ent] & acl.ADMINISTER:
+ allowed.update(_expandGroup(ent, cell))
+ for ent in a.neg:
+ if a.neg[ent] & acl.ADMINISTER:
+ allowed.difference_update(_expandGroup(ent, cell))
+ return allowed
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno in (errno.ENOENT, errno.EACCES):
+ return []
+ else:
+ raise
+def expandAdmin(name, owner):
+ """Expand an administrator to a list of authorized users.
+ Because the interpretation of an administrator might depend on the
+ owner, the owner is passed in as an argument.
+ However, in the case of locker-based authentication, the
+ administrator is always interpreted as an AFS entry (either a user
+ or a group) in the home cell ( for XVM).
+ """
+ return _expandGroup(name)
+# These are helper functions, and aren't part of the authz API
+def _expandGroup(name, cell=None):
+ """Expand an AFS group into a list of its members.
+ Because groups are not global, but can vary from cell to cell,
+ this function accepts as an optional argument the cell in which
+ this group should be resolved.
+ If no cell is specified, it is assumed that the default cell (or
+ ThisCell) should be used.
+ If the name is a user, not a group, then a single-element set with
+ the same name is returned.
+ As with expandOwner, if a group doesn't exist or if we're unable
+ to retrieve its membership, we assume it's empty.
+ """
+ try:
+ ent = pts.PTS(cell).getEntry(name)
+ if > 0:
+ return set([])
+ else:
+ return set([ for x in ent.members])
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno in (errno.ENOENT, errno.EACCESS):
+ return set()
+ else:
+ raise
+def _lockerPath(owner):
+ """Given the name of a locker, return a path to that locker.
+ This turns out to be pretty simple, thanks to the /mit
+ automounter.
+ """
+ return '/mit/%s' % owner