3 sys.path.append('pydhcplib/')
5 import pydhcplib.dhcp_network
6 from pydhcplib.dhcp_packet import *
7 from pydhcplib.type_hw_addr import hwmac
8 from pydhcplib.type_ipv4 import ipv4
9 from pydhcplib.type_strlist import strlist
12 if '__main__' == __name__:
13 event_logger.init("stdout", 'DEBUG', {})
14 from event_logger import Log
16 import sipb_xen_database
18 dhcp_options = {'subnet_mask': '',
19 'router': '',
20 'domain_name_server': ',,',
21 'domain_name': 'mit.edu'}
25 def __init__(self, database=None):
26 if database is not None:
27 sipb_xen_database.connect(database)
28 def findIP(self, mac):
29 value = sipb_xen_database.NIC.get_by(mac_addr=mac)
33 if ip is None: #Deactivated?
36 def getParameters(self):
38 for parameter, value in dhcp_options.iteritems():
39 option_type = DhcpOptionsTypes[DhcpOptions[parameter]]
41 if option_type == "ipv4" :
42 # this is a single ip address
43 options[parameter] = map(int,value.split("."))
44 elif option_type == "ipv4+" :
45 # this is multiple ip address
46 iplist = value.split(",")
48 for single in iplist :
49 opt.append(ipv4(single).list())
50 options[parameter] = opt
51 elif option_type == "32-bits" :
52 # This is probably a number...
54 options[parameter] = [digit>>24&0xFF,(digit>>16)&0xFF,(digit>>8)&0xFF,digit&0xFF]
55 elif option_type == "16-bits" :
57 options[parameter] = [(digit>>8)&0xFF,digit&0xFF]
59 elif option_type == "char" :
61 options[parameter] = [digit&0xFF]
63 elif option_type == "bool" :
64 if value=="False" or value=="false" or value==0 :
65 options[parameter] = [0]
66 else : options[parameter] = [1]
68 elif option_type == "string" :
69 options[parameter] = strlist(value).list()
72 options[parameter] = strlist(value).list()
75 def Discover(self, packet):
76 Log.Output(Log.debug,"dhcp_backend : Discover ")
77 chaddr = hwmac(packet.GetHardwareAddress())
78 ip = self.findIP(str(chaddr))
81 Log.Output(Log.debug,"dhcp_backend : Discover result = "+str(ip))
82 packet_parameters = self.getParameters()
84 # FIXME: Other offer parameters go here
85 packet_parameters["yiaddr"] = ip.list()
87 packet.SetMultipleOptions(packet_parameters)
91 def Request(self, packet):
92 Log.Output(Log.debug, "dhcp_backend : Request")
94 discover = self.Discover(packet)
96 chaddr = hwmac(packet.GetHardwareAddress())
97 request = packet.GetOption("request_ip_address")
98 yiaddr = packet.GetOption("yiaddr")
101 Log.Output(Log.info,"Unknown MAC address: "+str(chaddr))
104 if yiaddr!="" and yiaddr == request :
105 Log.Output(Log.info,"Ack ip "+str(yiaddr)+" for "+str(chaddr))
108 Log.Output(Log.info,"Requested ip "+str(request)+" not available for "+str(chaddr))
111 def Decline(self, packet):
113 def Release(self, packet):
117 class DhcpServer(pydhcplib.dhcp_network.DhcpServer):
118 def __init__(self, backend, options = {'client_listenport':68,'server_listenport':67}):
119 pydhcplib.dhcp_network.DhcpServer.__init__(self,"",options["client_listen_port"],options["server_listen_port"],)
120 self.backend = backend
121 Log.Output(Log.debug, "__init__ DhcpServer")
123 def SendPacket(self, packet):
124 """Encode and send the packet."""
126 giaddr = packet.GetOption('giaddr')
128 # in all case, if giaddr is set, send packet to relay_agent
129 # network address defines by giaddr
130 if giaddr!=[0,0,0,0] :
131 agent_ip = ".".join(map(str,giaddr))
132 self.SendDhcpPacketTo(agent_ip,packet)
133 Log.Output(Log.debug, "SendPacket to agent : "+agent_ip)
135 # FIXME: This shouldn't broadcast if it has an IP address to send
136 # it to instead. See RFC2131 part 4.1 for full details
138 Log.Output(Log.debug, "No agent, broadcast packet.")
139 self.SendDhcpPacketTo("",packet)
142 def HandleDhcpDiscover(self, packet):
143 """Build and send DHCPOFFER packet in response to DHCPDISCOVER
146 logmsg = "Get DHCPDISCOVER packet from " + hwmac(packet.GetHardwareAddress()).str()
148 Log.Output(Log.info, logmsg)
150 offer.CreateDhcpOfferPacketFrom(packet)
152 if self.backend.Discover(offer):
153 self.SendPacket(offer)
154 # FIXME : what if false ?
157 def HandleDhcpRequest(self, packet):
158 """Build and send DHCPACK or DHCPNACK packet in response to
159 DHCPREQUEST packet. 4 types of DHCPREQUEST exists."""
161 ip = packet.GetOption("request_ip_address")
162 sid = packet.GetOption("server_identifier")
163 ciaddr = packet.GetOption("ciaddr")
165 if sid != [0,0,0,0] and ciaddr == [0,0,0,0] :
166 Log.Output(Log.info, "Get DHCPREQUEST_SELECTING_STATE packet")
168 elif sid == [0,0,0,0] and ciaddr == [0,0,0,0] and ip :
169 Log.Output(Log.info, "Get DHCPREQUEST_INITREBOOT_STATE packet")
171 elif sid == [0,0,0,0] and ciaddr != [0,0,0,0] and not ip :
172 Log.Output(Log.info,"Get DHCPREQUEST_INITREBOOT_STATE packet")
174 else : Log.Output(Log.info,"Get DHCPREQUEST_UNKNOWN_STATE packet : not implemented")
176 if self.backend.Request(packet) : packet.TransformToDhcpAckPacket()
177 else : packet.TransformToDhcpNackPacket()
179 self.SendPacket(packet)
183 # FIXME: These are not yet implemented.
184 def HandleDhcpDecline(self, packet):
185 Log.Output(Log.info, "Get DHCPDECLINE packet")
186 self.backend.Decline(packet)
188 def HandleDhcpRelease(self, packet):
189 Log.Output(Log.info,"Get DHCPRELEASE packet")
190 self.backend.Release(packet)
192 def HandleDhcpInform(self, packet):
193 Log.Output(Log.info, "Get DHCPINFORM packet")
195 if self.backend.Request(packet) :
196 packet.TransformToDhcpAckPacket()
197 # FIXME : Remove lease_time from options
198 self.SendPacket(packet)
200 # FIXME : what if false ?
202 if '__main__' == __name__:
203 options = { "server_listen_port":67,
204 "client_listen_port":68,
205 "listen_address":""}
206 backend = DhcpBackend('postgres://sipb-xen@sipb-xen-dev/sipb_xen')
207 server = DhcpServer(backend, options)
209 while True : server.GetNextDhcpPacket()