Port list to Mako
[invirt/packages/invirt-web.git] / code / templates / list.mako
1 <%page expression_filter="h"/>
2 <%inherit file="skeleton.mako" />
3 <%!
4         from invirt.config import structs as config
5         import datetime
6 %>
9 <%def name="title()">
10 VM List
11 </%def>
13 <%def name="createForm()">
14 % if cant_add_vm:
15 <p>${cant_add_vm}</p>
16 % else:
17 <h2>Create a new VM</h2>
18 % if err:
19 <p class="error">We had a problem with your request:</p>
20 % elif new_machine:
21 <p>Congratulations! You successfully created a new VM called ${new_machine}.</p>
22 % endif
23     <form action="create" method="POST">
24     <input type="hidden" name="back" value="list"/>
25       <table>
26         ${self.fn.errorRow('create', err)}
27         <tr>
28           <td>Name</td>
29           <td><input type="text" name="name" value="${defaults.name}"/>.${config.dns.domains[0]}</td>
30         </tr>
31         ${self.fn.errorRow('name', err)}
32         <tr>
33           <td>Description</td>
34           <td><textarea name="description" rows="4" cols="60">${defaults.description}</textarea></td>
35         </tr>
36         ${self.fn.errorRow('description', err)}
37         <tr>
38           <td>Memory</td>
39           <td><input type="text" name="memory" value="${defaults.memory}" size=3/> MiB (${max_memory} max)</td>
40         </tr>
41         ${self.fn.errorRow('memory', err)}
42         <tr>
43           <td>Disk</td>
44           <td><input type="text" name="disksize" value="${defaults.disk}" size=3/> GiB (${"%0.1f" % (max_disk-0.05)} max)</td>
45         </tr>
46         ${self.fn.errorRow('disk', err)}
47         <tr>
48           <td>HVM/ParaVM${self.fn.helppopup('HVM/ParaVM')}</td>
49           <td>
50           ${self.fn.vmTypeList(defaults.type)}
51           </td>
52         </tr>
53         ${self.fn.errorRow('vmtype', err)}
54         ${self.fn.errorRow('autoinstall', err)}
55         <tr>
56           <td>Autoinstall${self.fn.helppopup('Autoinstalls')}</td>
57           <td><input type="radio" name="cd_or_auto" id="cd_or_auto_auto"
58                  onchange="\$('cdromlist').value = ''; \$('vmtype-linux').checked = true">
59 ${self.fn.autoList(defaults.cdrom, "$('cd_or_auto_auto').checked = true;$('cdromlist').value = '';$('vmtype-linux').checked = true")}
60               (experimental; 2-3 minutes, and you have a machine with empty root password.)
61           </input>
62         </tr>
63         <tr>
64           <td>Boot CD</td>
65           <td><input type="radio" name="cd_or_auto" id="cd_or_auto_cd" checked="checked"
66                 onchange="\$('autoinstalllist').value = ''; \$('vmtype-linux-hvm').checked = true">
67 ${self.fn.cdromList(defaults.cdrom, "$('cd_or_auto_cd').checked = true;$('autoinstalllist').value = '';$('vmtype-linux-hvm').checked = true")}
68 </td>
69           </input>
70         </tr>
71         ${self.fn.errorRow('cdrom', err)}
72         ${self.fn.errorRow('cdrom', err)}
73         <tr>
74           <td>Owner</td>
75           <td><input type="text" name="owner" value="${defaults.owner}"/></td>
76         </tr>
77         ${self.fn.errorRow('owner', err)}
78       </table>
79       <input type="submit" class="button" value="Create it!"/><br />
80       Windows notes: ${self.fn.helppopup('Windows')}
81     </form>
82 % endif
83 </%def>
85 <%def name="machineRow(machine)">
86       <tr> 
87         <td rowspan="2">
88           <form action="command" method="post">
89             <input type="hidden" name="back" value="list"/>
90             <input type="hidden" name="machine_id"
91                    value="${machine.machine_id}"/>
92 <input type="submit" class="power ${'on' if machine.uptime else 'off'}" name="action" value="${'Power off' if machine.uptime else 'Power on'}"\
93 % if machine.uptime:
94  onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to power off this VM?');"
95 % endif
96 />
97           </form>
98         </td>
99         <td><a href="info?machine_id=${machine.machine_id}">${machine.name}</a></td>
100         <td>${machine.memory}M</td>
101         <td>${machine.owner}</td>
102         <td>${machine.administrator}</td>
103 % if machine.nics:
104         <td>${', '.join(map(lambda x: x.ip, machine.nics))}</td>
105 % else:
106         <td></td>
107 % endif
108 <td>\
109 % if machine.uptime:
110 ${datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(machine.uptime))}\
111 % endif
112 </td>
113         <td>\
114 % if has_vnc[machine] == True:
115 <a href="vnc?machine_id=${machine.machine_id}">Console</a>\
116 % elif has_vnc[machine] != 'Off':
117 ${has_vnc[machine]}
118 % endif
119 </td>
120       </tr>
121       <tr>
122         <td colspan="7" style="padding-left: 1em; color: #666">${machine.description}</td>
123       </tr>
124 </%def>
126 <%def name="machineList(machines)">
127     <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
128       <tr>
129         <th></th>
130         <th>Name</th>
131         <th>Memory</th>
132         <th>Owner${self.fn.helppopup('Owner')}</th>
133         <th>Administrator${self.fn.helppopup('Administrator')}</th>
134         <th>IP</th>
135         <th>Uptime</th>
136         <th>VNC</th>
137       </tr>
138 % for machine in machines:
139         ${machineRow(machine)}
140 % endfor
141     </table>
142     <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/stripe.js"></script>
143     <script type="text/javascript">
144         document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
145             stripe(\$('machinelist').getElementsByTagName('table')[0],
146                    'stripedrow');
147         });
148     </script>
149 </%def>
151 <p style="font-size: 125%;"><a href="http://${config.web.hostname}">What is XVM?</a></p>
152 % if not machines:
153 <p>You don't currently control any VMs.</p>   
154 % endif
155     <p><a href="list">refresh</a></p>
156     <div id="machinelist">
157     ${machineList(machines)}
158     </div>
159 ${createForm()}