-__CHEETAH_version__ = '2.0rc8'
-__CHEETAH_versionTuple__ = (2, 0, 0, 'candidate', 8)
-__CHEETAH_genTime__ = 1192883107.2947011
-__CHEETAH_genTimestamp__ = 'Sat Oct 20 08:25:07 2007'
+__CHEETAH_version__ = '2.0rc7'
+__CHEETAH_versionTuple__ = (2, 0, 0, 'candidate', 7)
+__CHEETAH_genTime__ = 1192883610.434917
+__CHEETAH_genTimestamp__ = 'Sat Oct 20 08:33:30 2007'
__CHEETAH_src__ = 'skeleton.tmpl'
-__CHEETAH_srcLastModified__ = 'Sat Oct 20 08:22:11 2007'
+__CHEETAH_srcLastModified__ = 'Sat Oct 20 08:33:05 2007'
__CHEETAH_docstring__ = 'Autogenerated by CHEETAH: The Python-Powered Template Engine'
if __CHEETAH_versionTuple__ < RequiredCheetahVersionTuple:
<script type="text/javascript">
var helpWin = null;
function closeWin(){
-\tif (helpWin != null){
+ if (helpWin != null){
+ if(!helpWin.closed)
+ helpWin.close();
+ }
function helppopup(name){
onCreate: function(){
if (Ajax.activeRequestCount > 0) {
- document.getElementById("loadingnotice").style.display = \'block\';
+ document.getElementById("loadingnotice").style.display = 'block';
onComplete: function(){
if (Ajax.activeRequestCount == 0) {
- document.getElementById("loadingnotice").style.display = \'none\';
+ document.getElementById("loadingnotice").style.display = 'none';
try {
d = transport.responseText.evalJSON();
} catch (e) {
- $(\'body\').innerHTML = \'<pre>\'+transport.responseText+\'</pre>\'
+ $('body').innerHTML = '<pre>'+transport.responseText+'</pre>'
for(key in d) {
function jsFormSubmit(location, elt){
- new Ajax.Request(location, {method: \'post\',
- parameters: Form.serialize(elt)+\'&js=true\',
+ new Ajax.Request(location, {method: 'post',
+ parameters: Form.serialize(elt)+'&js=true',
onSuccess: replaceFunc,
onComplete: function() {Form.enable(elt);}
function rowFormSubmit(elt, retpage){
- new Ajax.Request(\'command\', {method: \'post\',
- parameters: Form.serialize(elt)+\'&js=\'+retpage,
+ new Ajax.Request('command', {method: 'post',
+ parameters: Form.serialize(elt)+'&js='+retpage,
onSuccess: replaceFunc
return false;
-window.onload = {
+window.onload = function (){
//Fix bug with disabled elements
- $''')
- _v = 'form' # "$('form')" on line 75, col 4
- if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr="$('form')")) # from line 75, col 4.
- write('''.each(Form.enable);
+ $$('form').each(Form.enable);
<div id="err">
if VFFSL(SL,"varExists",False)('error_text'): # generated from line 83, col 1
- write('''<p>STDERR:</p><pre>''')
+ write('<p>STDERR:</p><pre>')
_v = VFFSL(SL,"error_text",True) # '$error_text' on line 84, col 20
if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$error_text')) # from line 84, col 20.
- write('''</pre>
- write('''</div>
+ write('</pre>\n')
+ write('</div>\n\n')
if not VFFSL(SL,"varExists",False)('simple') or not VFFSL(SL,"simple",True): # generated from line 88, col 1
- write('''<p>[You are logged in as ''')
+ write('<p>[You are logged in as ')
_v = VFFSL(SL,"user.username",True) # '$user.username' on line 89, col 26
if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$user.username')) # from line 89, col 26.
<p><a href="list">List</a>
if VFFSL(SL,"varExists",False)('machine'): # generated from line 93, col 1
- write('''<a href="info?machine_id=''')
+ write('<a href="info?machine_id=')
_v = VFFSL(SL,"machine.machine_id",True) # '$machine.machine_id' on line 94, col 26
if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$machine.machine_id')) # from line 94, col 26.
- write('''">Info</a>
-<a href="vnc?machine_id=''')
+ write('">Info</a>\n<a href="vnc?machine_id=')
_v = VFFSL(SL,"machine.machine_id",True) # '$machine.machine_id' on line 95, col 25
if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$machine.machine_id')) # from line 95, col 25.
- write('''">Console</a>
- write('''<a href="help">Help</a></p>
+ write('">Console</a>\n')
+ write('<a href="help">Help</a></p>\n')
<div id="loadingnotice" class="loadingnotice">LOADING</div>
_v = VFFSL(SL,"body",True) # '$body' on line 104, col 1
if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$body')) # from line 104, col 1.
- write('''
+ write('\n')
if not VFFSL(SL,"varExists",False)('simple') or not VFFSL(SL,"simple",True): # generated from line 105, col 1
- write('''<hr />
-Questions? Contact <a href="mailto:sipb-xen-dev@mit.edu">sipb-xen-dev@mit.edu</a>.
- write('''</body>
+ write('<hr />\nQuestions? Contact <a href="mailto:sipb-xen-dev@mit.edu">sipb-xen-dev@mit.edu</a>.\n')
+ write('</body>\n</html>\n')
## END - generated method body
## START - generated method body
- write('''
+ write('\n')
## END - generated method body