raise RuntimeError("test of the emergency broadcast system")
class MachineView(View):
- # This is hairy. Fix when CherryPy 3.2 is out. (rename to
- # _cp_dispatch, and parse the argument as a list instead of
- # string
def __getattr__(self, name):
+ """Synthesize attributes to allow RESTful URLs like
+ /machine/13/info. This is hairy. CherryPy 3.2 adds a
+ method called _cp_dispatch that allows you to explicitly
+ handle URLs that can't be mapped, and it allows you to
+ rewrite the path components and continue processing.
+ This function gets the next path component being resolved
+ as a string. _cp_dispatch will get an array of strings
+ representing any subsequent path components as well."""
cherrypy.request.params['machine_id'] = int(name)
return self