Remove dead code, and make the docstring clear about what the function is
actually doing.
svn path=/package_branches/invirt-web/cherrypy-rebased/; revision=2722 = cherrypy.Tool('on_start_resource', require_POST, priority=150)
def remote_user_login(): = cherrypy.Tool('on_start_resource', require_POST, priority=150)
def remote_user_login():
- """Get the current user based on the SSL or GSSAPI environment
-variables and store it in the request object's login variable. This
-conforms to the CherryPy API:
-If the user is logged in successfully, cherrypy.request.login is set
-to the username. If the user failed to log in, cherrypy.request.login
-is set to False. If the user did not attempt authentication,
-cherrypy.request.login is set to None."""
+ """Get remote user from SSL or GSSAPI, and store in request object.
+Get the current user based on environment variables set by SSL or
+GSSAPI, and store it in the attribute cherrpy.request.login.
+Per the CherryPy API (,
+the attribute is set to the username on successful login, to False on
+failed login, and is left at None if the user attempted no authentication.
environ = cherrypy.request.wsgi_environ
user = environ.get('REMOTE_USER')
if user is None:
environ = cherrypy.request.wsgi_environ
user = environ.get('REMOTE_USER')
if user is None:
- else:
- cherrypy.request.login = None # clear what cherrypy put there
if environ.get('AUTH_TYPE') == 'Negotiate':
# Convert the krb5 principal into a krb4 username
if not user.endswith('@%s' % config.kerberos.realm):
if environ.get('AUTH_TYPE') == 'Negotiate':
# Convert the krb5 principal into a krb4 username
if not user.endswith('@%s' % config.kerberos.realm):
- cherrypy.request.login = False # failed to login
+ cherrypy.request.login = False # failed to log in
cherrypy.request.login = user.split('@')[0].replace('/', '.')
cherrypy.request.login = user.split('@')[0].replace('/', '.')