Don't error out when we lose the race between listInfoDict and infoDict after request...
[invirt/packages/invirt-web.git] / debian /
2013-09-04  Steven ValdezRemoved NIC radiobox dvorak42-other 0.1.41
2013-09-04  Steven ValdezAdded nc
2013-09-04  Steven ValdezAdded nc dvorak42 0.1.40
2013-08-08  Adam Glasgallcreate disks as hda instead of xvda so as to avoid... 0.1.38
2013-07-31  Steven ValdezRemoved extraneous diff line 0.1.37
2013-07-30  Steven ValdezMerged in cp fixes 0.1.36
2013-07-24  Steven ValdezUpdated version
2013-07-24  Steven ValdezAdded motd to pages
2013-07-21  Alexander Chernyak... dh7 needs --with config-package achernya 0.1.34
2013-07-20  Steven ValdezUpdating version for precise 0.1.33
2013-07-13  Adam Glasgallno-change version bump to test invirtibuilder changes
2013-06-07  Adam Glasgallfix iptables syntax so vnc works again
2013-06-01  Alexander Chernyak... Update packaging to dh7
2013-05-21  Adam Glasgallbump version
2013-05-21  Adam Glasgalloops, forgot to update changelog
2013-05-21  Adam Glasgalltell d-i where to install to
2013-05-21  Adam Glasgalladd precise preseed files
2013-05-21  Steven ValdezFixed naming of guest disk
2013-05-21  Adam Glasgalldon't pass machine_id twice
2013-05-21  Adam Glasgalldisable default cherrypy http listener
2013-05-21  Steven Valdezsqlalchemy fixes to get web to display
2013-05-21  Steven ValdezMore fixes for the sqlalchemy api
2013-05-21  Steven ValdezMore fixes to hanging query in cherrypy compat
2013-05-21  Steven ValdezUpdates to cherrypy init for engine
2013-05-21  Steven ValdezFixing changelog version for svn removal
2013-05-21  Steven ValdezRemoved hanging symlink
2013-05-21  Steven ValdezFixed dependency for openafs modules
2013-05-21  Steven ValdezBumped version number
2013-05-20  Peter IannucciFixed validation of administrator field. dev iannucci 0.1.31
2013-04-12  Steven ValdezUpdated help text with formatting changes. 0.1.30
2013-04-09  Steven ValdezAdded the name of machine that is being deleted
2013-04-08  Steven ValdezBumping version again
2013-04-02  Steven ValdezBumped version
2013-03-25  Alexander Chernyak... Do better at SSL/TLS with only strong ciphers 0.1.26
2013-03-25  Geoffrey ThomasAdd SSLCertificateChainFile, pointing to the certificat... geofft
2013-03-11  Alex DehnertAdd changelog
2011-12-22  Mitchell E BergerAdd alt text for the VNC applet to tell people to enabl... 0.1.23
2011-11-25  Quentin SmithHandle domains spinning in pygrub 0.1.22
2011-11-14  Mitchell E BergerFix strict validation of description field 0.1.21
2011-11-01  Mitchell E BergerTell users to contact us at our support address, not... 0.1.20
2011-05-22  Quentin SmithFix path to gitweb static content 0.1.19
2011-05-08  Joshua OremanRequire invirt-web POSTs to have proper referers oremanj 0.1.18
2011-01-23  Quentin SmithAdd support for amd64 and i386 squeeze autoinstalls. 0.1.17
2010-12-29  Quentin SmithShow historical domain CPU usage if available.
2010-12-28  Quentin SmithAdd support for amd64 debathena lucid autoinstalls.
2010-12-27  Quentin SmithAdd lucid autoinstalls 0.1.14
2010-12-27  Quentin SmithSupport debian-installer based preseeded installations 0.1.13
2010-10-18  Joshua OremanReenable VM creation until we can get it properly depen... 0.1.10
2010-10-05  Peter IannucciAdds support for conditionally disabling VM creation.
2010-08-26  Greg BrockmanUse expandOwner/expandAdmin rather than removed expandL... gdb gdb-git 0.1.8
2010-08-26  Andrew M. FarrellRename code/ to /var/www/invirt-web/ in binary-fixup
2010-08-23  Greg BrockmanCheckout the current HEAD when building 0.1.7
2010-08-23  Greg BrockmanAdd gitweb configuration
2010-08-23  Greg BrockmanSwitch from svn to git
2010-08-23  Greg BrockmanRemove crufty invirt-web-iptables files
2010-01-19  Greg BrockmanRemoved nonexistance makefile target and redundant...
2010-01-03  Evan BroderMerge invirt-web-iptables into invirt-web and use the new
2009-12-28  Evan BroderAdd more user-friendly error handling for common errors...
2009-12-21  Evan BroderDo some config cleanup in invirt-web.
2009-12-21  Quentin SmithProperly separate the auth.fcgi and unauth.fcgi scripts cherrypy-rebased
2009-12-21  Quentin SmithAdd an icon to be shown when a VM is being installed
2009-12-20  Greg PriceFill in changelog with the many things that changed.
2009-12-16  Evan BroderBump the version on the invirt-web package since we... 0.0.24
2009-10-29  Quentin SmithMake changelog entries describe package changes, not...
2009-09-29  Evan BroderRevert punting the "moocow" password in invirt-web and 0.0.23
2009-09-29  Evan BroderPunt the "moocow" VNC password - it's dumb, and we...
2009-09-29  Evan BroderPunt the "moocow" VNC password - it's dumb, and we... 0.0.22
2009-09-28  Quentin SmithFull error handling
2009-08-09  Quentin SmithDepend on python-cherrypy3 and python-mako in preparati...
2009-02-28  Evan BroderAdd a changelog entry for the cache_acls change. 0.0.21
2009-02-27  Quentin SmithAdd "reusable" column for nics, to avoid reusing addres...
2009-02-17  Anders KaseorgDon't confuse {KB, MB, GB} with {KiB, MiB, GiB}. 0.0.20
2009-02-17  Peter IannucciAdded all the other quotas for great win. 0.0.19
2009-02-17  Peter IannucciRAM quotas at remctl; RAM quota exception script, table...
2009-01-31  Greg Priceenable Apache modules we need
2009-01-31  Greg Pricedepend on remctl-client in invirt-base, not invirt-web
2009-01-31  Greg Priceorganize the 24 dependencies of invirt-web a bit
2009-01-31  Greg Priceget mitCAclient.pem from debathena-ssl-certificates
2009-01-31  Greg Priceinvirt-web: depend on apache2, remctl-client, two others
2009-01-26  Evan BroderFix-up several packages to include the correct Conflict... 0.0.17
2009-01-01  Greg Priceinvirt-web: depend on mail-transport-agent, not postfix. 0.0.16
2008-12-31  Greg Priceinvirt-cache-acls: get afs cell list from invirt-config
2008-12-31  Greg Pricefix pts mem vulnerability, with new -encrypt option
2008-12-20  Greg Priceinvirt-web: make initscript stop command not leave...
2008-12-11  Evan BroderClose the changelog entry for invirt-web 0.0.15
2008-12-11  Evan Broderconfig.{authn[0] => kerberos}.realm
2008-12-07  Evan Broderinvirt-web should depend on invirt-web-iptables 0.0.14
2008-11-21  Evan BroderAdd cron dependencies for packages that should have it 0.0.13
2008-11-17  Evan BroderWhoops - forgot to drop an option to k5start 0.0.12
2008-11-17  Evan BroderUse daemon/$HOSTNAME instead of the first principal... 0.0.11
2008-11-16  Evan BroderFix all kinds of problems with that last version of... 0.0.10
2008-11-16  Evan BroderSet the trac URL to redirect off-site 0.0.9
2008-11-07  Evan BroderDon't depend on invirt-mail-config everywhere 0.0.8
2008-11-07  Evan BroderDepend on invirt-mail-config on all servers 0.0.7
2008-11-07  Evan BroderDepend on invirt-dns so there is a local nameserver...
2008-11-07  Evan BroderIn the web interface, validate names by querying agains...
2008-11-03  Evan Broderinvirt-svn-server and invirt-web both depend on AFS... 0.0.6
2008-11-01  Evan BroderStandardize on the spelling of "Invirt project"...just...
2008-11-01  Evan BroderValidate hostnames by querying to see if the name exist...
2008-10-29  Evan BroderEnable IP forwarding on the web server so that VNC... invirt-web-iptables/0.0.2