+invirt-xen-config (0.0.56) unstable; urgency=low
+ * vif-invirtroute: Kill arpspoof with SIGKILL when we're done. The
+ version in this distro (which is the latest beta from the
+ unmaintained upstream) tries to "clean up" when you normally
+ terminate it. This involves trying to perform an ARP lookup
+ without interfering to see what the MAC should've been and then
+ sending replies for that. This appears to cause a race depending
+ on whether the entry for the machine's old domain (if it's being
+ rebooted) is listed as <incomplete> in the ARP table or is totally
+ flushed. If you lose the race, it sends further gratuitous ARPs
+ telling the router that your MAC is all-zeros because of a bug
+ where it fails to check for an incomplete ARP entry. This is
+ believed to cause the bug that has plagued XVM for years where
+ you sometimes lose off-network connectivity on reboot.
+ -- Mitchell Berger <mitchb@mit.edu> Mon, 25 Jun 2018 22:04:00 -0400
invirt-xen-config (0.0.55) unstable; urgency=low
* invirt-database: bump up autoinstall memory to make modern releases
${cmdprefix} ip route ${ipcmd} ${addr} dev ${dev} ${src} $metric
case "$command" in
- timeout 5 arpspoof -i $(invirt-getconf xen.iface) -t ${gateway} ${addr} || :
+ timeout -s KILL 5 arpspoof -i $(invirt-getconf xen.iface) -t ${gateway} ${addr} || :
iptables -t nat ${ipt_action} PREROUTING -d ${other_ip} -j DNAT --to-destination ${addr}
case "$command" in
- timeout 5 arpspoof -i $(invirt-getconf xen.iface) -t ${other_gateway} ${other_ip} || :
+ timeout -s KILL 5 arpspoof -i $(invirt-getconf xen.iface) -t ${other_gateway} ${other_ip} || :