name, which resulted in the VM name always being
'invirt-database'. Use passed-in machine_name instead, since that will
be a string. IBTSOCS.
+invirt-xen-config (0.0.38~glasgall11ubuntu1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+ * xm was expecting a string and was getting a unistring for machine
+ name, which resulted in the VM name always being
+ 'invirt-database'. Use passed-in machine_name instead, since that will
+ be a string. IBTSOCS.
+ -- Adam Glasgall <> Sat, 27 Apr 2013 00:21:21 -0400
invirt-xen-config (0.0.38~glasgall11) precise; urgency=low
* Add dependency on ethtool.
memory = machine.memory
maxmem = '2048'
-name = prefix +
+name = prefix + machine_name
check(re.match('^[0-9a-f-]+$', machine.uuid))
uuid = machine.uuid