Not that I do anything with them yet.
Signed-off-by: Evan Broder <>
cdef a.afsconf_dir *cdir
cdef a.afsconf_cell info
cdef char * c_cell
cdef a.afsconf_dir *cdir
cdef a.afsconf_cell info
cdef char * c_cell
+ cdef a.ktc_principal prin
+ cdef a.ktc_token token
if cell is None:
c_cell = NULL
if cell is None:
c_cell = NULL
code = a.afsconf_GetCellInfo(cdir, c_cell, "afsprot", &info)
if code != 0:
raise Exception(code, "GetCellInfo: %s" % a.error_message(code))
code = a.afsconf_GetCellInfo(cdir, c_cell, "afsprot", &info)
if code != 0:
raise Exception(code, "GetCellInfo: %s" % a.error_message(code))
+ if sec > 0:
+ a.strncpy(prin.cell,, sizeof(prin.cell))
+ prin.instance[0] = 0
+ a.strncpy(, "afs", sizeof(
+ code = a.ktc_GetToken(&prin, &token, sizeof(token), NULL);
+ if code != 0:
+ if sec >= 2:
+ # No really - we wanted authentication
+ raise Exception(code, "Failed to get token for service AFS: %s" % a.error_message(code))
+ sec = 0
def __dealloc__(self):
def __dealloc__(self):
+cdef extern from *:
+ ctypedef long size_t
cdef extern from "errno.h":
int errno
cdef extern from "string.h":
char * strerror(int errnum)
cdef extern from "errno.h":
int errno
cdef extern from "string.h":
char * strerror(int errnum)
+ char * strncpy(char *s1, char *s2, size_t n)
cdef extern from "netinet/in.h":
struct in_addr:
cdef extern from "netinet/in.h":
struct in_addr:
int rx_Init(int port)
void rx_Finalize()
int rx_Init(int port)
void rx_Finalize()
+cdef extern from "rx/rxkad.h":
+ enum:
+ struct ktc_principal:
+ char name[MAXKTCNAMELEN]
+ char instance[MAXKTCNAMELEN]
cdef extern from "afs/com_err.h":
char * error_message(int)
cdef extern from "afs/com_err.h":
char * error_message(int)
+cdef extern from "afs/auth.h":
+ enum:
+ # We don't look into this
+ struct ktc_encryptionKey:
+ pass
+ struct ktc_token:
+ ktc_encryptionKey sessionKey
+ short kvno
+ int ticketLen
+ char ticket[MAXKTCTICKETLEN]
+ int ktc_GetToken(ktc_principal *server,
+ ktc_token *token,
+ int tokenLen,
+ ktc_principal *client)