+import collections
+import _pts
+class PTRelationSet(collections.MutableSet):
+ """Collection class for the groups/members of a PTEntry.
+ This class, which acts like a set, is actually a view of the
+ groups or members associated with a PTS Entry. Changes to this
+ class are immediately reflected to the PRDB.
+ Attributes:
+ _ent: The PTEntry whose groups/members this instance
+ represents
+ _set: If defined, the set of either groups or members for this
+ instance's PTEntry
+ """
+ def __init__(self, ent):
+ """Initialize a PTRelationSet class.
+ Args:
+ ent: The PTEntry this instance should be associated with.
+ """
+ super(PTRelationSet, self).__init__()
+ self._ent = ent
+ def _loadSet(self):
+ """Load the membership/groups for this instance's PTEntry.
+ If they have not previously been loaded, this method updates
+ self._set with the set of PTEntries that are either members of
+ this group, or the groups that this entry is a member of.
+ """
+ if not hasattr(self, '_set'):
+ self._set = set(self._ent._pts.getEntry(m) for m in
+ self._ent._pts._ListMembers(self._ent.id))
+ def _add(self, elt):
+ """Add a new PTEntry to this instance's internal representation.
+ This method adds a new entry to this instance's set of
+ members/groups, but unlike PTRelationSet.add, it doesn't add
+ itself to the other instance's set.
+ Args:
+ elt: The element to add.
+ """
+ self._set.add(self._ent._pts.getEntry(elt))
+ def _discard(self, elt):
+ """Remove a PTEntry to this instance's internal representation.
+ This method removes an entry from this instance's set of
+ members/groups, but unlike PTRelationSet.discard, it doesn't
+ remove itself from the other instance's set.
+ Args:
+ elt: The element to discard.
+ """
+ self._set.discard(self._ent._pts.getEntry(elt))
+ def __len__(self):
+ """Count the members/groups in this set.
+ Returns:
+ The number of entities in this instance.
+ """
+ self._loadSet()
+ return len(self._set)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ """Iterate over members/groups in this set
+ Returns:
+ An iterator that loops over the members/groups of this
+ set.
+ """
+ self._loadSet()
+ return iter(self._set)
+ def __contains__(self, name):
+ """Test if a PTEntry is connected to this instance.
+ If the membership of the group hasn't already been loaded,
+ this method takes advantage of the IsAMemberOf lookup to test
+ for membership.
+ This has the convenient advantage of working even when the
+ user doens't have permission to enumerate the group's
+ membership.
+ Args:
+ name: The element whose membership is being tested.
+ Returns:
+ True, if name is a member of self (or if self is a member
+ of name); otherwise, False
+ """
+ name = self._ent._pts.getEntry(name)
+ if hasattr(self, '_set'):
+ return name in self._set
+ else:
+ if self._ent.id < 0:
+ return self._ent._pts._IsAMemberOf(name.id, self._ent.id)
+ else:
+ return self._ent._pts._IsAMemberOf(self._ent.id, name.id)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ self._loadSet()
+ return repr(self._set)
+ def add(self, elt):
+ """Add one new entity to a group.
+ This method will add a new user to a group, regardless of
+ whether this instance represents a group or a user. The change
+ is also immediately reflected to the PRDB.
+ Raises:
+ TypeError: If you try to add a grop group to a group, or a
+ user to a user
+ """
+ elt = self._ent._pts.getEntry(elt)
+ if elt in self:
+ return
+ if self._ent.id < 0:
+ if elt.id < 0:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "Adding group '%s' to group '%s' is not supported." %
+ (elt, self._ent))
+ self._ent._pts._AddToGroup(elt.id, self._ent.id)
+ elt.groups._add(self._ent)
+ else:
+ if elt.id > 0:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "Can't add user '%s' to user '%s'." %
+ (elt, self._ent))
+ self._ent._pts._AddToGroup(self._ent.id, elt.id)
+ elt.members._add(self._ent)
+ self._add(elt)
+ def discard(self, elt):
+ """Remove one entity from a group.
+ This method will remove a user from a group, regardless of
+ whether this instance represents a group or a user. The change
+ is also immediately reflected to the PRDB.
+ """
+ elt = self._ent._pts.getEntry(elt)
+ if elt not in self:
+ return
+ if self._ent.id < 0:
+ self._ent._pts._RemoveFromGroup(elt.id, self._ent.id)
+ elt.groups._discard(self._ent)
+ else:
+ self._ent._pts._RemoveFromGroup(self._ent.id, elt.id)
+ elt.members._discard(self._ent)
+ self._discard(elt)
+class PTEntry(object):
+ """An entry in the AFS protection database.
+ PTEntry represents a user or group in the AFS protection
+ database. Each PTEntry is associated with a particular connection
+ to the protection database.
+ PTEntry instances should not be created directly. Instead, use the
+ "getEntry" method of the PTS object.
+ If a PTS connection is authenticated, it should be possible to
+ change most attributes on a PTEntry. These changes are immediately
+ propogated to the protection database.
+ Attributes:
+ id: The PTS ID of the entry
+ name: The username or group name of the entry
+ count: For users, the number of groups they are a member of; for
+ groups, the number of users in that group
+ flags: An integer representation of the flags set on a given
+ entry
+ ngroups: The number of additional groups this entry is allowed
+ to create
+ nusers: Only meaningful for foreign-cell groups, where it
+ indicates the ID of the next entry to be created from that
+ cell.
+ owner: A PTEntry object representing the owner of a given entry.
+ creator: A PTEntry object representing the creator of a given
+ entry. This field is read-only.
+ groups: For users, this contains a collection class representing
+ the set of groups the user is a member of.
+ users: For groups, this contains a collection class representing
+ the members of this group.
+ """
+ _attrs = ('id', 'name', 'count', 'flags', 'ngroups', 'nusers')
+ _entry_attrs = ('owner', 'creator')
+ def __new__(cls, pts, id=None, name=None):
+ if id is None:
+ if name is None:
+ raise TypeError('Must specify either a name or an id.')
+ else:
+ id = pts._NameToId(name)
+ if id not in pts._cache:
+ if name is None:
+ name = pts._IdToName(id)
+ inst = super(PTEntry, cls).__new__(cls)
+ inst._pts = pts
+ inst._id = id
+ inst._name = name
+ if id < 0:
+ inst.members = PTRelationSet(inst)
+ else:
+ inst.groups = PTRelationSet(inst)
+ pts._cache[id] = inst
+ return pts._cache[id]
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if self.name != '':
+ return '<PTEntry: %s>' % self.name
+ else:
+ return '<PTEntry: PTS ID %s>' % self.id
+ def _get_id(self):
+ return self._id
+ def _set_id(self, val):
+ del self._pts._cache[self._id]
+ self._pts._ChangeEntry(self.id, newid=val)
+ self._id = val
+ self._pts._cache[val] = self
+ id = property(_get_id, _set_id)
+ def _get_name(self):
+ return self._name
+ def _set_name(self, val):
+ self._pts._ChangeEntry(self.id, newname=val)
+ self._name = val
+ name = property(_get_name, _set_name)
+ def _get_count(self):
+ self._loadEntry()
+ return self._count
+ count = property(_get_count)
+ def _get_flags(self):
+ self._loadEntry()
+ return self._flags
+ def _set_flags(self, val):
+ self._pts._SetFields(self.id, access=val)
+ self._flags = val
+ flags = property(_get_flags, _set_flags)
+ def _get_ngroups(self):
+ self._loadEntry()
+ return self._ngroups
+ def _set_ngroups(self, val):
+ self._pts._SetFields(self.id, groups=val)
+ self._ngroups = val
+ ngroups = property(_get_ngroups, _set_ngroups)
+ def _get_nusers(self):
+ self._loadEntry()
+ return self._nusers
+ def _set_nusers(self, val):
+ self._pts._SetFields(self.id, users=val)
+ self._nusers = val
+ nusers = property(_get_nusers, _set_nusers)
+ def _get_owner(self):
+ self._loadEntry()
+ return self._owner
+ def _set_owner(self, val):
+ self._pts._ChangeEntry(self.id, newoid=self._pts.getEntry(val).id)
+ self._owner = val
+ owner = property(_get_owner, _set_owner)
+ def _get_creator(self):
+ self._loadEntry()
+ return self._creator
+ creator = property(_get_creator)
+ def _loadEntry(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, '_flags'):
+ info = self._pts._ListEntry(self._id)
+ for field in self._attrs:
+ setattr(self, '_%s' % field, getattr(info, field))
+ for field in self._entry_attrs:
+ setattr(self, '_%s' % field, self._pts.getEntry(getattr(info, field)))
+class PTS(_pts.PTS):
+ """A connection to an AFS protection database.
+ This class represents a connection to the AFS protection database
+ for a particular cell.
+ Both the umax and gmax attributes can be changed if the connection
+ was authenticated by a principal on system:administrators for the
+ cell.
+ For sufficiently privileged and authenticated connections,
+ iterating over a PTS object will yield all entries in the
+ protection database, in no particular order.
+ Args:
+ cell: The cell to connect to. If None (the default), PTS
+ connects to the workstations home cell.
+ sec: The security level to connect with, an integer from 0 to 3:
+ - 0: unauthenticated connection
+ - 1: try authenticated, then fall back to unauthenticated
+ - 2: fail if an authenticated connection can't be established
+ - 3: same as 2, plus encrypt all traffic to the protection
+ server
+ Attributes:
+ realm: The Kerberos realm against which this cell authenticates
+ umax: The maximum user ID currently assigned (the next ID
+ assigned will be umax + 1)
+ gmax: The maximum (actually minimum) group ID currently assigned
+ (the next ID assigned will be gmax - 1, since group IDs are
+ negative)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self._cache = {}
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for pte in self._ListEntries():
+ yield self.getEntry(pte.id)
+ def getEntry(self, ident):
+ """Retrieve a particular PTEntry from this cell.
+ getEntry accepts either a name or PTS ID as an argument, and
+ returns a PTEntry object with that name or ID.
+ """
+ if isinstance(ident, PTEntry):
+ if ident._pts is not self:
+ raise TypeError("Entry '%s' is from a different cell." %
+ elt)
+ return ident
+ elif isinstance(ident, basestring):
+ return PTEntry(self, name=ident)
+ else:
+ return PTEntry(self, id=ident)
+ def expire(self):
+ """Flush the cache of PTEntry objects.
+ This method will disconnect all PTEntry objects from this PTS
+ object and flush the cache.
+ """
+ for elt in self._cache.keys():
+ del self._cache[elt]._pts
+ del self._cache[elt]
+ def _get_umax(self):
+ return self._ListMax()[0]
+ def _set_umax(self, val):
+ self._SetMaxUserId(val)
+ umax = property(_get_umax, _set_umax)
+ def _get_gmax(self):
+ return self._ListMax()[1]
+ def _set_gmax(self, val):
+ self._SetMaxGroupId(val)
+ gmax = property(_get_gmax, _set_gmax)