# So munin can read the mail log
adduser munin adm
- # First clear out the old stuff we threw in /etc/sudoers
- perl -i.bak -ne 's%^### (BEGIN|END) xvm-munin-config\s*$%%m && ($skip = ($1 eq "BEGIN")); print unless $skip;' /etc/sudoers
# So munin can sudo to get to postfix queue info
# and smartctl info
# and info about running domains
# Install munin plugins that are now configured
munin-node-configure --suggest --shell | sh
+ (cd /etc/munin/plugins;
+ for i in smart_*; do
+ if smartctl -i /dev/${i#smart_} | grep Device | grep EQLOGIC; then
+ rm -v $i;
+ fi
+ done)
invoke-rc.d munin-node restart