-# Migrates the machine named $1 from the dev cluster.
+# Migrates the machine passed as arguments from the dev cluster.
# To be run on the prod cluster.
-## The present version is NOT A REAL SCRIPT.
-## Things may not even be tested. Copy and paste.
+from invirt import remctl as r
+from lib import database
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+import os
+sys.stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'w', 0)
-from lib import database
+kinit = dict(principal='host/aperture-science.mit.edu', keytab='/etc/krb5.keytab')
dev_db_uri = 'postgres://sipb-xen@sipb-xen-dev.mit.edu/sipb_xen'
prod_sess = database.session
+## dump from dev db
def take_data(machine_name):
-## dump from dev db; save info well
machine = dev_sess.query(database.Machine).filter_by(name=machine_name).one()
machine.acl = []
+ print 'VM Info:'
+ print ' name: %s' % machine.name
+ print ' description: %s' % machine.description
+ print ' cpus: %s' % machine.cpus
+ print ' memory: %s' % machine.memory
+ print ' owner: %s' % machine.owner
+ print ' contact: %s' % machine.contact
+ print ' administrator: %s' % machine.administrator
+ print ' uuid: %s' % machine.uuid
+ print ' type: %s' % machine.type.type_id
+ print ' autorestart: %s' % machine.autorestart
+ print ' adminable: %s' % machine.adminable
+ print ' Disks:'
+ for disk in machine.disks:
+ print ' - %s (%s)' % (disk.guest_device_name, disk.size)
+ print ' NICs:'
+ for nic in machine.nics:
+ print ' - %s, %s, %s' % (nic.mac_addr, nic.ip, nic.hostname)
+ print '==============================================='
+ print
disks = machine.disks
nics = machine.nics
for r in disks + nics + [machine]:
- database.session.delete(r)
+ dev_sess.delete(r)
- database.session.commit()
+ dev_sess.flush()
for r in disks + nics + [machine]:
return machine
-## shut down if up
-#remctl remote control $MACHINE destroy
-## copy disk image... copy, copy...
-## for each disk:
-lvcreate xenvg -n "$lvname" -L "${size}"M
-ssh t-i dd if=/dev/xenvg/"$lvname" of=/dev/stdout bs=1M \
- | dd if=/dev/stdin of=/dev/xenvg/"$lvname" bs=1M
-## add to dev db
-def restore_data(machine):
- machine.type = prod_sess.query(database.Type).filter_by(type_id=machine.type.type_id).one()
- prod_sess.begin()
- ## now copy machine, disks, nics to new ORM objects (yuck, oh well)
- ## and database.session.save(those)
- prod_sess.save(machine)
- prod_sess.commit()
-## power on if desired
+## add to prod db
+def restore_data(machine, session):
+ # The machine's type is still the one attached to the dev database;
+ # get the right one
+ machine.type = session.query(database.Type).filter_by(type_id=machine.type.type_id).one()
+ session.begin()
+ session.save(machine)
+ session.commit()
+def migrate_vm(machine_name):
+ # Power off the VM on dev
+ #
+ # This has to be done first, because once the machine is deleted
+ # from the database, we can't remctl for it anymore
+ out, err = r.remctl('xvm-remote.mit.edu', 'control', machine_name, 'destroy', err=True, **kinit)
+ print out
+ machine = take_data(machine_name)
+ subprocess.call(['zwrite', '-d', '-c', 'xvm-auto', '-i', 'migration', '-s', 'XVM Migration Script', '-m',
+ 'Migrating %s, disk size %0.2fG...' % (machine.name, sum(disk.size for disk in machine.disks) / 1024.0)])
+ success = True
+ ## copy disk image... copy, copy...
+ for disk in machine.disks:
+ lvname='d_%s_%s' % (machine.name, disk.guest_device_name)
+ if 0 != subprocess.call(['lvcreate', '-L%sM' % str(disk.size), '-n', lvname, 'xenvg']):
+ success = False
+ break
+ ssh = subprocess.Popen(['rsh',
+ '',
+ 'dd', 'if=/dev/xenvg/%s' % lvname, 'bs=1M'],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ dd = subprocess.Popen(['dd', 'of=/dev/xenvg/%s' % lvname, 'bs=1M'],
+ stdin=ssh.stdout)
+ if 0 != dd.wait():
+ success = False
+ break
+ if 0 != ssh.wait():
+ success = False
+ break
+ if not success:
+ dev_sess.rollback()
+ print '==============================================='
+ print 'ERROR: VM %s failed to migrate' % machine.name
+ print '==============================================='
+ else:
+ restore_data(machine, prod_sess)
+ dev_sess.commit()
+ return success
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ while True:
+ r.checkKinit(**kinit)
+ p = subprocess.Popen(['curl', '-s', '-k', '--negotiate', '-u', ':', 'https://xvm.mit.edu:442/offlist'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ if 0 != p.wait():
+ subprocess.call(['zwrite', '-d', '-c', 'xvm', '-i', 'migration', '-s', 'XVM Migration Script', '-m',
+ 'Failed to get list of remaining VMs. Will try again in 15 seconds'])
+ time.sleep(15)
+ continue
+ next_line = p.stdout.read().split('\n')[0]
+ if next_line == '':
+ subprocess.call(['zwrite', '-d', '-c', 'xvm', '-i', 'migration', '-s', 'XVM Migration Script', '-m',
+ 'XVM migration complete'])
+ break
+ next, uptime = next_line.split('\t')[:2]
+ print '==============================================='
+ print 'Migrating %s' % next
+ print '==============================================='
+ if not migrate_vm(next):
+ subprocess.call(['zwrite', '-d', '-c', 'xvm', '-i', 'migration', '-s', 'XVM Migration Script', '-m',
+ 'Error in migrating %s' % next])
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if uptime.strip() != '':
+ r.remctl('xvm-remote-dev.mit.edu', 'control', next, 'create', **kinit)
+ subprocess.call(['zwrite', '-d', '-c', 'xvm-auto', '-i', 'migration', '-s', 'XVM Migration Script', '-m',
+ 'done'])