print """%s [-v] [-l [HOST:]PORT] {-a AUTHTOKEN|VMNAME}
-l, --listen [HOST:]PORT port (and optionally host) to listen on for
connections (default is and a randomly
- chosen port)
+ chosen port). Use an empty HOST to listen on all
+ interfaces (INSECURE!)
-a, --authtoken AUTHTOKEN Authentication token for connecting to the VNC server
VMNAME VM name to connect to (automatically fetches an
authentication token using remctl)
elif o in ("-l", "--listen"):
if ":" in a:
listen = a.split(":", 2)
+ listen[1] = int(listen[1])
- listen[1] = a
+ listen[1] = int(a)
elif o in ("-a", "--authtoken"):
authtoken = a
if listen[1] is None:
listen[1] = 5900
ready = False
- while not ready:
+ while not ready and listen[1] < 6000:
- reactor.listenTCP(listen[1], ProxyFactory(connect_host, connect_port, authtoken, machine))
+ reactor.listenTCP(listen[1], ProxyFactory(connect_host, connect_port, authtoken, machine), interface=listen[0])
ready = True
except error.CannotListenError:
listen[1] += 1