+ The rpcc class handles client-side RPC. Each rpcc is bound to a
+ single RPC server. The jobs of rpcc include maintaining a connection to
+ server, sending RPC requests and waiting for responses, retransmissions,
+ at-most-once delivery etc.
+ The rpcs class handles the server side of RPC. Each rpcs handles multiple
+ connections from different rpcc objects. The jobs of rpcs include accepting
+ connections, dispatching requests to registered RPC handlers, at-most-once
+ delivery etc.
+ Both rpcc and rpcs use the connection class as an abstraction for the
+ underlying communication channel. To send an RPC request/reply, one calls
+ connection::send() which blocks until data is sent or the connection has failed
+ (thus the caller can free the buffer when send() returns). When a
+ request/reply is received, connection makes a callback into the corresponding
+ rpcc or rpcs (see rpcc::got_pdu() and rpcs::got_pdu()).
+ Thread organization:
+ rpcc uses application threads to send RPC requests and blocks to receive the
+ reply or error. All connections use a single PollMgr object to perform async
+ socket IO. PollMgr creates a single thread to examine the readiness of socket
+ file descriptors and informs the corresponding connection whenever a socket is
+ ready to be read or written. (We use asynchronous socket IO to reduce the
+ number of threads needed to manage these connections; without async IO, at
+ least one thread is needed per connection to read data without blocking other
+ activities.) Each rpcs object creates one thread for listening on the server
+ port and a pool of threads for executing RPC requests. The
+ thread pool allows us to control the number of threads spawned at the server
+ (spawning one thread per request will hurt when the server faces thousands of
+ requests).
+ In order to delete a connection object, we must maintain a reference count.
+ For rpcc,
+ multiple client threads might be invoking the rpcc::call() functions and thus
+ holding multiple references to the underlying connection object. For rpcs,
+ multiple dispatch threads might be holding references to the same connection
+ object. A connection object is deleted only when the underlying connection is
+ dead and the reference count reaches zero.
+ The previous version of the RPC library uses pthread_cancel* routines
+ to implement the deletion of rpcc and rpcs objects. The idea is to cancel
+ all active threads that might be holding a reference to an object before
+ deleting that object. However, pthread_cancel is not robust and there are
+ always bugs where outstanding references to deleted objects persist.
+ This version of the RPC library does not do pthread_cancel, but explicitly
+ joins exited threads to make sure no outstanding references exist before
+ deleting objects.
+ To delete a rpcc object safely, the users of the library must ensure that
+ there are no outstanding calls on the rpcc object.
+ To delete a rpcs object safely, we do the following in sequence: 1. stop
+ accepting new incoming connections. 2. close existing active connections.
+ 3. delete the dispatch thread pool which involves waiting for current active
+ RPC handlers to finish. It is interesting how a thread pool can be deleted
+ without using thread cancellation. The trick is to inject x "poison pills" for
+ a thread pool of x threads. Upon getting a poison pill instead of a normal
+ task, a worker thread will exit (and thread pool destructor waits to join all
+ x exited worker threads).
+ */
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "method_thread.h"
+#include "slock.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <netinet/tcp.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include "jsl_log.h"
+#include "gettime.h"
+#include "lang/verify.h"
+const rpcc::TO rpcc::to_max = { 120000 };
+const rpcc::TO rpcc::to_min = { 1000 };
+rpcc::caller::caller(unsigned int xxid, unmarshall *xun)
+: xid(xxid), un(xun), done(false)
+ VERIFY(pthread_mutex_init(&m,0) == 0);
+ VERIFY(pthread_cond_init(&c, 0) == 0);
+ VERIFY(pthread_mutex_destroy(&m) == 0);
+ VERIFY(pthread_cond_destroy(&c) == 0);
+void set_rand_seed()
+ struct timespec ts;
+ clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
+ srandom((int)ts.tv_nsec^((int)getpid()));
+rpcc::rpcc(sockaddr_in d, bool retrans) :
+ dst_(d), srv_nonce_(0), bind_done_(false), xid_(1), lossytest_(0),
+ retrans_(retrans), reachable_(true), chan_(NULL), destroy_wait_ (false), xid_rep_done_(-1)
+ VERIFY(pthread_mutex_init(&m_, 0) == 0);
+ VERIFY(pthread_mutex_init(&chan_m_, 0) == 0);
+ VERIFY(pthread_cond_init(&destroy_wait_c_, 0) == 0);
+ if(retrans){
+ set_rand_seed();
+ clt_nonce_ = random();
+ } else {
+ // special client nonce 0 means this client does not
+ // require at-most-once logic from the server
+ // because it uses tcp and never retries a failed connection
+ clt_nonce_ = 0;
+ }
+ char *loss_env = getenv("RPC_LOSSY");
+ if(loss_env != NULL){
+ lossytest_ = atoi(loss_env);
+ }
+ // xid starts with 1 and latest received reply starts with 0
+ xid_rep_window_.push_back(0);
+ jsl_log(JSL_DBG_2, "rpcc::rpcc cltn_nonce is %d lossy %d\n",
+ clt_nonce_, lossytest_);
+// IMPORTANT: destruction should happen only when no external threads
+// are blocked inside rpcc or will use rpcc in the future
+ jsl_log(JSL_DBG_2, "rpcc::~rpcc delete nonce %d channo=%d\n",
+ clt_nonce_, chan_?chan_->channo():-1);
+ if(chan_){
+ chan_->closeconn();
+ chan_->decref();
+ }
+ VERIFY(calls_.size() == 0);
+ VERIFY(pthread_mutex_destroy(&m_) == 0);
+ VERIFY(pthread_mutex_destroy(&chan_m_) == 0);
+rpcc::bind(TO to)
+ int r;
+ int ret = call(rpc_const::bind, 0, r, to);
+ if(ret == 0){
+ ScopedLock ml(&m_);
+ bind_done_ = true;
+ srv_nonce_ = r;
+ } else {
+ jsl_log(JSL_DBG_2, "rpcc::bind %s failed %d\n",
+ inet_ntoa(dst_.sin_addr), ret);
+ }
+ return ret;
+// Cancel all outstanding calls
+ ScopedLock ml(&m_);
+ printf("rpcc::cancel: force callers to fail\n");
+ std::map<int,caller*>::iterator iter;
+ for(iter = calls_.begin(); iter != calls_.end(); iter++){
+ caller *ca = iter->second;
+ jsl_log(JSL_DBG_2, "rpcc::cancel: force caller to fail\n");
+ {
+ ScopedLock cl(&ca->m);
+ ca->done = true;
+ ca->intret = rpc_const::cancel_failure;
+ VERIFY(pthread_cond_signal(&ca->c) == 0);
+ }
+ }
+ while (calls_.size () > 0){
+ destroy_wait_ = true;
+ VERIFY(pthread_cond_wait(&destroy_wait_c_,&m_) == 0);
+ }
+ printf("rpcc::cancel: done\n");
+rpcc::call1(unsigned int proc, marshall &req, unmarshall &rep,
+ TO to)
+ caller ca(0, &rep);
+ int xid_rep;
+ {
+ ScopedLock ml(&m_);
+ if((proc != rpc_const::bind && !bind_done_) ||
+ (proc == rpc_const::bind && bind_done_)){
+ jsl_log(JSL_DBG_1, "rpcc::call1 rpcc has not been bound to dst or binding twice\n");
+ return rpc_const::bind_failure;
+ }
+ if(destroy_wait_){
+ return rpc_const::cancel_failure;
+ }
+ ca.xid = xid_++;
+ calls_[ca.xid] = &ca;
+ req_header h(ca.xid, proc, clt_nonce_, srv_nonce_,
+ xid_rep_window_.front());
+ req.pack_req_header(h);
+ xid_rep = xid_rep_window_.front();
+ }
+ TO curr_to;
+ struct timespec now, nextdeadline, finaldeadline;
+ clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now);
+ add_timespec(now, to.to, &finaldeadline);
+ curr_to.to = to_min.to;
+ bool transmit = true;
+ connection *ch = NULL;
+ while (1){
+ if(transmit){
+ get_refconn(&ch);
+ if(ch){
+ if(reachable_) {
+ request forgot;
+ {
+ ScopedLock ml(&m_);
+ if (dup_req_.isvalid() && xid_rep_done_ > dup_req_.xid) {
+ forgot = dup_req_;
+ dup_req_.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ if (forgot.isvalid())
+ ch->send((char *)forgot.buf.c_str(), forgot.buf.size());
+ ch->send(req.cstr(), req.size());
+ }
+ else jsl_log(JSL_DBG_1, "not reachable\n");
+ jsl_log(JSL_DBG_2,
+ "rpcc::call1 %u just sent req proc %x xid %u clt_nonce %d\n",
+ clt_nonce_, proc, ca.xid, clt_nonce_);
+ }
+ transmit = false; // only send once on a given channel
+ }
+ if(!finaldeadline.tv_sec)
+ break;
+ clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now);
+ add_timespec(now, curr_to.to, &nextdeadline);
+ if(cmp_timespec(nextdeadline,finaldeadline) > 0){
+ nextdeadline = finaldeadline;
+ finaldeadline.tv_sec = 0;
+ }
+ {
+ ScopedLock cal(&ca.m);
+ while (!ca.done){
+ jsl_log(JSL_DBG_2, "rpcc:call1: wait\n");
+ if(pthread_cond_timedwait(&ca.c, &ca.m,
+ &nextdeadline) == ETIMEDOUT){
+ jsl_log(JSL_DBG_2, "rpcc::call1: timeout\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(ca.done){
+ jsl_log(JSL_DBG_2, "rpcc::call1: reply received\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(retrans_ && (!ch || ch->isdead())){
+ // since connection is dead, retransmit
+ // on the new connection
+ transmit = true;
+ }
+ curr_to.to <<= 1;
+ }
+ {
+ // no locking of ca.m since only this thread changes ca.xid
+ ScopedLock ml(&m_);
+ calls_.erase(ca.xid);
+ // may need to update the xid again here, in case the
+ // packet times out before it's even sent by the channel.
+ // I don't think there's any harm in maybe doing it twice
+ update_xid_rep(ca.xid);
+ if(destroy_wait_){
+ VERIFY(pthread_cond_signal(&destroy_wait_c_) == 0);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ca.done && lossytest_)
+ {
+ ScopedLock ml(&m_);
+ if (!dup_req_.isvalid()) {
+ dup_req_.buf.assign(req.cstr(), req.size());
+ dup_req_.xid = ca.xid;
+ }
+ if (xid_rep > xid_rep_done_)
+ xid_rep_done_ = xid_rep;
+ }
+ ScopedLock cal(&ca.m);
+ jsl_log(JSL_DBG_2,
+ "rpcc::call1 %u call done for req proc %x xid %u %s:%d done? %d ret %d \n",
+ clt_nonce_, proc, ca.xid, inet_ntoa(dst_.sin_addr),
+ ntohs(dst_.sin_port), ca.done, ca.intret);
+ if(ch)
+ ch->decref();
+ // destruction of req automatically frees its buffer
+ return (ca.done? ca.intret : rpc_const::timeout_failure);
+rpcc::get_refconn(connection **ch)
+ ScopedLock ml(&chan_m_);
+ if(!chan_ || chan_->isdead()){
+ if(chan_)
+ chan_->decref();
+ chan_ = connect_to_dst(dst_, this, lossytest_);
+ }
+ if(ch && chan_){
+ if(*ch){
+ (*ch)->decref();
+ }
+ *ch = chan_;
+ (*ch)->incref();
+ }
+// PollMgr's thread is being used to
+// make this upcall from connection object to rpcc.
+// this funtion must not block.
+// this function keeps no reference for connection *c
+rpcc::got_pdu(connection *c, char *b, int sz)
+ unmarshall rep(b, sz);
+ reply_header h;
+ rep.unpack_reply_header(&h);
+ if(!rep.ok()){
+ jsl_log(JSL_DBG_1, "rpcc:got_pdu unmarshall header failed!!!\n");
+ return true;
+ }
+ ScopedLock ml(&m_);
+ update_xid_rep(h.xid);
+ if(calls_.find(h.xid) == calls_.end()){
+ jsl_log(JSL_DBG_2, "rpcc::got_pdu xid %d no pending request\n", h.xid);
+ return true;
+ }
+ caller *ca = calls_[h.xid];
+ ScopedLock cl(&ca->m);
+ if(!ca->done){
+ ca->un->take_in(rep);
+ ca->intret = h.ret;
+ if(ca->intret < 0){
+ jsl_log(JSL_DBG_2, "rpcc::got_pdu: RPC reply error for xid %d intret %d\n",
+ h.xid, ca->intret);
+ }
+ ca->done = 1;
+ }
+ VERIFY(pthread_cond_broadcast(&ca->c) == 0);
+ return true;
+// assumes thread holds mutex m
+rpcc::update_xid_rep(unsigned int xid)
+ std::list<unsigned int>::iterator it;
+ if(xid <= xid_rep_window_.front()){
+ return;
+ }
+ for (it = xid_rep_window_.begin(); it != xid_rep_window_.end(); it++){
+ if(*it > xid){
+ xid_rep_window_.insert(it, xid);
+ goto compress;
+ }
+ }
+ xid_rep_window_.push_back(xid);
+ it = xid_rep_window_.begin();
+ for (it++; it != xid_rep_window_.end(); it++){
+ while (xid_rep_window_.front() + 1 == *it)
+ xid_rep_window_.pop_front();
+ }
+rpcs::rpcs(unsigned int p1, int count)
+ : port_(p1), counting_(count), curr_counts_(count), lossytest_(0), reachable_ (true)
+ VERIFY(pthread_mutex_init(&procs_m_, 0) == 0);
+ VERIFY(pthread_mutex_init(&count_m_, 0) == 0);
+ VERIFY(pthread_mutex_init(&reply_window_m_, 0) == 0);
+ VERIFY(pthread_mutex_init(&conss_m_, 0) == 0);
+ set_rand_seed();
+ nonce_ = random();
+ jsl_log(JSL_DBG_2, "rpcs::rpcs created with nonce %d\n", nonce_);
+ char *loss_env = getenv("RPC_LOSSY");
+ if(loss_env != NULL){
+ lossytest_ = atoi(loss_env);
+ }
+ reg(rpc_const::bind, this, &rpcs::rpcbind);
+ dispatchpool_ = new ThrPool(6,false);
+ listener_ = new tcpsconn(this, port_, lossytest_);
+ // must delete listener before dispatchpool
+ delete listener_;
+ delete dispatchpool_;
+ free_reply_window();
+rpcs::got_pdu(connection *c, char *b, int sz)
+ if(!reachable_){
+ jsl_log(JSL_DBG_1, "rpcss::got_pdu: not reachable\n");
+ return true;
+ }
+ djob_t *j = new djob_t(c, b, sz);
+ c->incref();
+ bool succ = dispatchpool_->addObjJob(this, &rpcs::dispatch, j);
+ if(!succ || !reachable_){
+ c->decref();
+ delete j;
+ }
+ return succ;
+rpcs::reg1(unsigned int proc, handler *h)
+ ScopedLock pl(&procs_m_);
+ VERIFY(procs_.count(proc) == 0);
+ procs_[proc] = h;
+ VERIFY(procs_.count(proc) >= 1);
+rpcs::updatestat(unsigned int proc)
+ ScopedLock cl(&count_m_);
+ counts_[proc]++;
+ curr_counts_--;
+ if(curr_counts_ == 0){
+ std::map<int, int>::iterator i;
+ printf("RPC STATS: ");
+ for (i = counts_.begin(); i != counts_.end(); i++){
+ printf("%x:%d ", i->first, i->second);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ ScopedLock rwl(&reply_window_m_);
+ std::map<unsigned int,std::list<reply_t> >::iterator clt;
+ unsigned int totalrep = 0, maxrep = 0;
+ for (clt = reply_window_.begin(); clt != reply_window_.end(); clt++){
+ totalrep += clt->second.size();
+ if(clt->second.size() > maxrep)
+ maxrep = clt->second.size();
+ }
+ jsl_log(JSL_DBG_1, "REPLY WINDOW: clients %d total reply %d max per client %d\n",
+ (int) reply_window_.size()-1, totalrep, maxrep);
+ curr_counts_ = counting_;
+ }
+rpcs::dispatch(djob_t *j)
+ connection *c = j->conn;
+ unmarshall req(j->buf, j->sz);
+ delete j;
+ req_header h;
+ req.unpack_req_header(&h);
+ int proc = h.proc;
+ if(!req.ok()){
+ jsl_log(JSL_DBG_1, "rpcs:dispatch unmarshall header failed!!!\n");
+ c->decref();
+ return;
+ }
+ jsl_log(JSL_DBG_2,
+ "rpcs::dispatch: rpc %u (proc %x, last_rep %u) from clt %u for srv instance %u \n",
+ h.xid, proc, h.xid_rep, h.clt_nonce, h.srv_nonce);
+ marshall rep;
+ reply_header rh(h.xid,0);
+ // is client sending to an old instance of server?
+ if(h.srv_nonce != 0 && h.srv_nonce != nonce_){
+ jsl_log(JSL_DBG_2,
+ "rpcs::dispatch: rpc for an old server instance %u (current %u) proc %x\n",
+ h.srv_nonce, nonce_, h.proc);
+ rh.ret = rpc_const::oldsrv_failure;
+ rep.pack_reply_header(rh);
+ c->send(rep.cstr(),rep.size());
+ return;
+ }
+ handler *f;
+ // is RPC proc a registered procedure?
+ {
+ ScopedLock pl(&procs_m_);
+ if(procs_.count(proc) < 1){
+ fprintf(stderr, "rpcs::dispatch: unknown proc %x.\n",
+ proc);
+ c->decref();
+ VERIFY(0);
+ return;
+ }
+ f = procs_[proc];
+ }
+ rpcs::rpcstate_t stat;
+ char *b1;
+ int sz1;
+ if(h.clt_nonce){
+ // have i seen this client before?
+ {
+ ScopedLock rwl(&reply_window_m_);
+ // if we don't know about this clt_nonce, create a cleanup object
+ if(reply_window_.find(h.clt_nonce) == reply_window_.end()){
+ VERIFY (reply_window_[h.clt_nonce].size() == 0); // create
+ reply_window_[h.clt_nonce].push_back(reply_t(-1)); // store starting reply xid
+ jsl_log(JSL_DBG_2,
+ "rpcs::dispatch: new client %u xid %d chan %d, total clients %d\n",
+ h.clt_nonce, h.xid, c->channo(), (int)reply_window_.size()-1);
+ }
+ }
+ // save the latest good connection to the client
+ {
+ ScopedLock rwl(&conss_m_);
+ if(conns_.find(h.clt_nonce) == conns_.end()){
+ c->incref();
+ conns_[h.clt_nonce] = c;
+ } else if(conns_[h.clt_nonce]->compare(c) < 0){
+ conns_[h.clt_nonce]->decref();
+ c->incref();
+ conns_[h.clt_nonce] = c;
+ }
+ }
+ stat = checkduplicate_and_update(h.clt_nonce, h.xid,
+ h.xid_rep, &b1, &sz1);
+ } else {
+ // this client does not require at most once logic
+ stat = NEW;
+ }
+ switch (stat){
+ case NEW: // new request
+ if(counting_){
+ updatestat(proc);
+ }
+ rh.ret = f->fn(req, rep);
+ if (rh.ret == rpc_const::unmarshal_args_failure) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "rpcs::dispatch: failed to"
+ " unmarshall the arguments. You are"
+ " probably calling RPC 0x%x with wrong"
+ " types of arguments.\n", proc);
+ VERIFY(0);
+ }
+ VERIFY(rh.ret >= 0);
+ rep.pack_reply_header(rh);
+ rep.take_buf(&b1,&sz1);
+ jsl_log(JSL_DBG_2,
+ "rpcs::dispatch: sending and saving reply of size %d for rpc %u, proc %x ret %d, clt %u\n",
+ sz1, h.xid, proc, rh.ret, h.clt_nonce);
+ if(h.clt_nonce > 0){
+ // only record replies for clients that require at-most-once logic
+ add_reply(h.clt_nonce, h.xid, b1, sz1);
+ }
+ // get the latest connection to the client
+ {
+ ScopedLock rwl(&conss_m_);
+ if(c->isdead() && c != conns_[h.clt_nonce]){
+ c->decref();
+ c = conns_[h.clt_nonce];
+ c->incref();
+ }
+ }
+ c->send(b1, sz1);
+ if(h.clt_nonce == 0){
+ // reply is not added to at-most-once window, free it
+ free(b1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case INPROGRESS: // server is working on this request
+ break;
+ case DONE: // duplicate and we still have the response
+ c->send(b1, sz1);
+ break;
+ case FORGOTTEN: // very old request and we don't have the response anymore
+ jsl_log(JSL_DBG_2, "rpcs::dispatch: very old request %u from %u\n",
+ h.xid, h.clt_nonce);
+ rh.ret = rpc_const::atmostonce_failure;
+ rep.pack_reply_header(rh);
+ c->send(rep.cstr(),rep.size());
+ break;
+ }
+ c->decref();
+// rpcs::dispatch calls this when an RPC request arrives.
+// checks to see if an RPC with xid from clt_nonce has already been received.
+// if not, remembers the request in reply_window_.
+// deletes remembered requests with XIDs <= xid_rep; the client
+// says it has received a reply for every RPC up through xid_rep.
+// frees the reply_t::buf of each such request.
+// returns one of:
+// NEW: never seen this xid before.
+// INPROGRESS: seen this xid, and still processing it.
+// DONE: seen this xid, previous reply returned in *b and *sz.
+// FORGOTTEN: might have seen this xid, but deleted previous reply.
+rpcs::checkduplicate_and_update(unsigned int clt_nonce, unsigned int xid,
+ unsigned int xid_rep, char **b, int *sz)
+ ScopedLock rwl(&reply_window_m_);
+ std::list<reply_t> &l = reply_window_[clt_nonce];
+ VERIFY(l.size() > 0);
+ VERIFY(xid >= xid_rep);
+ unsigned int past_xid_rep = l.begin()->xid;
+ std::list<reply_t>::iterator start = l.begin(), it;
+ it = ++start;
+ if (past_xid_rep < xid_rep || past_xid_rep == (unsigned int)-1) {
+ // scan for deletion candidates
+ for (; it != l.end() && it->xid < xid_rep; it++) {
+ if (it->cb_present)
+ free(it->buf);
+ }
+ l.erase(start, it);
+ l.begin()->xid = xid_rep;
+ }
+ if (xid < past_xid_rep && past_xid_rep != (unsigned int)-1)
+ return FORGOTTEN;
+ // skip non-deletion candidates
+ while (it != l.end() && it->xid < xid)
+ it++;
+ // if it's in the list it must be right here
+ if (it != l.end() && it->xid == xid) {
+ if (it->cb_present) {
+ // return information about the remembered reply
+ *b = it->buf;
+ *sz = it->sz;
+ return DONE;
+ } else {
+ return INPROGRESS;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // remember that a new request has arrived
+ l.insert(it, reply_t(xid));
+ return NEW;
+ }
+// rpcs::dispatch calls add_reply when it is sending a reply to an RPC,
+// and passes the return value in b and sz.
+// add_reply() should remember b and sz.
+// free_reply_window() and checkduplicate_and_update is responsible for
+// calling free(b).
+rpcs::add_reply(unsigned int clt_nonce, unsigned int xid,
+ char *b, int sz)
+ ScopedLock rwl(&reply_window_m_);
+ // remember the RPC reply value
+ std::list<reply_t> &l = reply_window_[clt_nonce];
+ std::list<reply_t>::iterator it = l.begin();
+ // skip to our place in the list
+ for (it++; it != l.end() && it->xid < xid; it++);
+ // there should already be an entry, so whine if there isn't
+ if (it == l.end() || it->xid != xid) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Could not find reply struct in add_reply");
+ l.insert(it, reply_t(xid, b, sz));
+ } else {
+ *it = reply_t(xid, b, sz);
+ }
+ std::map<unsigned int,std::list<reply_t> >::iterator clt;
+ std::list<reply_t>::iterator it;
+ ScopedLock rwl(&reply_window_m_);
+ for (clt = reply_window_.begin(); clt != reply_window_.end(); clt++){
+ for (it = clt->second.begin(); it != clt->second.end(); it++){
+ if (it->cb_present)
+ free(it->buf);
+ }
+ clt->second.clear();
+ }
+ reply_window_.clear();
+// rpc handler
+rpcs::rpcbind(int a, int &r)
+ jsl_log(JSL_DBG_2, "rpcs::rpcbind called return nonce %u\n", nonce_);
+ r = nonce_;
+ return 0;
+marshall::rawbyte(unsigned char x)
+ if(_ind >= _capa){
+ _capa *= 2;
+ VERIFY (_buf != NULL);
+ _buf = (char *)realloc(_buf, _capa);
+ VERIFY(_buf);
+ }
+ _buf[_ind++] = x;
+marshall::rawbytes(const char *p, int n)
+ if((_ind+n) > _capa){
+ _capa = _capa > n? 2*_capa:(_capa+n);
+ VERIFY (_buf != NULL);
+ _buf = (char *)realloc(_buf, _capa);
+ VERIFY(_buf);
+ }
+ memcpy(_buf+_ind, p, n);
+ _ind += n;
+marshall &
+operator<<(marshall &m, bool x)
+ m.rawbyte(x);
+ return m;
+marshall &
+operator<<(marshall &m, unsigned char x)
+ m.rawbyte(x);
+ return m;
+marshall &
+operator<<(marshall &m, char x)
+ m << (unsigned char) x;
+ return m;
+marshall &
+operator<<(marshall &m, unsigned short x)
+ m.rawbyte((x >> 8) & 0xff);
+ m.rawbyte(x & 0xff);
+ return m;
+marshall &
+operator<<(marshall &m, short x)
+ m << (unsigned short) x;
+ return m;
+marshall &
+operator<<(marshall &m, unsigned int x)
+ // network order is big-endian
+ m.rawbyte((x >> 24) & 0xff);
+ m.rawbyte((x >> 16) & 0xff);
+ m.rawbyte((x >> 8) & 0xff);
+ m.rawbyte(x & 0xff);
+ return m;
+marshall &
+operator<<(marshall &m, int x)
+ m << (unsigned int) x;
+ return m;
+marshall &
+operator<<(marshall &m, const std::string &s)
+ m << (unsigned int) s.size();
+ m.rawbytes(s.data(), s.size());
+ return m;
+marshall &
+operator<<(marshall &m, unsigned long long x)
+ m << (unsigned int) (x >> 32);
+ m << (unsigned int) x;
+ return m;
+marshall::pack(int x)
+ rawbyte((x >> 24) & 0xff);
+ rawbyte((x >> 16) & 0xff);
+ rawbyte((x >> 8) & 0xff);
+ rawbyte(x & 0xff);
+unmarshall::unpack(int *x)
+ (*x) = (rawbyte() & 0xff) << 24;
+ (*x) |= (rawbyte() & 0xff) << 16;
+ (*x) |= (rawbyte() & 0xff) << 8;
+ (*x) |= rawbyte() & 0xff;
+// take the contents from another unmarshall object
+unmarshall::take_in(unmarshall &another)
+ if(_buf)
+ free(_buf);
+ another.take_buf(&_buf, &_sz);
+ _ind = RPC_HEADER_SZ;
+ _ok = _sz >= RPC_HEADER_SZ?true:false;
+ if(ok() && _ind == _sz){
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+unsigned int
+ char c = 0;
+ if(_ind >= _sz)
+ _ok = false;
+ else
+ c = _buf[_ind++];
+ return c;
+unmarshall &
+operator>>(unmarshall &u, bool &x)
+ x = (bool) u.rawbyte() ;
+ return u;
+unmarshall &
+operator>>(unmarshall &u, unsigned char &x)
+ x = (unsigned char) u.rawbyte() ;
+ return u;
+unmarshall &
+operator>>(unmarshall &u, char &x)
+ x = (char) u.rawbyte();
+ return u;
+unmarshall &
+operator>>(unmarshall &u, unsigned short &x)
+ x = (u.rawbyte() & 0xff) << 8;
+ x |= u.rawbyte() & 0xff;
+ return u;
+unmarshall &
+operator>>(unmarshall &u, short &x)
+ x = (u.rawbyte() & 0xff) << 8;
+ x |= u.rawbyte() & 0xff;
+ return u;
+unmarshall &
+operator>>(unmarshall &u, unsigned int &x)
+ x = (u.rawbyte() & 0xff) << 24;
+ x |= (u.rawbyte() & 0xff) << 16;
+ x |= (u.rawbyte() & 0xff) << 8;
+ x |= u.rawbyte() & 0xff;
+ return u;
+unmarshall &
+operator>>(unmarshall &u, int &x)
+ x = (u.rawbyte() & 0xff) << 24;
+ x |= (u.rawbyte() & 0xff) << 16;
+ x |= (u.rawbyte() & 0xff) << 8;
+ x |= u.rawbyte() & 0xff;
+ return u;
+unmarshall &
+operator>>(unmarshall &u, unsigned long long &x)
+ unsigned int h, l;
+ u >> h;
+ u >> l;
+ x = l | ((unsigned long long) h << 32);
+ return u;
+unmarshall &
+operator>>(unmarshall &u, std::string &s)
+ unsigned sz;
+ u >> sz;
+ if(u.ok())
+ u.rawbytes(s, sz);
+ return u;
+unmarshall::rawbytes(std::string &ss, unsigned int n)
+ if((_ind+n) > (unsigned)_sz){
+ _ok = false;
+ } else {
+ std::string tmps = std::string(_buf+_ind, n);
+ swap(ss, tmps);
+ VERIFY(ss.size() == n);
+ _ind += n;
+ }
+bool operator<(const sockaddr_in &a, const sockaddr_in &b){
+ return ((a.sin_addr.s_addr < b.sin_addr.s_addr) ||
+ ((a.sin_addr.s_addr == b.sin_addr.s_addr) &&
+ ((a.sin_port < b.sin_port))));
+/*---------------auxilary function--------------*/
+make_sockaddr(const char *hostandport, struct sockaddr_in *dst){
+ char host[200];
+ const char *localhost = "";
+ const char *port = index(hostandport, ':');
+ if(port == NULL){
+ memcpy(host, localhost, strlen(localhost)+1);
+ port = hostandport;
+ } else {
+ memcpy(host, hostandport, port-hostandport);
+ host[port-hostandport] = '\0';
+ port++;
+ }
+ make_sockaddr(host, port, dst);
+make_sockaddr(const char *host, const char *port, struct sockaddr_in *dst){
+ in_addr_t a;
+ bzero(dst, sizeof(*dst));
+ dst->sin_family = AF_INET;
+ a = inet_addr(host);
+ if(a != INADDR_NONE){
+ dst->sin_addr.s_addr = a;
+ } else {
+ struct hostent *hp = gethostbyname(host);
+ if(hp == 0 || hp->h_length != 4){
+ fprintf(stderr, "cannot find host name %s\n", host);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ dst->sin_addr.s_addr = ((struct in_addr *)(hp->h_addr))->s_addr;
+ }
+ dst->sin_port = htons(atoi(port));
+cmp_timespec(const struct timespec &a, const struct timespec &b)
+ if(a.tv_sec > b.tv_sec)
+ return 1;
+ else if(a.tv_sec < b.tv_sec)
+ return -1;
+ else {
+ if(a.tv_nsec > b.tv_nsec)
+ return 1;
+ else if(a.tv_nsec < b.tv_nsec)
+ return -1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+add_timespec(const struct timespec &a, int b, struct timespec *result)
+ // convert to millisec, add timeout, convert back
+ result->tv_sec = a.tv_sec + b/1000;
+ result->tv_nsec = a.tv_nsec + (b % 1000) * 1000000;
+ VERIFY(result->tv_nsec >= 0);
+ while (result->tv_nsec > 1000000000){
+ result->tv_sec++;
+ result->tv_nsec-=1000000000;
+ }
+diff_timespec(const struct timespec &end, const struct timespec &start)
+ int diff = (end.tv_sec > start.tv_sec)?(end.tv_sec-start.tv_sec)*1000:0;
+ VERIFY(diff || end.tv_sec == start.tv_sec);
+ if(end.tv_nsec > start.tv_nsec){
+ diff += (end.tv_nsec-start.tv_nsec)/1000000;
+ } else {
+ diff -= (start.tv_nsec-end.tv_nsec)/1000000;
+ }
+ return diff;