svn path=/trunk/packages/invirt-vnc-server/; revision=2028
+invirt-vnc-server (0.0.8) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Depend on openssl - it's needed for the postinst.
+ -- Evan Broder <> Fri, 30 Jan 2009 05:58:12 -0500
invirt-vnc-server (0.0.7) unstable; urgency=low
* Generate certificates that last for 2 years
invirt-vnc-server (0.0.7) unstable; urgency=low
* Generate certificates that last for 2 years
Package: invirt-vnc-server
Architecture: all
Depends: ${python:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, daemon,
Package: invirt-vnc-server
Architecture: all
Depends: ${python:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, daemon,
- python-twisted-core, python-xen-3.2
+ python-twisted-core, python-xen-3.2, openssl
Provides: ${python:Provides}
XB-Python-Version: ${python:Versions}
Description: Install and enable the VNC server
Provides: ${python:Provides}
XB-Python-Version: ${python:Versions}
Description: Install and enable the VNC server