1 set hosts to {"citadel-station.mit.edu", "aperture-science.mit.edu", "shadow-moses.mit.edu", "arklay-mansion.mit.edu", "discovery-one.mit.edu", "global-dynamics.mit.edu", "babylon-four.mit.edu", "xvm.mit.edu", "xvm-remote.mit.edu", "xvm-console.mit.edu", "black-mesa.mit.edu", "torchwood-institute.mit.edu", "arkham-asylum.mit.edu", "isla-nublar.mit.edu", "xvm-dev.mit.edu", "xvm-remote-dev.mit.edu", "xvm-console-dev.mit.edu", "twilight-zone.mit.edu"}
3 tell application "Terminal"
5 tell application "System Events" to tell process "Terminal" to keystroke "n" using command down
8 repeat with host in hosts
9 if onFirst is true then
11 do script with command "kdo ${ATHENA_USER:-$USER}/root </dev/null >/dev/null" in selected tab of the first window
13 tell application "System Events" to tell process "Terminal" to keystroke "t" using command down
15 do script with command "kdo ${ATHENA_USER:-$USER}/root ssh -o GSSAPIDelegateCredentials=no root@" & host in selected tab of the front window
16 do script with command "aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade --without-recommends" in selected tab of the front window